Think freeman would have made it?


Dec 11, 2004
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DO you think freeman would have made it without the Hev suit? i mean, nobody in this world could have slaughtered all the vorti's in hl1, or killed nilithith and raped all the combine, i mean it's gotta be the suit, nobody has that much mojo in em, he doesn't even eat or pee!!! someone smart explain!!!! stat!
No... he possibly cant... his body wont have protection and the combines can kill him easily. Anyway, I believe that those HEV recharger and health recharger wont work if u dont have an HEV suit.
First headcrab at the beginning of HL....
Dead....Headcrabbed....Zombified Gordon in Anomalous Materials, Black Mesa.
Well, the HEV suit must be pretty good if Gordon can survive something like a shotgun blast to the chest... or a Zombie mauling.
Gordon wouldnt have made it past the resonance cascade without the HEV suit. He probably would have been vapourised or something in the test chamber.
yeah, Gordon would've been just another model for headcrab zombies.

Even Barney made a comment on that when they stormed the Nexus. He had Gordon attack the floor turrets and said "You do it Gordon! you're the one with the HEV suit!" (or something like that)
Why dont the headcrabs attach to gordons head? I mean he doesn't have a helmet or anything, nothings stopping them. The seem to attach to other peoples heads easily enought. Why do they only do damage?
There's a simple way to tell if he woould have made it or not: play the game and if you can make it through without taking over 100 damage, it's possible.

Remember, there are medkits and terminals, helpful scientists and healing pools everywhere.
Ren.182 said:
Why dont the headcrabs attach to gordons head? I mean he doesn't have a helmet or anything, nothings stopping them. The seem to attach to other peoples heads easily enought. Why do they only do damage?

Because nobody could play the game without dying every chapter.
Mechagodzilla said:
There's a simple way to tell if he woould have made it or not: play the game and if you can make it through without taking over 100 damage, it's possible.

Remember, there are medkits and terminals, helpful scientists and healing pools everywhere.

No no no... I believe Gordon would have been dead when the Resonance Cascade happened. I mean even the people outside of the test chanber died. how could Gordon have survived without the HEV suit? Easy, he wouldn't have. Also when you leave the test chamber a scientist says "Gordon! You're alive! Thank God for that hazard suit..."
gordon = God he cant die the hev suit matter if he had no hev suit then there woulod be a special room where he could be when the tests were being preformed and he would still be alive and insted of suit rechargers there would be morphene needles and power bars and bandages and splints
I Have To Agree With Ren.189 A Human Would NEVER Have Survived The Accident In The Test Chamber Without The HEV Suit. However, Gordon DID Teleport Out Of The Chamber Several Times While The Test Chamber Was Being Destroyed, Perhaps He WOULD HAVE Survived Without The HEV Suit. However Perhaps The Suit Absorbed The Beams From The Antimassspectrometer, Repelled The Deadly Beams From The Crystal And Only Absorbed The Energy That Would Teleport Him. That Would Explain Why He Was Constantly Teleporting (He Had Absorbed A Little Of The Teleport Energy From The Crystal And Used It Up The Last Time He Teleported, Which Happens To Be Back To The Test Chamber). In The End, It's Anyone's Guess.
Hm, Something Else Comes To Mind. If The HEV Suit Was Never Invented, Then They Never Would Have DARED To Go In The Alien Border Realm, Therefore They NEVER Could Have Gotten That Crystal From The Border Realm, Which Means No Experiment, Which Means No Half-Life...Ugh. I Hate Thinking That Deeply.
not to mention all of the radioactive waste he sometimes has to wade through. And even that doesn't completely save him.

nopers :)
Ren.182 said:
Why dont the headcrabs attach to gordons head? I mean he doesn't have a helmet or anything, nothings stopping them. The seem to attach to other peoples heads easily enought. Why do they only do damage?

I remember hearing that the HEV protected the occupant with some kind of field around the face...
Don't know if it was fan-fic or something valve said in an interview though :\
The Strange One said:
Hm, Something Else Comes To Mind. If The HEV Suit Was Never Invented, Then They Never Would Have DARED To Go In The Alien Border Realm, Therefore They NEVER Could Have Gotten That Crystal From The Border Realm, Which Means No Experiment, Which Means No Half-Life...Ugh. I Hate Thinking That Deeply.

maybe at the end of half life 3, you kill the dude that invents the HEV suit before he does it.
if gordon didnt have the hev, he wouldnt be able to use the longjump module and be sitting on a floating island on xen to this day.
so what the heck is the suit made out of? jesus material?

when a head crab lands on your head it should show freeman (in first person of course) struggling to get it off with his hands or somethin, that would be coolio,
terrorist420 said:
so what the heck is the suit made out of? jesus material?

when a head crab lands on your head it should show freeman (in first person of course) struggling to get it off with his hands or somethin, that would be coolio,

It's made out of cheap vacuum formed plastic and padded with bubble wrap. Hard as nails.
The Strange One said:
Hm, Something Else Comes To Mind. If The HEV Suit Was Never Invented, Then They Never Would Have DARED To Go In The Alien Border Realm, Therefore They NEVER Could Have Gotten That Crystal From The Border Realm, Which Means No Experiment, Which Means No Half-Life...Ugh. I Hate Thinking That Deeply.

I Find Your Use Of Capatalization Quite Interesting.
bliink said:
I remember hearing that the HEV protected the occupant with some kind of field around the face...
Don't know if it was fan-fic or something valve said in an interview though :\

It would be pretty useless if you had a hazard suit without a helmet, bliink. So you must be right.
terrorist420 said:
so what the heck is the suit made out of? jesus material?

when a head crab lands on your head it should show freeman (in first person of course) struggling to get it off with his hands or somethin, that would be coolio,
well, I think its made of anti-radiation materails thing... :cool:
Ren.182 said:
Why dont the headcrabs attach to gordons head? I mean he doesn't have a helmet or anything, nothings stopping them. The seem to attach to other peoples heads easily enought. Why do they only do damage?

He does have a helmet. It would just look only in Concept art.
I don't think it's ever been confirmed by Valve as to whether he has the helmet or not....
To simulate the effect of Gordon jumping in a vat of corrosive material, rub battery acid into your eyes and drink mouthfuls of bleach.

Note: Do not try this at home (or indeed, at all).
Whoops...I forgot to read the note.

On a similar note, I don't think Gordon does have a helmet. It doesn't look like it when you put your suit on in-game. On a similar note, how do you know that Gordon has a goatee and glasses? Did Valve tell you? Or was it some concept art. I have seen the very early concept art when Grdon was fat and had a big long beard....
Well, if Gordon never had the HEV suit, they wouldn't have gone ahead with the experiment and the Resonance Cascade would never have happened.

Without the HEV suit, Gordon wouldn't have survived the events of HL1... however, for a lot of the time, he was only ever forced to run errands and stuff because he had the damned thing in the first place. Without the suit, but with a Resonance Cascade event, the events of Half-Life 1 would have envolved finding a good hiding place and staying there. Even then, there are alternatives to the HEV which could have been taken from dead soldiers and security guards.

But it's most likely a case of yes - Gordon needs the HEV suit. It's an interesting thing anyway - seems to me like a Mecha that you wear as opposed to piloting it (one of the HL2 mini-stories in RtB suggests that if the suit were to malfunction, the joints would freeze solid and become inmovable, meaning it must be a heavy duty piece of equipment). As for the Freeman Helmet debate... well, it doesn't really make sense does it? You put the suit on, but the Helmet is nowhere to be seen; yet where do digital numbers and displays get displayed if there's no kind of visor to display them on? How isn't Gordon headcrabbed like everyone else? Seems to me that Gordon is just like a kid who refuses to wear a bicycle helmet - just trying to look less of a dork and live that bit closer to the edge. Good for photoshoots as well of course.
Joe said:
I don't think it's ever been confirmed by Valve as to whether he has the helmet or not....

werd to your motha,
if valve hasn't confirmed it, who will?.....jesus?
Danimal said:
It would be pretty useless if you had a hazard suit without a helmet, bliink. So you must be right.

actually, from digging through the hl1 source and pak's.. I've figured out the HEV had a helmet you could take on and off.. but they removed that feature early on.
valve and there crazy cuttin ablilities, they shoulda put so much stuff in, and who cares if it isn't that playable, it would have made my day!
but you gotta admit, Gordon has some skills. There were HEV-clad corpses all over Xen, and Gordon was the only one who came out alive.
terrorist420 said:
werd to your motha,
if valve hasn't confirmed it, who will?.....jesus?


Was there really a need to post a smart ass comment?

Go back, edit your post, and change it to "+1". Atleast then it will make sense.
Jenga said:
but you gotta admit, Gordon has some skills. There were HEV-clad corpses all over Xen, and Gordon was the only one who came out alive.

I don't recall a single HEV corpse in HL single player, you sure you're not thinking of an expansion?
Joe said:
I don't recall a single HEV corpse in HL single player, you sure you're not thinking of an expansion?
Then you obviously don't remember HL very well. There are over 30 dead HEV Suit scientists on Xen. I would pull up a picture but they are on my PC and I am on my laptop.
he doesnt have a helmet! look at op4 when u see freeman jumping into teh p0rtal he dosent have 1
he is a garret wannabe with a mechanical eye!
piggy said:
he doesnt have a helmet! look at op4 when u see freeman jumping into teh p0rtal he dosent have 1

That's because it was made by Gearbox.
Things in OP4 should be disregarded as proof of anything.
also in hl1 mind u the model without the helmet is called gordon an the model with is called helmet