Things you want in Episode 2

kupoartist said:
There's one in the Trailer for the second episode, so your wish won't be granted :p

That's some kind of a mini-strider? Just as long as it isn't that annoying. :p
Ileman said:
That's some kind of a mini-strider? Just as long as it isn't that annoying. :p
No, there is clearly a normal strider walking with the mini-striders at one point.
Actually, i thought that the citadel part (both HL2 and Ep1) was pretty boring. I really hope that Valve makes a good looking forest for Ep2, since the trees right now look terrible.
Ileman said:

This text is really about what I liked in Episode one and what should be in the episode two.

I prefer close-quarters and mid-range combat with the combine. But not like
it was in nova prospekt when the place was over-flowed with combine soldiers. Something between tactical and pure firepower would be nice. The pulse rifle, SMG and shotgun are the weapons of my choice in the game. Good combine battles and pulse rifle and the game has my attention.

I really liked the first two chapters of Episode one because the atmosphere was perfect and the environment was so unique. I wish all the episodes were like "Undue Alarm" and "Direct Intervention". All the way from the beginning to shutting down the core were one of the most well-made events in the game. The gravity gun puzzles were excellent. I'd like to see more gravity gun puzzles in the future.

The third chapter was fun it it's own way but the flashlight goes out too quickly, there should be more energy to use for running and flashlight.
"Zombines" were a fun addition to the game. I liked the blocking the antlion burrows.

"Urban Flight" was a alright but the last chapter with ciziten herding wasn't my cup of tea. The citizens can't really help themselves and they can't follow my lead. The last chapter was all about protecting the citizens across the yard and I think the last chapter was the part I liked the least. And then there was the strider. If it is up to me: no striders. I don't really like battling against them.

Episode one was more my style than Half-Life 2 itself. No too long drives with vehicles like the Hydro or scout car. Yes I don't really like driving the vehicles at least not for too long. I am more like HL1 style player. HL1 style play mixed with gravity gun puzzles and environment/character interaction makes the HL game I like to play.

Good sides: combine battles, g-gun puzzles, environment/character interaction, pulse rifle, shotgun, SMG, revolver...

Bad sides: striders, some minor problems like in the above text

Best chapters: Undue Alarm, Direct Intervention

The chapter I liked the least: Exit City 17

I'm sure there's a lot more to say but I can't think of anything else right now.

I agree that Direct Intervention was one of the best chapters in the game, or at least the most unique. It was great fun.

I love Striders! :E
Ileman said:
If it is up to me: no striders.

No Striders?? I want more Striders. I absolutely love them. But the Strider battle in Episode One sucked.
A human made assault rifle, the HK-G41 would be great; Molotovs, The Combine sniper rifle, snarks (heehehhe I miss them), the Tau Cannon; new skins for the rebels, like more backpacks, more ammo pouches, to make them look like that they are carrying all they can away from City 17; more Xen wildlife and more details about the combine.

PS: Also a new model for the MP7, both sides modeled, with proper relaoding animation, clearly showing Gordon inserting a real clip;

As well as a new reloading animation for the "Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Gun", we can see that the amunition is composed of 3 "pelets", each one containing 30 rounds, inserted by a "robotic arm" into the barrel after the current one is depleted, but after those large "clips" on the side of the gun are empty they're not ejected or replaced....they should be, it's not anything like gameplay wise but it would be a great eye candy.

And a new secondary function for the Shotgun, we all know that the shotgun is modeled after the SPAS12, and that the SPAS12 has both semi-auto and manual firing modes. Currently the secondary fire delivers a blast as if 2 rounds were inserted into the chamber, in real life it's physically impossble, since it would blow up the gun; my sugestion is: make that double simultaneous blast be 2 blasts in a row, no change in acuracy or damage. Just for eye candy porpouses.
Victor2 said:
A human made assault rifle, the HK-G41 would be great; Molotovs, The Combine sniper rifle, snarks (heehehhe I miss them), the Tau Cannon; new skins for the rebels, like more backpacks, more ammo pouches, to make them look like that they are carrying all they can away from City 17; more Xen wildlife and more details about the combine.

Yep want all that too:D. Oh yeah and make the crowbar beefier :cheese:
Redneck said:
Yep want all that too:D. Oh yeah and make the crowbar beefier :cheese:

With a rusty aspect, since a ordinary crowbar would surely rust after all that blood that has covered her in the course of several battles.

EDIT: another idea just popped up

make the MP7 grenade round smaller, so it looks like that it fits in the underbarrel of the MP7
kupoartist said:
No, there is clearly a normal strider walking with the mini-striders at one point.

What if they're the eyes of the strider? Like they have a little wussy laser that annoys you, but the real danger is the camera on its face beaming your position to the 3 striders enroute to you.
xirow said:
No Striders?? I want more Striders. I absolutely love them. But the Strider battle in Episode One sucked.

The Strider battle in Episode 1 is my favourite so far.
Samon said:
The Strider battle in Episode 1 is my favourite so far.

I don’t get it. Why? The train yard was one of the worst pieces of level-design I ever saw in a Half-Life game. And the Strider just stood there.

It was nothing compared to the Strider battles in Half-Life 2.
I liked that level, you had to time your movments appropriatly or else you would die. You also had to shoot your rockets correctly or else you should get shot. It was challenging in a diffrent way than the Half Life 2 battles.
xirow said:
I don’t get it. Why? The train yard was one of the worst pieces of level-design I ever saw in a Half-Life game. And the Strider just stood there.

It was nothing compared to the Strider battles in Half-Life 2.

Perhaps not comparable to the Nexus, but I still thought it was excellent. I thought the train yard was excellent and fighting the Strider in close quarters was fun fun. My only gripe is it should have been puzzle based.
a new character to have a connection with outside city 17 in the wilderness.
I would like more interactions with the NPCs. Fleshing out of the story. Maybe some new SENSIBLE weapons, and monsters. And, while this is highly unlikely, I would like to see a glimpse of Xen, and what it has become.
- GMan sends Adrian Shephard after Gordon. Shephard is killed, Gordon takes of his mask so we can see his face. And can take his combine sniper rifle.
- Dog actually fights alongside with Gordon.
- The All-Knowing Vortigaunt makes an appearence
- Odessa Cubbage talking about how he gunned down the first gunship without knowing that Gordon is nearby
- Kleiner or Barney mentions Rosenberg
- Two striders fighting each other for some reason.
- Resistance using combine technology against combine.
- Bugbaits!
- Exploring what's left of Black Mesa East
- Father Grigori living in the forest
- Gordon slides off the broken bridge but hangs on to the edge with the crowbar (in a scripted sequence) ...or give the crowbar some neat secondary attack mode.
- And I wanna see Barney cry. I think this could be very emotional. Dunno why him though and not some other characters.
Victor2 said:
And a new secondary function for the Shotgun, we all know that the shotgun is modeled after the SPAS12, and that the SPAS12 has both semi-auto and manual firing modes.
What we need to happen is have some citizen, after fighting with you and the shotgun for a bit, come up and say "hey Gordon, you realise that if you flip that switch (point towards you, then have one of those use (whatever) button to switch fire mode kinda thing come up), you can set the gun to semi-auto..."
Canadian Gunner said:
What we need to happen is have some citizen, after fighting with you and the shotgun for a bit, come up and say "hey Gordon, you realise that if you flip that switch (point towards you, then have one of those use (whatever) button to switch fire mode kinda thing come up), you can set the gun to semi-auto..."

That would be neat, recieving such kind of interactions with NPCs is always wellcome.

PS: agree with the return of Father Grigori, but instead of having his shotgun around he could use a hunting rifle, maybe a combine rifle.
Dr_Crowbar said:
- GMan sends Adrian Shephard after Gordon. Shephard is killed, Gordon takes of his mask so we can see his face. And can take his combine sniper rifle.
- Dog actually fights alongside with Gordon.
- Odessa Cubbage talking about how he gunned down the first gunship without knowing that Gordon is nearby
- Kleiner or Barney mentions Rosenberg
- Two striders fighting each other for some reason.

Those would be awesome. I'd love to see Dog jumping on a Strider, ripping something out of it's head. Then the Strider would go haywire and start killing Combine and other Striders.

And seeing Odessa saying something like "I can take these Ministriders. Just like how I took down those gunships on the coast!"
I want to go around doing drive by's like in call of duty (where you not always driving), I want a combine sniper rifle, a chance to shoot g-man in the face, some new enemies, the trip mine things in HL2:DM, to interact with the characters and get more story, a chance to hear more of Klienars hillarious speeches, and to get a good look of the smoldering remains of city 17. Oh and I also want to see Shepard and how he fits into the rest of the story.
Just in answer to the original post - why would you want to play with old stuff again - admittedly, all those elements of HL1 were great, but don't you want something new and cool when you stump up your cash over and over again? Don't you want a different experience? That is what sequels should offer, in my opinion.
Previously, I wanted to see Shepard appear again in some future installment, but I think the developments in Ep 1 and the trailer for Ep 2 should show us that it would be a sad limitation of Valve's talents not to expand the HL universe by retreading old territory. Obviously we want some old plot points resolved, but things like Shepard's fate, or Cubbage, or playing against old enemies seem kinda trivial as the HL saga grows and continually becomes more epic...
More Xen wildlife.
Antlion king boss.
The g-man.
pomegranate said:
Just in answer to the original post - why would you want to play with old stuff again - admittedly, all those elements of HL1 were great, but don't you want something new and cool when you stump up your cash over and over again? Don't you want a different experience? That is what sequels should offer, in my opinion.
Previously, I wanted to see Shepard appear again in some future installment, but I think the developments in Ep 1 and the trailer for Ep 2 should show us that it would be a sad limitation of Valve's talents not to expand the HL universe by retreading old territory. Obviously we want some old plot points resolved, but things like Shepard's fate, or Cubbage, or playing against old enemies seem kinda trivial as the HL saga grows and continually becomes more epic...

I for one want both old and new things OK. I want some old weapons and enemies from HL1 come back. As for Shepard coming back well... I couldn't care less. Of course I want completely new stuff too but it would be nice if some old stuff that I loved from the first game would make a come back. Gargantua vs Strider FTW:p .
The uprising of all the Synth'd creatures under the Universal Union. Basically, "The Project" is something that scrambles all Synth'd unit's brain functions and makes them realise what it is the Combine has turned them in to. And everything is fighting its way towards the Advisors who are using psychic beams and the like to topple Striders and send swathes of humans tumbling left right and centre.

Maybe for Episode 3, eh? ;)
i want alyx to tell gordon, she loves him...definetly (no pron no pro...Hey wait! i didnt do anything wrong!...what dream?)
capteeni said:
i want alyx to tell gordon, she loves him...definetly (no pron no pro...Hey wait! i didnt do anything wrong!...what dream?)

If they do ever imply that she loves him I want it done subtley. Like in Dr Who, if anyone saw it yesterday.

The Doctor says, just before he potentially dies, "Tell Rose I... Oh she knows already." *cuts chord*
You waste a bunch of mini striders in the forest, finally see a road through the tree-line and run out into the clear. Only to find that, at the opposite end of the road, you have just been spotted by a newly skinned, source-engine version of:

Black Op said:
5. Freeman should get sent on his merry way to the Project's location by EP2's end.

Preferably onboard the Borealis? With Cubbage captaining it!
Planeforger said:
Preferably onboard the Borealis? With Cubbage captaining it!

Hopefully Cubbage will be taken out by a Combine sniper at that point.

EDIT: Cubbage sucks.
Hmm, after playing that Missing Information mod I really...really want to go to the Artic. The weather in the game seemed very well done, and the Freezer room made me think of some old abandoned ice base (How kickass would that be to explore).
Whenever I hear of Artic bases I think of "The Thing". I'm sure the scientists that actually work in Artic outposts feel very warm and fuzzy there:LOL: .
Redneck said:
Whenever I hear of Artic bases I think of "The Thing". I'm sure the scientists that actually work in Artic outposts feel very warm and fuzzy there:LOL: .

Interesting, considering how The Thing was set in Antarctica. :eek:
The g-man captured by the vorts and rebels
i want valve to stop cutting stuff thats really good like this
and all this

there were so many good bits like the ability to zoom in and shoot, and the whole you and barny. also another thing from the 2nd vid is how the smg is actually quite a good wepon and not somthing which just sprays lots of amo for nothing.

OMFG non of the stuff in here is in the final game, not even the guns, ****! i wish we could free download these old betas :( good stuff cut R.I.P
seems like some stuff which later was put into ravenhome, in these vids theres lots of stuff to interact with but i dident seem to see anystuff like this much in hl2, not to this length, its also as if the combine were harder and the shots sounded worse, as if they were going to really hurt you
VALVe had perfectely good reaons why they cut material. In the case of the Hydra, they couldn't figure out how to make fighting Hydras less annoying. For other scenes, they probably got reworked or only existed as proof of concept material that may not have made it into the final game.
theres not enuff interaction with other stuff and like i said, the guns are crap compared to hl1. i want guns that do stuff not just tickle

i.e m4 from counter strike