This community ....

Hey, just doing my annual check in. Am I the oldest posting member yet?

I got a nice paying engineering job, moved back to Vancouver. Bought a car a few weeks ago. Anyone else have a 4th gen Civic? Just painted the valve cover this weekend and going to try and adjust the valves tomorrow. Tried a bunch of psychedelics for the first time. 7g of shrooms was quite an experience. Doing a lot of skiing and rock climbing, and now running again. I hit 39:05 for a 10k last year. Would like to break 38 this year. I started playing TF2 a bit, got good at it, then realized how many hours it had consumed. Thanks for reminding me Steam.

Anyways, it seems like there is really not much that these forums do that isn't covered by reddit now. See you guys next year.
Hm.. still waiting for HL3 here.. and a HL3 gone gold IRC party.

Since EP2 came out, I've finished high school then university and been out working for 5 years.
Man oh man it's been a long time.

Still have my half life 2 shirt I got with my collectors edition... just keeping it for that one magical day when I can finally boot up HL3.
If only Gaben knew...
It's been almost eleven years since I joined this community. I don't post here anymore, but I still check the news feed a couple times a week. It's kind of depressing... like I'm clinging on the days when I legitimately got excited about video games.

I wonder, would a real Half-Life 3 announcement bring it back?
I still check this place but I don't know why. At this point I could visit tomorrow and see a giant flashing "HL3 RELEASE DATE!" and I don't think I'd really care.

Wow, I didn't realize I joined in 2004.
I started playing Deus Ex: HR again so I do still care about well made games. I just dropped off the multiplayer bandwagon after Counterstrike in college. I have TF2 which I've played for a couple of dozen hours, I think. Once I start earning again I intend to play a couple of good singleplayer experiences: Dishonored, TLOU, Stanley Parable, GTA 5 (PC release if it ever comes out) and the last two Halo games.

If Valve does come out with a new HL title they'll have to prove that they still have the chops to build places like Black Mesa or City 17. The Portal games were a fun gameplay experiment but they had nothing on the depth and scale of worldbuilding they did in the early games. As for their multiplayer detours the less said the better as far as I'm concerned.
I never constrcuted any relationships from this forum ... :(
Yeah, I dunno about anything being constrcuted but I think I was electrocuted by this forum, once.
And here I was thinking the forums had been so extremely quiet and dead recently because everyone had simply stopped visiting, when it turns out you're all waiting in the woodwork for someone to jump out and start the conversation before you do.

Just go and talk about stuff, go on, I dare you.
Just go and talk about stuff, go on, I dare you.

Ok, I'll tell a recent story about me.

I was in the hospital for a week at the end of February, and could have potentially died/had a stroke at any time for possibly the last few months. I had high blood pressure... like astronomically high. They say that 135/80 is generally considered "high blood pressure." When I got to the Emergency Room mine was 270/150 or something like that. That's ****ing double whats considered bad.

I originally went to my eye doctor because I have developed two blind spots in my right eye, and one small one in my left. He took a photo of my eye and found a condition usually cause by hypertension (high blood pressure). His nurse took my blood pressure, showed the doctor, and told me that he needed to call an ambulance to take me to the ER immediately. I got there and was put on some cocktail of drugs to slowly lower my blood pressure over the course of the next few days. They couldn't drop it too quickly back to normal because they suspect it had been this high for awhile, and dropping it too quick could give me a stroke or otherwise cause brain damage. I was in the Intensive Care Unit for 4 days, and moved eventually to the Cardiac Stepdown rooms when I got off the IV drip medicine.

They've run a massive amount of tests on me (some of which are still on-going) and so far have found no cause for it to be that high, and its baffling them since I'm only 27 and shouldn't have even "normal" high blood pressure. In addition to the eye damage, I've apparently suffered some kidney damage, and they said the veins and arteries in my brain have become enlarged, and I could have been moments away from an aneurysm/stoke/death if they got any worse. Had my third MRI today to see if its healing, and should hear back tomorrow. Saw the Kidney docs last week and they say my kidneys seem fine now. Been seeing the eye docs every week and they say it looks like the pressure is going down, but it will be maybe 9 months before we can even tell if the blind spots may heal. At least they're not getting worse.

I long for the days when my biggest problem was my computer catching on fire every now and then.
Ok, I'll tell a recent story about me...

Dude, that f*cking sucks. I'm glad you're not dead and I hope you stay not dead.
May Medical Science aid you in improving your current health.
Dude, that f*cking sucks. I'm glad you're not dead and I hope you stay not dead.
May Medical Science aid you in improving your current health.

Krynn72 - Ditto this. Also, better to have found out than to have not, eh?
Holy shit! Sounds like a really close call. Glad to hear you're recovering well.
Krynn72Also, better to have found out than to have not, eh?
I'll let you know when I get the bill in the mail. I literally just paid off the last bit of my student loan, only to now find myself in another form of crippling debt. I love this country!

Thanks for the well wishes though, definitely better to be alive than not!
God, reading this thread is damn emotional. I only check in here twice a year or so these days. But shit...

I was 15 when I joined here, I'm about to turn 25 now. So many damn hours spend here during the formative years of my life. I'd like to think it had some effect on me... Seeing all these names and avatars that I recognize is like looking through an old photo album.

I'm done with uni after five long years, not sure what will become of me now.
I'll let you know when I get the bill in the mail. I literally just paid off the last bit of my student loan, only to now find myself in another form of crippling debt. I love this country!

Thanks for the well wishes though, definitely better to be alive than not!

Hey, you're still young. Don't let the medical debt get you down. If you need any further procedures, consider getting it done in another country. It often works out cheaper even including air travel + stay.

I know a lot of people who come to Bangalore for medical tourism. The doctors are very good. Honest!
Man, I came back here after four years, just to see what cringe-worthy stuff I posted as a teenager. It's bizarre to see people I remember and how the forum has slowed to a crawl. But I suppose it was inevitable, the joys of TF2 and L4D had passed when I left, and the hope that HL3 would be released soon was fading.
We're a bunch of old people desperately clinging on to the youthful dreams that existed in our heads on 10 years ago.

Anyone who joined up before 2006 and has posted recently is dead inside.
We're a bunch of old people desperately clinging on to the youthful dreams that existed in our heads on 10 years ago.

Speak for yourself. I'm a fresh young go-getter and every day is the weekend for me. Oh yeah! *thrusts pelvis*
We're a bunch of old people desperately clinging on to the youthful dreams that existed in our heads on 10 years ago.

Anyone who joined up before 2006 and has posted recently is dead inside.

Half-Life....pretty bad game
Krynn, hope you're ok buddy.

Since we're sharing stories since I visited this place I've lost a best friend. He died at 26, his family is devastated. My girlfriend of 4 years (who I broke up with 6 months or so ago) just told me she might have pancreatic cancer which if true will kill her in less than a year (she was in the hospital on a regular basis toward the end of our relationship for pancreatitis, but I can't tell if she's ****ing with me or if she actually thinks she has cancer).

Man, things were way easier when I used to check this place on a daily basis and see everyone arguing over stupid shit (which included myself). This place seems like a ghost town.
Well, reading this page of the thread was the most sobering thing I've experienced on the internet ever. Feel better everyone.
Get better Krynndog. You don't have the eating habits of a farm animal or something causing large amounts of stress do you?
Just logged in to say hi. Its been a boring few years lurking around here...

Edit: just realizedi joined 11 years ago.
Staph being so depressing guise! I'm new to this website like only 1 year or so, and I already feel like home, people that love Valve and this almost dead community that reminds me of the quest line in Skyrim in Riften, the underground city that died slowly, but will thrive when HL3 is released, and new faces will appear and everyone will be so happy! Cmon geez
I don't post cause like I'm worried about being flamed. Remember when it was called flamed and not trolled? Pepperidge Farm remembers.