Think freeman would have made it?

I've played Decay.. it was pretty damn fun, playing through with a friend :) And you could unlock the alien slave level.. where you played as an alien slave! :E

Gordon must have a helmet.. otherwise, how would he use the zoom? Be protected from radiation? Survive headshots? Keep headcrabs at bay? Keep his glasses on?!

But having a helmeted character would suck, so he's not shown wearing it... then again, Gina and Colette (characters in Decay) don't wear helmets...

I have come to the conclusion that HEV suits, are indeed, magic.

And I don't think Gordon could have survived without it
Sid Burn said:
No... he possibly cant... his body wont have protection and the combines can kill him easily. Anyway, I believe that those HEV recharger and health recharger wont work if u dont have an HEV suit.
Yes.HEV rechager will not worked if you dun have a HEV/PCV suit.
But the health recharger will still work without the suit!
Remember of Blue Shift?
Barney dun have a HEV suit but he still can use the health recharger. :afro:
Ren.182 said:
Why dont the headcrabs attach to gordons head? I mean he doesn't have a helmet or anything, nothings stopping them. The seem to attach to other peoples heads easily enought. Why do they only do damage?
Gordon DID have a helmet I think.
If you look at those dead scentist with HEV suit in Xen in HL1.
You will find all of them with a shinny helmet on it.
Headcrabs do not attach on Gordon's head because there is a helmet and bounce off the headcrabs...
And without the helmet, how can the HEV suit provide oxygen from aux power to Gordon?
(I am not quite sure about this, You better go back to the beginning of Opposing force and have a quick look of Gordon's head before he jump into the portal before you.)
spectre said:
You better go back to the beginning of Opposing force and have a quick look of Gordon's head before he jump into the portal before you.

Ignore OP4 it was made by Gearbox and dosn't have anything to do with anything.
He DOSE have a helmet
ríomhaire said:
Ignore OP4 it was made by Gearbox and dosn't have anything to do with anything.
He DOSE have a helmet
Oic. I like Opposing force very much (Before HL2 released)
But I have some small questions to ask...
Do anyone know where the Race-X come from?
And why did they choose to make a total attack in Black Mesa after Gordon's gone to Xen?
The shock troopers are really tough!
spectre said:
Oic. I like Opposing force very much (Before HL2 released)
But I have some small questions to ask...
Do anyone know where the Race-X come from?
And why did they choose to make a total attack in Black Mesa after Gordon's gone to Xen?
The shock troopers are really tough!
I said ignore OP4. It has no plot!
They were Combine or part of G-man's people. It's the only explaination for them being there.
I mean ignore OP4
kirovman said:
First headcrab at the beginning of HL....
Dead....Headcrabbed....Zombified Gordon in Anomalous Materials, Black Mesa.

Not Quite - the first headcrab can be avoided - run! then you find the crowbar - not much but a well planted shot and no headcrab survives. - you actually would have most difficulty with the soldiers or exploding objects.

well in my opinion!
Solveing the Helmet Dabacable:

Obviously, his glasses can plug into the HEV suit. And once plugged in, they can zoom! And the headcrabs can't eat his head directly because of this hunk of plastic and glass in the way.

Dosn't explain why he survives swimming and radiation though...

(I think Gordon Does have a helmet, if only because on he does, in the top right hand corner for the Half Life section.)
spectre said:
Yes.HEV rechager will not worked if you dun have a HEV/PCV suit.
But the health recharger will still work without the suit!
Remember of Blue Shift?
Barney dun have a HEV suit but he still can use the health recharger. :afro:
But we are not in OP4 w/c makes it very different to HL2. Anyway, I havent tried if the health charger will not work if you have HEV on. though im pretty sure that it wont. :cool:
Sid Burn said:
But we are not in OP4 w/c makes it very different to HL2. Anyway, I havent tried if the health charger will not work if you have HEV on. though im pretty sure that it wont. :cool:
I believe in HL1 thre's a barney fairly early on that is reaching for the health charger, but dies before he can use it. So i guess he would've been able to use it (otherwise why reach for it).
SLH said:
I believe in HL1 thre's a barney fairly early on that is reaching for the health charger, but dies before he can use it. So i guess he would've been able to use it (otherwise why reach for it).
i remember that barney, and I also remember thinking, "No way are you getting health from there, I need it! Sorry" *snaps 4 times in a z shape*
SHIPPI said:
I've played Decay.. it was pretty damn fun, playing through with a friend :) And you could unlock the alien slave level.. where you played as an alien slave! :E

Gordon must have a helmet.. otherwise, how would he use the zoom? Be protected from radiation? Survive headshots? Keep headcrabs at bay? Keep his glasses on?!

But having a helmeted character would suck, so he's not shown wearing it... then again, Gina and Colette (characters in Decay) don't wear helmets...

I have come to the conclusion that HEV suits, are indeed, magic.

And I don't think Gordon could have survived without it

i may be using a film here but... "Red Plannet" the space suits had a helmet that folded away into the neck. the HEV suit has a largeish neck ... maybe the helmet is only on his head when he needs it (when you hit zoom, it activates).
i think gordon practises safe sex,


but serisouly the box shows no helm, but every other science team person in a hev suit had one, mabye he's just a badass, or it was broken the day of the resonance cascade, or he thought he didn't need it, mabye he lent it to ted his jolly old neighbour, well never know,
gordon definitley has a helmet; the suit wouldn't be able to supply oxygen w/o it, the zoom view wouldn't work (it cant be implants; you can't zoom until you get the suit), and do you really think you could survive very long with your head submerged in toxic waste unshielded? Also, it's the only explanation for why you don't get headcrabbed nearly as easily as everyone else does. Him needing the suit has already been argued thoroughly enough; only thing to say is of course people w/o HEV suits can use human (not combine) health chargers; why would there be so many in black mesa otherwise, when there were only 2 other confirmed people with suits? (note: I always imagined the 30+ dead HEV scientists in Xen to be a weird sort of parallel-merged-timeline thing, so each one is a corpse of gordon. A easier way to imagine it is that in Xen, because it's laws of physics, causality, and underlying way-it-works are so different, every time you die and load a save, it's not going back in time; your body stays where you died, and a new you starts out at the last savepoint.
Dracarys said:
gordon definitley has a helmet; the suit wouldn't be able to supply oxygen w/o it, the zoom view wouldn't work (it cant be implants; you can't zoom until you get the suit), and do you really think you could survive very long with your head submerged in toxic waste unshielded? Also, it's the only explanation for why you don't get headcrabbed nearly as easily as everyone else does. Him needing the suit has already been argued thoroughly enough; only thing to say is of course people w/o HEV suits can use human (not combine) health chargers; why would there be so many in black mesa otherwise, when there were only 2 other confirmed people with suits? (note: I always imagined the 30+ dead HEV scientists in Xen to be a weird sort of parallel-merged-timeline thing, so each one is a corpse of gordon. A easier way to imagine it is that in Xen, because it's laws of physics, causality, and underlying way-it-works are so different, every time you die and load a save, it's not going back in time; your body stays where you died, and a new you starts out at the last savepoint.
About the xen time thing, thats a interesting way to think about it, and it kinda makes sense, although even if you never die, the bodies are still there. and youre theory doesn't lend itself to that
Reginald said:
Whoops...I forgot to read the note.

On a similar note, I don't think Gordon does have a helmet. It doesn't look like it when you put your suit on in-game.....

So how does your aux O2 work if you don't have a helmet on?