This forum is dead

Do I have to be the first person to point out how weird it is that you're using a forum to complain about a lack of posts on that same forum?
Social networking killed forum communities IMHO.

Actually now that I think about it, that actually makes a lot of sense. Instead of having to have the knowledge or money to create a forum (a good one not a crappy free one), People can just start groups on twitter and facebook. Perhaps Valvetime has survived this long while others haven't because they adapted to social networking with things like weekly youtube videos and facebook page.
Social networking killed forum communities IMHO.

The more and more I think about it, This seems to be true. I like posting on here, and posting on here often, because all my FB "friends" really aren't much of my friends and I almost never talk to people or anything.

Valvetime is my social media because facebook is failing to be my social media.
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This forum is not dead. Death would be a kindness.

No, this board is a shriveled husk drawing ragged breath through atrophied lungs, suckling futilely at the air through teeth clenched in a pained scowl, its every exhalation a cough of dust and regret. It silently curses every inhalation, its raw throat unable to beg for the mercy of a final rest, each laborious gasp the involuntary reaction of a body that refuses to allow itself to die.

This board was once bright, and active. In its heyday it knew good times, good friends, good conversations. It had its time in the sun. Now it lies alone in some dank and claustrophobic space its blind, milky eyes cannot fathom. Its only awareness of its own body is the tremulous palsy that precedes a loss of sensation as its nerves slowly die, one by one. Muscle and skin slough from the bone, and festering bed sores open yellow and red along its pale, light-deprived body, the result of a stagnation it cannot bring itself to roll over from.

Its addled mind has invented a cast of disparate personalities cobbled from the memories it had of its old userbase; it cannot know that time has moved on, it does not realize that there has not been a single living person posting on this board for years. What remains of 'discussion' and 'discourse' in this forum is no more than the echoes of the people it remembers, their predictable responses and interactions etched into the wet gray wrinkles in its slick brain, trotted out to make 'conversation.' When its failing psyche begins to realize that something is amiss, it splinters even further into 'new users,' composites of its former populace, a defense against the truth: no one is here. Not really.

So the board lives on in a state one could only barely label 'life,' because death will never come for this board. Death has long forgotten it.

Just like everyone else.

Have a happy Halloween, all ye who cannot let this board die
kill it

half-life 3 is never going to be released and every plot point of half-life's lore has been gone over with a fine tooth comb

all we can do now is make long winded posts like shakespeare over here
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I aint dead~

I just went and checked

Their forum is more alive than this place lul~
Look at what this has become. Sven Co-op is now more important than the anticipation of Half-Life 3.
Social networking killed forum communities IMHO.

Not at all. I still post on other message boards and they're very active. One of them is for a 15 year old MMORPG. If Episode 3 hadn't been a no-show then I imagine this place would be a lot more lively
Well, this is depressing.

This place is almost unrecognizable.
At least a few of the old regulars are still here.
This forum is as dead as Half-life 3 hype. HEEYOOOOO
Also, fact is when you have Gabe reaching directly out to Valve fans on reddit can't help but ask if I should be using a forum or reddit for discussion.
I came back to see all the Christmas avatars. Not as disappointed as I thought I might be.
Man, I just keep this shit on now because I lost my old icon. This hat is literally permanently attached =(
All these DBZ avatars actually just get me more hyped for Revival of F.
Yep, mine is still on since last year. It's just a better avatar with it on.
I wouldn't dare change something I put so much work into.
The site admin just needs to implement new marketing strategies. Obviously the reason why they changed from to ValveTime was because HL2 ceased to be relevant. Maybe a facebook page to attract ppl from Facebook about Valve's services and digital products.

Ditto with Pinterest and Twitter.

Search engine optimization and keywords aren't enough anymore thanks to social sites.

UPDATE>> LOL nevermind. Valvetime has a facebook page. Guess it's just that nobody cares anymore.

Maybe the admins just don't have enough backlinks on Steam's forums?
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The most lively thread on this website is about how dead this website is. Make of that what you will.
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