This Girl


Dec 22, 2003
Reaction score
Okay, so my current job at Wal-Mart isn't the most rewarding, but there is someone there that makes it going a little more worthwhile. I have a crush on this hot girl who works over in jewelry, thing is, I don't know if she likes me or not. I was %100 sure she was talking about me one time in the breakroom w/ this other girl. All I heard was "That dude" and "I know", so I automatically thought it was bad. Recent events have confirmed this, kind of. I mentioned to another co-worker I might ask her out, he said something like "she's out of your league" (even though he's a weak little b*tch and I could care less about his opinion, it still offended me). And she is leaving in a month to go back to school, so I have very little time to make teh moves. Someone, help!.
Max35 said:
Okay, so my current job at Wal-Mart isn't the most rewarding, but there is someone there that makes it going a little more worthwhile. I have a crush on this hot girl who works over in jewelry, thing is, I don't know if she likes me or not. I was %100 sure she was talking about me one time in the breakroom w/ this other girl. All I heard was "That dude" and "I know", so I automatically thought it was bad. Recent events have confirmed this, kind of. I mentioned to another co-worker I might ask her out, he said something like "she's out of your league" (even though he's a weak little b*tch and I could care less about his opinion, it still offended me). And she is leaving in a month to go back to school, so I have very little time to make teh moves. Someone, help!.
If you are posting on these forums she probably is our of your league.
Ouch Fox...Burn

Its difficult for anyone here to give advice considering two things, the afore-mentioned membership and the fact we know very little about the situation. However I would suggest just trying to get to know her. How well do you know her at the moment? Are you going to seperate schools? If so, why not ask a week before she has to leave? Then really you don't have to deal with it if she turns you down.
Foxtrot said:
If you are posting on these forums she probably is our of your league.

lol. Take a reality check man. Or you can just ask her out. The worst that will happen is she will say no and you will be mocked incessantly and be forced to quit your job at Walmart.


If you really think you have a chance, take it.
Girls are....ummm....difficult to say the least....TEHY aRE teH CONFUSORS!
Grow a pair and ask her, worst that happens is you get shot down, so what.
Max35 said:
Yeah Fox, that hurt, but its probaby true :P

It didn't hurt as much as your sig :(

Just ask her...the worst she could do is say no.. well that's not the worst, but I don't think she's really gonna force you to eat urinal cakes..
blahblahblah said:
lol. Take a reality check man.

Was that directed towards me, if so what did you mean by that exactly?.
From long experience, I can tell you that whenever you ask this question everyone will tell you: just ask her, no big deal. Because as far as I can see, there's really nothing more to it.
Max35 said:
Was that directed towards me, if so what did you mean by that exactly?.

Do you really think you have chance with her. Its a simple yes or no question. You get the best answer if you answer the question as soon as you ask it.

a) Do I have a realistic chance with that girl?
b) No, because my face scares children...

a) Do I have a realistic chance iwth that girl?
b) Yes, because she likes my sense of humor, etc...

That is a reality check. Sometimes people spend way too much time over analyzing things (like me). The quickest way to end is to come up with an answer.

Anyways, I learned one thing from my Pyschology 101 class from several years ago. You will tend to have the best realtionships with people who you think are on par with your looks, intelligence, etc. Don't let that stop you, just take it into consideration.
What’s can happen if you ask?

1.) She says no, and for the rest of month everybody in the store will know about you being rejected, and will giggle behind your back, stare at you and think that you are total ****ing loser.


2.) She says no, and you can just masturbate for the rest of month on her, of course she doesn’t need to know.

I am not helping, am I?

In reality, like Farrow said, even if she says yes, what do you want from relationship? Also, you already made one big mistake; you want to go out with her because she is “HOT”.
just talk to her for longer than an hour, she should be sending you all kinds of signs if she likes you ...if in that time she hasnt touched your arm at least once while talking, chances are she thinks you're a dork and not dating material :)
CptStern said:
just talk to her for longer than an hour, she should be sending you all kinds of signs if she likes you ...if in that time she hasnt touched your arm at least once while talking, chances are she thinks you're a dork and not dating material :)

Well damn me then....I caught one ;) doesnt count if the physical touch is a "pushing" motion followed by the words: "get away from me dork, or I'm calling mall security!!" ;)
If you get to know her, you will probably get to hating her...atleast that is what happens with almost everyone where I work.
Hrmm what's this about touching arms.

I had this girl I really fancied and when I was speaking to her she would always make eye contact and touch my arm.

MAN IM F******** STUPID!
CptStern said: doesnt count if the physical touch is a "pushing" motion followed by the words: "get away from me dork, or I'm calling mall security!!" ;)

well see what you have to do is, work on your farm for like all of summer spring and fall- go talk to her everyday though, and remember what she likes and bring that too her. Eventually the little heart in her speech bubble will change colors, once it gets red, put it in her... yeah :monkee:
Just talk...none of this sit back and analyze the situation crud, that was OK in 5th grade. Now people talk, just go up to her, "Hey wanna grab some coffee? Not coffee? Pop, perhaps? I actually have an extra ticket to {insert uber-1337 movie}, and I got no one to go with." :thumbs:
Woah innervision that was a l337 post by a guy with a 1337 amount of posts :P
CptStern said:
just talk to her for longer than an hour, she should be sending you all kinds of signs if she likes you ...if in that time she hasnt touched your arm at least once while talking, chances are she thinks you're a dork and not dating material :)

Uh touching your hand/arm? I talked to my girlfriend and she never touched me until we got intro relationship. That’s not a sign at all.
Hmm...I have never hada girl touch my arm...but there is this weird girl that like my hair(the hair on my head...) and hit me....
You wanna know how to really win her over? Tell her about us, your best friends at
Mattigus said:
How old are you, Max35? And how old is this girl?

I'm 19, she is around the same age as me. Well, maybe asking her out would be a bit ambitious seeing as how I haven't said ONE word to her yet, lol! me = sky weirdo). I just meant, once I actually got to know her, so maybe I am going a step ahead of myself.

Edit: I love how the majority of these posts in this thread are either sarcastic or lame attempts at self-amusement, oh well I guess that has taught me a lesson never to ask advice at again lol!.
Max35 said:
Okay, so my current job at Wal-Mart isn't the most rewarding, but there is someone there that makes it going a little more worthwhile. I have a crush on this hot girl who works over in jewelry, thing is, I don't know if she likes me or not. I was %100 sure she was talking about me one time in the breakroom w/ this other girl. All I heard was "That dude" and "I know", so I automatically thought it was bad. Recent events have confirmed this, kind of. I mentioned to another co-worker I might ask her out, he said something like "she's out of your league" (even though he's a weak little b*tch and I could care less about his opinion, it still offended me). And she is leaving in a month to go back to school, so I have very little time to make teh moves. Someone, help!.

Ok wait, so your pretty much convinced she's not interested "That dude" and "I know" adding to it, and recent events.

Yet you want to go ahead and ask her out when you know you wont get a good answer and it'll simply put you down further, more so if she laughs at you, which she likely will by the sounds of it :(

Crazy, but ok, its your life :)
Max35 said:
I'm 19, she is around the same age as me. Well, maybe asking her out would be a bit ambitious seeing as how I haven't said ONE word to her yet, lol! me = sky weirdo). I just meant, once I actually got to know her, so maybe I am going a step ahead of myself.

Holy fritos Batman!

You at least have to talk to her before you ask her out. That is the first rule of thumb.

You shouldn't ask her out unless you talk to her. Looks are only a small part of a relationship.

Edit: I love how the majority of these posts in this thread are either sarcastic or lame attempts at self-amusement, oh well I guess that has taught me a lesson never to ask advice at again lol!.

Don't take our joking seriously. There is some good advice in this thread.
Im still pissed about the arm touching thing.

Man she would of been my wife!
Foxtrot said:
Hmm...I have never hada girl touch my arm...but there is this weird girl that like my hair(the hair on my head...) and hit me....
Hey that happened to me too.
wrong bucko? No NW is right here, if he rapes her, there is no money involved... That is, unless he did it wrong.
The Dark Elf said:
Ok wait, so your pretty much convinced she's not interested "That dude" and "I know" adding to it, and recent events.

Yet you want to go ahead and ask her out when you know you wont get a good answer and it'll simply put you down further, more so if she laughs at you, which she likely will by the sounds of it :(

Crazy, but ok, its your life :)

A very blunt post, but it's probably what I needed, thanks Dark Elf.
It was said before dude, talk to her, and if you still like her make your move. Whats to be scared of? If you have to, go to work drunk (that helps me take the rejection)
I am almost in the same position as Max35...but I tend not to post about it because sometimes she watches what I post on forums when I browse through them when she is at my house.
DiSTuRbEd said:
I am almost in the same position as Max35...but I tend not to post about it because sometimes she watches what I post on forums when I browse through them when she is at my house.
Just post under 2nd account.
Foxtrot said:
Just post under 2nd account.

She knows what kind of screen name I would use, so that wouldn't help, she is like psychic(spelling?).