Think freeman would have made it?

piggy said:
also in hl1 mind u the model without the helmet is called gordon an the model with is called helmet
well, I really think that Gordon never wears a helmet. :cool:
He doesnt have a helmet in HL1. And there are HEV corpses in Xen. And Gordon wouldn't have made it trough the Black Mesa explosion without the HEV-Suit.
KarkuRi said:
He doesnt have a helmet in HL1. And there are HEV corpses in Xen. And Gordon wouldn't have made it trough the Black Mesa explosion without the HEV-Suit.
and he couldn't have survive those hazardous liquids in Black Mesa and the Vortigaunts could've killed him easily.
i think he does have a helmet, all the other hev suited (dead) scientists have helmets
Well considering Gordon has all these impenetratable suit, helmets, superduper destructive weapons.... all these would useless without his GLASSES! yea. that's right! break his glasses and his world is totally blurred. We would run around like a headless chicken, shooting at random directions and then fall off a cliff.

So therefore, i would say Freeman wouldnt have made it without his glasses.
lol, so true, gordon mustda duck taped em on his head or somethin

remember how barney gives you a crowbar in red letter day, wounder if thats all gordon used in hl1?
Even if he made it far, he wouldn't have survived in Xen without it. His head would explode (Yes i think he haas a helmet)
The Vortigaunts and other Xen creatures survive on Earth, so conditions are probably similar enough for Gordon not to need a helmet in Xen.
Didn't Calhoun visit a portion of Xen without breathing apparatus? I suppose it's possible some (but not all) areas are dense enough to support an atmosphere.

I think the suit is an integral component of the story, trying to add an element of realism to an otherwise outlandish premise- mild-mannered scientist saves world. Throw in a powered, bullet-absorbing suit and, paradoxically, that's less unbelievable. So no, Gord wouldn't have lasted long without his HEV suit.
terrorist420 said:
remember how barney gives you a crowbar in red letter day, wounder if thats all gordon used in hl1?
he used a plethora of weapons in HL1... and it's not the same crowbar if that's what you're asking. The G-Man took those.

I think the HEV suit has some sort of helmet or field, Gordon might just not be wearing it in all the concept art and it might come out of the back of the suit (like that guy's face armor in the cheesy Lost in Space movie) to cover his face.
prolly the main reason the Gordon model doesn't have a helmet is because everyone would have complained if he didn't have a face under that mask. I know they do it in HALO, but those are console gamers who don't care about story and character. VALVe would have gotten a lot of abuse if the Gordon model didn't have a face.

Just a thought
ty for awnerin the crowbar awnser

and I still think they should of had a helmet feature, so you cuold put it on, and take it off

that would be nifty, had like thermal optics n stuff
i think gordon wears helmet during the game. otherwise how would he be able to do the zoom view? so it must be the helment's feature. dang! what kind of eyeglasses does he use if it wasnt his helmet? i guess gordon's face is only shown in art concepts but is actually wearing the helmet during the game.
dj_flameskull said:
i think gordon wears helmet during the game. otherwise how would he be able to do the zoom view? so it must be the helment's feature. dang! what kind of eyeglasses does he use if it wasnt his helmet? i guess gordon's face is only shown in art concepts but is actually wearing the helmet during the game.
maybe the HEV can enhance you vision. Anyway, where could've he found the helmet? wen you're about to wear the HEV... no helmet was shown. only the suit. :smoking:
I always wondered what happened to those other HEV suits that were missing when you went to get yours. Who ever took them could've survived...
Well Alyx doesn't have a HEV suit on and she can take just as much if not more damage than Gordon.
RainMaker66 said:
I always wondered what happened to those other HEV suits that were missing when you went to get yours. Who ever took them could've survived...
I can't be certain (I haven't played it), but I believe that the often forgotten 3rd Half-Life 1 expansion, "Decay" (Bundled with the PS2 version of HL1 only) had its main characters (Gina and Collette?) pick up the HEV suits in the Anamalous Materials labs (you see one of them wheeling the sample towards the Test Chamber on a security Camera in Blue Shift, but the reference is lost on nearly everyone).
He wouldn't have survived the radiation poisoning in various parts of the BMRF. He wouldn't have survived being on Xen at all (all the human corpses have suits -> no air). He wouldn't have survived the test chamber ("Thank god for that hazard suit!") He would've gotten headcrabbed at the start of HL1. Etc etc.
bliink said:
I remember hearing that the HEV protected the occupant with some kind of field around the face...
Don't know if it was fan-fic or something valve said in an interview though :\

He does, infact, wear a helmet. It's just that we never see it because it doesn't look good.
kupoartist said:
I can't be certain (I haven't played it), but I believe that the often forgotten 3rd Half-Life 1 expansion, "Decay" (Bundled with the PS2 version of HL1 only) had its main characters (Gina and Collette?) pick up the HEV suits in the Anamalous Materials labs (you see one of them wheeling the sample towards the Test Chamber on a security Camera in Blue Shift, but the reference is lost on nearly everyone).
Hmm... maybe those 2 girls are the ones that took those 2 HEV suits... or by other scientist that you can see wen you got to Xen(of course they are dead). :smoking:
Zeus said:
Well Alyx doesn't have a HEV suit on and she can take just as much if not more damage than Gordon.
alyx is invinceable because it would suck if she died before she opened all those doors.
UHH decay was in the cs buyable verson as well and it was with gordon working for the g man in some cracked up world, that was so long ago.. it isn't even part o real story line
Hey Guys, to get some idea of how Gordon is without the HEV suit, play some Death Match.

When you play Deathmatch, you're no longer wearing the HEV suit, thus you get killed really easily.

Dan O.
Is it just me, or does the HEV suit not protect you from toxic waste in HL2 (only your health drops)? Also, how can the suit provide O2 if there isn't a helmet?
terrorist420 said:
UHH decay was in the cs buyable verson as well and it was with gordon working for the g man in some cracked up world, that was so long ago.. it isn't even part o real story line
That was a non-official mod called Redemption (appeared on PCZone and Gamer coverdisks I believe). NOT Half-Life Decay, which was bundled with the PS2 version of HL1.
DSDchemE said:
Is it just me, or does the HEV suit not protect you from toxic waste in HL2 (only your health drops)? Also, how can the suit provide O2 if there isn't a helmet?
maybe the HEV suit has oxygen tubes directly connected to ur lungs wen you wear it... :cool:
Here's a pic of the hev suit.
It has a "helmet". :p
kupoartist said:
That was a non-official mod called Redemption (appeared on PCZone and Gamer coverdisks I believe). NOT Half-Life Decay, which was bundled with the PS2 version of HL1.

my bad dood, so explain to me what happens in decay then, or is it even important? and redemption sucked
m00b said:
Here's a pic of the hev suit.
It has a "helmet". :p
That's only a dead scientist wearing an HEV suit. in HL1 you can never see gordon wear a helmet(try the thirdperson command in the console). in HL2, before you wear the HEV. you cant see any helmet everywhere... only the suit. I only those scientist wears those helmets... maybe they thought that Xen's atmosphere was unbreathable. :cool:
terrorist420 said:
my bad dood, so explain to me what happens in decay then, or is it even important? and redemption sucked
TBH, i'm not sure myself what happened in Decay, because I've never owned a copy of the PS2 version. In fact, we'll be hard pressed to find someone who has played it! The good news is that a mod team are working on a conversion, first to PC and then to Source of the game, and Gearbox don't seem to mind.

That guide describes a walkthrough for the expansion. Basically, it seems to run directly alongside HL1: "the players must monitor the Anomalous Materials Experiment, and deliver the sample", they must "upload the satalite signal codes before the rocket launches" (I assume this is the rocket in HL1) and the last part of the game appears to be an attempt to reverse the effects of the resonance cascade.
If Decay comes to source, that would be pretty cool, but will it be a paid expansion or a free one.
The Strange One said:
Hm, Something Else Comes To Mind. If The HEV Suit Was Never Invented, Then They Never Would Have DARED To Go In The Alien Border Realm, Therefore They NEVER Could Have Gotten That Crystal From The Border Realm, Which Means No Experiment, Which Means No Half-Life...Ugh. I Hate Thinking That Deeply.

Holy shit man, do you have a script or something that makes you capitalize like that? I feel like every single word is the beginning of a new sentence and deserves emphasis.
Whenever I play HL2 and I get to the part where Barney tosses me the crowbar, I'm always thinking "Thank's a lot asshole, a ****in' crowbar. Don't go out of your way to give me a GUN or anything useful..."
rpgprog said:
If Decay comes to source, that would be pretty cool, but will it be a paid expansion or a free one.
Ah, sadly I've located the people behind it, and they've recently announced that due to Steam of all things, they are unable to go ahead with development of Decay Source... the good news is that they are still going to port Decay to Half-Life original, which is just as cool IMO.


It's being brought over by a mod team, rather than officially. A Gearbox designer has commented on their project and said that the developer is happy for them to go ahead with the mod. Interestingly, he said that Gearbox themselves were once going to bring Decay into expansion pack form (just like Blue Shift, which is closely related), but it never happened. Half-Life 1: Decay will almost certainly be completely free. They can't charge anyone for it, considering it's Gearbox's creation. Unless Valve snaps the mod up, which is unlikely (and it would probably still be a free SP mod anyway).
do you guys remember that demo (when hl1 came out) that ends with you dieing(well it blanks out and gives you that Status: blabla) to that giant thing in hl1 with the flamer arms, it sounded lika dinasour. anywho i don't remember if it was important or not, but WAS IT gordon freeman in that demo? or someone else in a hev suit, fricking so long ago. i loft my hl1 cd, damn op4 and blueshit not working alone.
terrorist420 said:
do you guys remember that demo (when hl1 came out) that ends with you dieing(well it blanks out and gives you that Status: blabla) to that giant thing in hl1 with the flamer arms, it sounded lika dinasour. anywho i don't remember if it was important or not, but WAS IT gordon freeman in that demo? or someone else in a hev suit, fricking so long ago. i loft my hl1 cd, damn op4 and blueshit not working alone.
That was "Half-Life: Uplink". I don't think that is considered part of the Half-Life story because, yes it stars Gordon Freeman (it opens and ends with screens saying "Subject: Gordon Freeman", and I think the scis refer to you as Gordon) and it has no logical place in the Half-Life story, especially considering that it ended on a Cliff-Hanger.