Things Your Media Momma Didn't Tell You

The World you're currently on. If its not John Kerry, its all politicians in general.

kerberos your replies to some of my posts are becoming almost abstract dont make any sense

I said:

"kerry was somehow worse than bush? what bizzarro land (from Superman where everything is opposite our world)"

and you reply

"The World you're currently on. If its not John Kerry, its all politicians in general."

you might as well have written it in chinese or ancient phoenician as it makes no sense relative to what you were responding to ..please take the time to answer on topic and relative to what I'm actually saying
kerberos your replies to some of my posts are becoming almost abstract

CptStern, thats because you're trying to, "bend the spoon". That's impossible. Instead, try to realize that it's not really there.

"The World you're currently on. If its not John Kerry, its all politicians in general."

Two replies in one. :thumbs: John Kerry = inept in some department. Politicians in general=creepy and inept.

CptStern, thats because you're trying to, "bend the spoon". That's impossible. Instead, try to realize that it's not really there.

/me bends spoon ...obviously you're no spoon handler

what? I bet if I jumbled up your words, threw them up in the air and read them in the order they landed they'd make more sense than the above post

Two replies in one. :thumbs: John Kerry = inept in some department. Politicians in general=creepy and inept.


solid!, solvent!

I'm not nodding it's the airconditioner
Pat Tillman killed for anti-war?

This is a dark country. They kill to silence dissenters.
Quote, "Were War Critic Soldiers Killed To Send Message?

Two soldiers who wrote op-ed that contradicted Patraeus report die in strange accident, while another is shot in the head in case that bears chilling resemblance to Pat Tillman story

September 14, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson

The mother of a soldier who died in an apparent vehicle accident shortly after writing a New York Times op-ed critical of the war in Iraq is demanding to know the truth about what happened to her son, while another author of the piece was also shot in the head in a case that bears a sinister resemblance to the murder of Pat Tillman.

Like Tillman, 28-year-old Sergeant Omar Mora enlisted shortly after 9/11 in the belief that he was fighting to protect his country from terrorists.

However, after the invasion of Iraq Mora became increasingly skeptical of the true agenda behind the war and in August he, along with six other active duty soldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division, wrote a stinging New York Times op-ed that slammed the occupation as "flawed," "absurd," and concluded that the sentiment of the Iraqi people renders the ultimate withdrawal of American troops inevitable.

The op-ed directly contradicts the foundation of the Patraeus report and characterizes the occupation as doomed to failure if the Bush administration's current policy is continued.

Just over three weeks after the op-ed was published, two of its authors, Mora and Sgt. Yance T. Gray, were killed in an apparent vehicle accident when their truck veered off an elevated highway in western Baghdad and fell about 30 feet, the military said.

Was this a simple accident or another Pat Tillman style cover-up? Was a message being sent to other soldiers who are considering speaking out against the war that dissent has deadly consequences?

Even if we are to dismiss the truck wreck as nothing more than an accident, another factor that has received next to no press attention should send red flags up for everyone.

A third author of the letter was also shot in the head in a separate incident during the time when the op-ed was being written. Though Staff Sgt. Jeremy Murphy survived and is expected to make a full recovery, the fact that three of the seven authors of the op-ed were either killed or received life-threatening injuries shortly before and after the publication of the piece is highly suspicious.

Sergeant Mora's mother certainly has questions - and is now demanding the Army provide a full account of the circumstances that led to her son's death.

After the op-ed was published Mora became depressed and wanted to return home. "He told me, 'Mama, I am tired, I am so tired. I want to come home,' " his mother, Olga Capetillo, recalled of a recent phone conversation," reports the Houston Chronicle .

As we reported in July , the revelation of astounding new details surrounding the death of Pat Tillman clearly indicated that top brass decided to execute the former pro football star in cold blood to prevent him from returning home and becoming an anti-war icon.

Medical examiners concluded that the Army Ranger was shot with an M-16 three times in the head from a mere 10 yards away. The close proximity of the bullet holes raised suspicions that foul play was involved but attempts to launch a proper investigation were stymied by higher-ups and a cover-up ensued.
1,000 Attempt Citizen's Arrest of Bush at UN; Blocked by Police, 10 to 12 Arrests

Wednesday, September 26 2007 @ 09:15 AM PDT

As George Bush made his appearance and speech today at the United Nations in NYC, 1,000 people issued a citizen's arrest warrant against him for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The day began with twelve separate feeder marches converging from across the city, consisting of perhaps several hundred protesters. The people carried 20 large coffins with them and marched from all five boroughs toward Dag Hammarskj?ld Plaza and the UN Building where Bush was speaking. The feeder marches were organized by Arrest Cheney First, the War Resister's League, Witness Against Torture, Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS-NYC) and others.
Giuliani got booed in Yankee game.

That's quite unusual. Rudy is painted as a 911 hero by media. He was New York mayor. How could a New York hero be booed by New Yorkers? Rudy is also said by media as leading in GOP's candidates in President campaign. Does it mean Bush's party is really unpopular, or media used to cheat public by false propaganda, or both? Or people won't believe the fairy tale of media anymore?

Quote, "Yankee Fans Hate Rudy
By: Jane Hamsher

The most frequent use of mixing politics and baseball at Yankee stadium is Steinbrenner’s promotion of right wing extremist Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani gets a front row, unimpeded view of Yankee games because these seats are given to him by Steinbrenner. Then Yankee stadium officials and the networks try to plaster Rudy Giuliani’s face all over the big screen and the television. This amounts to millions of dollars of free advertising, something quite beneficial when you are running for President.

But Steinbrenner overplayed his hand. Giuliani got roundly booed at Yankee Stadium and this will play out on the campaign trail.
Why Clinton II wouldn't offer much change from Bush II

Radley Balko | October 19, 2007

For seven years, the left has been up in arms about President Bush's aggressive foreign policy, his secrecy, his partisanship, and his expansive claims on executive power. It's odd, then, that they're prepared to nominate Hillary Clinton to carry the party into the 2008 elections.

Hillary Clinton voted for both the Patriot Act and its reauthorization. She voted for building a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border. She voted to loosen restrictions limiting the federal government's ability to wiretap cell phones. In the past, she has supported a robust role for the federal government in enforcing "decency" standards in television and music. She teamed up with former Sen. Rick Santorum on a bill calling for the federal government to restrict the sale of violent video games.

Rody was lucky only to get a boo. Rumsfeld had to flee from an arrest.
France, after all, is still a leading liberty.

Quote, "Rumsfeld flees France fearing arrest
Sat, 10/27/2007 - 08:45

Former US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld fled France today fearing arrest over charges of "ordering and authorizing" torture of detainees at both the American-run Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and the US military's detainment facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, unconfirmed reports coming from Paris suggest.

US embassy officials whisked Rumsfeld away yesterday from a breakfast meeting in Paris organized by the Foreign Policy magazine after human rights groups filed a criminal complaint against the man who spearheaded President George W. Bush's "war on terror" for six years.

Under international law, authorities in France are obliged to open an investigation when a complaint is made while the alleged torturer is on French soil.

According to activists in France, who greeted Rumsfeld shouting "murderer" and "war criminal" at the breakfast meeting venue, US embassy officials remained tight-lipped about the former defense secretary's whereabouts citing "security reasons".

Anti-torture protesters in France believe that the defense secretary fled over the open border to Germany, where a war crimes case against Rumsfeld was dismissed by a federal court. But activist point out that under the Schengen agreement that ended border checkpoints across a large part of the European Union, French law enforcement agents are allowed to cross the border into Germany in pursuit of a fleeing fugitive.
"Rumsfeld must be feeling how Saddam Hussein felt when US forces were hunting him down," activist Tanguy Richard said. "He may never end up being hanged like his old friend, but he must learn that in the civilized world, war crime doesn't pay."

International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) along with the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), and the French League for Human Rights (LDH) filed the complaint on Thursday after learning that Rumsfeld was scheduled to visit Paris.
All units, the Fox is in the henhouse. Repeat: The fox is in the henhouse.

Mr. Kathaksung, I will not cease my questioning untill I get an answer: Do you play the videogame by the name of "Half Life 2"?
I'm not nodding it's the airconditioner

Good god man! Turn that thing down before you blow Kathasung's bullshit out the window ... O.o

Mr. Kathaksung, I will not cease my questioning untill I get an answer: Do you play the videogame by the name of "Half Life 2"

Kathasung: "According to activists in France, who greeted Rumsfeld shouting "murderer" and "war criminal" at the breakfast meeting venue, US embassy officials remained ... oh what the hell, YES I PLAY!"
Spain Abolishes Holocaust-Denial Law

Quote, "Spain withdraws from Germany’s Holocaust-Persecution-Alliance
Madrid abolishes Thought-Crime-Law

Is this the beginning of the end of Israel's Holocaust-Terror?
El Mundo, Madrid, 08.11.2007, p. 3 (translated from Spanish)
Freedom of Expression cannot be denied even to the Nazis

The first sentence given in Spain for the crime of genocide apology will also be the last. Moreover, it will be revoked. The Constitutional Tribunal decided yesterday to decriminalise a presumption that was included in the reform of the Penal Code of 1996. Article 607.2 anticipates punishments of up to two years in jail for whoever, "by any means" diffuses "ideas or doctrines that deny or justify" the Holocaust.

With that legislation, a Barcelona court [Juzgado Penal N? 3, Judge Santiago Vidal] sentenced a librarian [Pedro Varela] in this city in 1998 who distributed and commercialised pro Nazi books and videos. Against the prosecution’s criteria, the Catalonian Court of Apeal [Audiencia Provincial, three judges] posed the question of unconstitutionality, when considering that the referenced article limits a fundamental right, the right to freedom of expression, since it punishes the diffusion of ideas "without demanding any other element, such as affronts, or inciting to attack groups."

We are, undoubtedly, before a correct decision of the Constitutional Court that reinforces our system of guarantees. Because, no matter how odious the ideas that justify genocide may appear to us, a free society cannot deny their right of freedom of expression, unless it includes inciting to violence. The opposite would be to reinstate the crime of opinion.
Is this the beginning of the end of Israel's Holocaust-Terror?

Vee do not like you mentioning dis, Mar. Kathaksung. Be warned:

השביתה בחינוך תימשך עוד חודש הממונה על השכר באוצר, אלי כהן, טוען שיו"ר ארגון המורים העל-יסודיים הפך את השביתה למטרה: ארז מסונוור מאור הזרקורים ולא משקיע באמת במשא-ומתן. ארז, מצדו לא מתרגש מהכוונה לבטל את בחינות הבגרות בחורף: זו רעה חולה מימי לבנת
לסיפור המלא. .
Quote, "9/11 Firefighters and Family Members Plot Anti-Giuliani Ad Campaign

Nov. 17, 2007 -

A group of 9/11 firefighters and victims' family members with eyes on derailing Republican Rudy Giuliani's presidential campaign is close to a decision on forming an entity that would run issue ads in key early nominating states."

911 attack was an inside job used to justify the passing through of Patriot Act and Mid-east war. Media played an important role in propaganda and cover up. So a "heroic Giuliani" trumpeted by media is as fake as the "911 attack". Those who live in New York and fought at the ground zero know much better than others that Giuliani isn't a hero.

Judy Giuliani did a good job to cover up the 911 truth. The Inside Group needs a loyal man to continue the cover up job and for more war in Mid-east. That's why he is picked up to be the front runner for next President.
My candidacy is all about BIG change in Sacremento, and the people a right to know what that means for them. All the other candidates take their money and pander to them. Other states require revenue from Indian gaming, but not us. The casinos make billions yet pay no taxes and virtually nothing to the state, it's time for them to pay their fair share. I will do the people's work, and I will take responsibility, and be accountable to YOU, because I speak directly to the people. And remember: Bi-partisanship, always.
I think Kathaksung combines all of the conspiracy theories ever into one giant conspiracy. Lemme guess, the gunpowder plot was the beginning of the new world order?
How much per cent of violence caused by US toops?

Quote, "In Basra, violence is a tenth of what it was before British pullback, general says

The Associated Press Published: November 15, 2007

BAGHDAD: Attacks against British and Iraqi forces have plunged by 90 percent in southern Iraq since London withdrew its troops from the main city of Basra, the commander of British forces there said Thursday.

The presence of British forces in downtown Basra, Iraq's second-largest city, was the single largest instigator of violence, Maj. Gen. Graham Binns told reporters Thursday on a visit to Baghdad's Green Zone.

"We thought, 'If 90 percent of the violence is directed at us, what would happen if we stepped back?'" Binns said.
That was entirely credible, until I read that the commander's name was BINNS for Christs sake.

Michael Mukasey - federal judge in New York; presided over 1993 WTC bombing case; active in 9-11 cases, including Larry Silverstein’s insurance claims; oversaw the detained material witnesses of 9-11, including five dancing Israeli Mossad agents apprehended by FBI; recently appointed by Bush to be the next Attorney General; radical Zionist of Russian Jewish parentage; “dual citizen” of US and Israel 11/14/07
Zubaydah, the man CIA used as a successful sample in water-boarding practice, (that he confessed in 35 seconds after the water-boarding) had another saying here.

Quote, "Zubaydah Denies al-Qaida Link

WASHINGTON (AP) - Abu Zubaydah, accused of being a senior al-Qaida operative, says he has been a U.S enemy since childhood but isn't a member of the terrorist group or an associate of Osama bin Laden.

Zubaydah also told a military hearing in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, that he had been tortured in U.S. custody and confessed to things he did not do, according to a Pentagon transcript released Monday.

Zubaydah said that from 1994 to about 2000 he was a facilitator at guest houses in Pakistan, where he helped Muslims get to Afghanistan's Khalden training camp for "defensive jihad'' - that is to fight against forces that invade Muslim lands anywhere. He then helped send the trained militants on to Bosnia, Chechnya and elsewhere, he said.

"The statement that I was an associate of Osama bin Laden is false,'' Zubaydah is quoted as saying by the transcript of his March 27 hearing. "I'm not his partner and I'm not a member of al-Qaida.''
Quote, "Santa Delivers 37,000+ Copies of Constitution to Bush

By Jen Nessel, Center for Constitutional Rights

Posted on December 20, 2007, Printed on December 22, 2007

December 20, 2007, Washington, DC - This morning, Santa Claus (in the person of noted constitutional lawyer Bill Goodman) drove his sleigh to the White House to deliver thousands of copies of the U.S. Constitution to President Bush.

Americans from all over the country - more than 37,000 of them - asked that a copy of the Constitution be delivered to the President in their name and cordially requested that he make time in his busy schedule to read it.
Quote, "Santa Delivers 37,000+ Copies of Constitution to Bush

By Jen Nessel, Center for Constitutional Rights

Posted on December 20, 2007, Printed on December 22, 2007

December 20, 2007, Washington, DC - This morning, Santa Claus (in the person of noted constitutional lawyer Bill Goodman) drove his sleigh to the White House to deliver thousands of copies of the U.S. Constitution to President Bush.

Americans from all over the country - more than 37,000 of them - asked that a copy of the Constitution be delivered to the President in their name and cordially requested that he make time in his busy schedule to read it.

link doesn't work.

Michael Mukasey - federal judge in New York; presided over 1993 WTC bombing case; active in 9-11 cases, including Larry Silverstein?s insurance claims; oversaw the detained material witnesses of 9-11, including five dancing Israeli Mossad agents apprehended by FBI; recently appointed by Bush to be the next Attorney General; radical Zionist of Russian Jewish parentage; ?dual citizen? of US and Israel 11/14/07

****ing Jews.

First they destroy Germany, now there coming after the US.
It seems Israel owns all President candidates but one - Ron Paul

Quote, "The Israeli-Owned American Candidates
Source: Haaretz

Ranking candidates -1 to 1o scores- from the worest to best to Israel

"The Israel Factor:
Ranking the presidential candidates" is a new project on Rosner's Domain that rates potential presidential contenders in the 2008 race for the White House based on their attitudes toward Israel.
It seems Israel owns all President candidates but one - Ron Paul

Quote, "The Israeli-Owned American Candidates
Source: Haaretz

Ranking candidates -1 to 1o scores- from the worest to best to Israel

"The Israel Factor:
Ranking the presidential candidates" is a new project on Rosner's Domain that rates potential presidential contenders in the 2008 race for the White House based on their attitudes toward Israel.

Now comes the point where I start to think you are ****ing with all of us.
They are everywhere. Hal Tuner - FBI's informant?

Quote, "Your taxpayer dollars at work
Saturday, January 12, 2008
-- by Dave

We've periodically reported on the antics of far-right maven Hal Turner, who most notably has made a career out of threatening people. This includes issuing threats against judges (and taking credit when one of his target's family members were murdered), calling for vigilante force to "rescue" Terri Schiavo and demanding we begin shooting Mexican border crossers on sight

Now it seems that, according to a devastating report from the SPLC, <> he's been doing it on the payroll of the FBI:

On Jan. 1, unidentified hackers electronically confronted Turner in the forum of his website for “The Hal Turner Show.” After a heated exchange, they told Turner that they had successfully hacked into his server and found correspondence with an FBI agent who is apparently Turner’s handler. Then they posted an alleged July 7 E-mail to the agent in which Turner hands over a message from someone who sent in a death threat against Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wisc.). “Once again,” Turner writes to his handler, “my fierce rhetoric has served to flush out a possible crazy.” In what is allegedly a portion of another E-mail, Turner discusses the money he is paid.

On Thursday, as the E-mail exchange was heatedly discussed on a major neo-Nazi website, Turner suddenly announced he was quitting political work. “I hereby separate from the ‘pro-White’ movement,” he said, adding that he was ending his radio show immediately. “I will no longer involve myself in any aspect of it.”

The FBI declined comment. “Longstanding FBI policy prohibits disclosing who may or may not provide information,” Agent Richard Kolko of the agency’s press unit said. Reached in New Jersey, Turner also declined all comment.

The apparent revelation set off a torrent of criticism from experts in criminology and the use of informants. “This is clearly over the line,” said James Nolan, an associate sociology professor at West Virginia University who is an expert in police procedure and a former unit chief in the FBI’s Crime Analysis, Research and Development Unit. “Informants may be involved in drugs, and you overlook that because of the greater good. However, these are viable threats - they could be carried out - that the FBI clearly knows about. I want to see the FBI stop it.”
They are everywhere. Hal Tuner - FBI's informant?

Quote, "Your taxpayer dollars at work
Saturday, January 12, 2008
-- by Dave

We've periodically reported on the antics of far-right maven Hal Turner, who most notably has made a career out of threatening people. This includes issuing threats against judges (and taking credit when one of his target's family members were murdered), calling for vigilante force to "rescue" Terri Schiavo and demanding we begin shooting Mexican border crossers on sight

Now it seems that, according to a devastating report from the SPLC, <> he's been doing it on the payroll of the FBI:

On Jan. 1, unidentified hackers electronically confronted Turner in the forum of his website for ?The Hal Turner Show.? After a heated exchange, they told Turner that they had successfully hacked into his server and found correspondence with an FBI agent who is apparently Turner?s handler. Then they posted an alleged July 7 E-mail to the agent in which Turner hands over a message from someone who sent in a death threat against Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wisc.). ?Once again,? Turner writes to his handler, ?my fierce rhetoric has served to flush out a possible crazy.? In what is allegedly a portion of another E-mail, Turner discusses the money he is paid.

On Thursday, as the E-mail exchange was heatedly discussed on a major neo-Nazi website, Turner suddenly announced he was quitting political work. ?I hereby separate from the ?pro-White? movement,? he said, adding that he was ending his radio show immediately. ?I will no longer involve myself in any aspect of it.?

The FBI declined comment. ?Longstanding FBI policy prohibits disclosing who may or may not provide information,? Agent Richard Kolko of the agency?s press unit said. Reached in New Jersey, Turner also declined all comment.

The apparent revelation set off a torrent of criticism from experts in criminology and the use of informants. ?This is clearly over the line,? said James Nolan, an associate sociology professor at West Virginia University who is an expert in police procedure and a former unit chief in the FBI?s Crime Analysis, Research and Development Unit. ?Informants may be involved in drugs, and you overlook that because of the greater good. However, these are viable threats - they could be carried out - that the FBI clearly knows about. I want to see the FBI stop it.?

Are you referring to the /b/ raids of Hal Turner's website?

If so, then....just.......!

as of 11:34pm on the 21st, Kathaksung had 256 posts.

COINCIDENCE? Keep away from RAM sticks of 512mb and lower, or suffer the consequences of FBI intrusion via tracking devices.

Incidentally, has Kathaksung ever responded to anyone?
Who is Jerome M. Hauer?
By Christopher Bollyn

Yesterday, a reader sent me a document that contained a link to a very interesting 9-minute video clip called "The 9/11 Solution."

Jerome M. Hauer, who has strong family connections to the State of Israel, built the bizarre crisis center for the Office of Emergency Management in Larry Silverstein's WTC 7, the 47-story tower which was demolished by explosives in the afternoon of 9-11

The OEM crisis center in WTC 7 is suspected as being the control center for the pre-planned demolition of the towers. The center, and all of the evidence of the crime, was destroyed when the 47-story tower was completely demolished at about 5:25 p.m. on 9-11. This blast-proof command and control bunker with its own air and water supply was fortified to withstand incredible forces. What role did it play in the demolition of the World Trade Center?

as of 11:34pm on the 21st, Kathaksung had 256 posts.

COINCIDENCE? Keep away from RAM sticks of 512mb and lower, or suffer the consequences of FBI intrusion via tracking devices.

Incidentally, has Kathaksung ever responded to anyone?

Actually, he has, and his biggest problem is - When he's confronted with the biggest problem of his rants -- that they're all (conspiracy) theories -- he has nothing to say other than circumstantial stuff. For example - You tell him that the U.S government has no technological means of causing an earthquake to kill his wife(yep, he's claimed this), he'll point out that this was on the same day that some official talked about something like it or related to other earthquakes which have happened already. You're not gonna get anywhere.
Someone talks about earthquakes when THEY KILL PEOPLE?

Obviously this conspiracy goes deeper than we previously imagined. Gentlemen, please go home to your families, and god speed.
No, what happened was this - His wife was off to one of the Latin American countries, an Earthquake happened somewhere down there, and it was obviously part of some inside group's plan to kill his wife when she left the country... For some reason they couldn't do it when she was in the states.
US cut the cable to prevent Iran's Bourse from oil trading. Iran war is at sight.

Quote, "US Crashes Internet In Middle East After Saudi Threat, Russia Responds With Air Forces

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
February 3, 2008

Reports circulating in the Kremlin today are painting a grim picture of just how desperate US War Leaders have become as their economy continues its freefall towards total bankruptcy by their crashing of Global Internet access for the Middle East’s banking centers in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Iran, UAR, Turkey and Kuwait.

These reports state that the Americans became ‘enraged’ this past week when the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) rejected US demands for an immediate increase in oil production.

Further angering the Americans this past week was Turkey’s rejection of US demands for them to sever banking ties with Iran's Bank Mellat, and which allows Iranian continued access to Global banking resources.

But, these reports state, the greatest fears of the United States were raised this past week when Saudi Arabia ‘warned’ the United States to ‘back off’ of its threats against Iran or face the Saudi’s decoupling the US Dollar from its enormous World oil trade transactions.

Though the American President pictured top left with Saudi King <http://www.iraq-war***/article/pictured%20top%20left%20with%20Saudi%20King> personally went to the Saudi Kingdom to lobby the US’s Middle East allies in agreeing for attacks against Iran for the Iranians decoupling of the US Dollar from its oil trade, Bush was quickly rebuffed.

It should be noted that those Nations who have dared to decoupled the US Dollar from their oil trade, Iraq, Iran, Russia and Venezuela, have come under withering attacks from the Americans, and their Western Allies; none worse than the Iraqis who are reported to have suffered over 1 million deaths since being invaded by the US in 2003.

But, as these reports state, the ‘worst nightmare’ of the Americans appeared to be coming true this past week when their Saudi Arabian allies were reported to have begun the decoupling of the US Dollar from their oil trade with the intention of replacing the rapidly declining American currency with the European Euro.

American War Leaders, though, have had previous warnings of the Saudis growing fears of being the holders of trillions of declining US Dollars with Saudi Arabia, for the first time, refusing to drop their interest rates in ‘lock-step’ with the US Federal Reserve, and leading to fears of a ‘stampede’ by other Middle Eastern Nations out of US Dollar backed assets.

Under such a threat, and with the Saudi King growing closer to Iran’s President Ahmadinejad both pictured top left 2nd photo <http://www.iraq-war***/article/both%20pictured%20top%20left%202nd%20photo>, Russian Military Analysts state in these reports that the United States invoked one of their so called ‘nuclear options’ by severing the three major undersea cables connecting the Middle East’s major banking centers to their Western, and Global, counterparts.

The significance to the severing of these cables is the Middle East Banking Centers being denied access to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), based in Brussels and which carries up to 12.7 million messages a day containing instructions on many of the International transfers of money between banks, lies in Saudi Arabia, or any other Middle East Nation, being unable to change their previously, before loss of communication, encoded currency instructions from being changed.

Moscow’s actions against the West, in the severing by the United States of these cables, was swift as President Putin ordered Russian Air Force Fighters and Bombers to take immediate action to protect the Russian Nations vital undersea cables in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans.

To some of the Russian Air Force assets used we can read as reported by the Reuters News Service article titled "Russia sends bombers, fighters to Atlantic, Arctic", and which says:

"Air force pilots will carry out practice in the areas involving reconnaissance, missile-bombing attacks on a navy attack force of a hypothetical enemy, air-to-air combat and refuelling and patrolling," an air force spokesman said. The bomber group included two Tupolev Tu-160 strategic bombers, codenamed "Blackjack" by NATO, two turbo-prop Tu-95 "Bear" strategic bombers, and eight Tu-22 "Blinder" bombers. MiG-31 and Su-27 fighters were also sent to the region."

To the final outcome of these events it is not in our knowing, other than one Russian Banking Official, wishing to remain anonymous, stating that, “Should the Saudi’s effectively decouple their oil from the US Dollar, the United States, for all practical purposes will cease to be a World power as it economy will collapse completely as the US Dollar has no value in and of itself due to the staggering debt of the Americans. Without oil they are nothing.]
Surge is working. A strategic step to calm the criticism on GOP during primary election. So those pro-war candidates can be selected.

Quote, "Bush’s Dirty Secret: Bribing Iraq Insurgents Not to Fight

By Paul Craig Roberts
February 18, 2008

It is impossible to keep up with all the Bush regime’s lies. There are simply too many. Among the recent crop, one of the biggest is that the "surge" is working.
Launched last year, the "surge" was the extra 20,000-30,000 US troops sent to Iraq. These few extra troops, Americans were told, would finally supply the necessary forces to pacify Iraq.

This claim never made any sense. The extra troops didn’t raise the total number of US soldiers to more than one-third the number every expert has said is necessary in order to successfully occupy Iraq. <>

The real purpose of the "surge" was to hide another deception. The Bush regime is paying Sunni insurgents $800,000 a day not to attack US forces. That’s right, 80,000 members of an "Awakening group," the "Sons of Iraq," a newly formed "US-allied security force" consisting of Sunni insurgents, are being paid $10 a day each not to attack US troops. Allegedly, the Sons of Iraq are now at work fighting al Qaeda.
This is a much cheaper way to fight a war. We can only wonder why Bush didn’t figure