THIS is a Collectors Edition

Tiddalick said:
I am Paying 160 AUS DOLLARS to get the retail game here. I am paying MORE THEN YOU.

Umm not familiar with the exchange rates.

Tiddalick said:
And in australia, WE GIVE BLOOD FOR FREE. We don't need to be payed for helping others.

And **** you for trying to turn this into an anti-american thing.
Valve obviously wants you to buy it over Steam. Duh. If you think the CE is a bad deal don't get the CE.
fantasiser said:
Hey Edge, some ppl might not be able to afford to waste money for an inferior package - its not being cheap, its being sensible

If you cannot afford this hobby take up rock collecting. Gamers... real gamers will spare no expense. If you feel HL2 is not worthy then leave the HL2 forums and don't buy it... no matter to me but all the whining has got to stop. Buy it or don't but stop whining.

fantasiser said:
Im in Australia and as far as i can tell id be paying MORE for the CE than for the Steam GOLD, and ill be getting a shitass package in return for my money, Valve have seriously screwed me over, ill be buying the standard boxed version....

as for making you buy a more expensive version just so you can get DOD:S and HL1:S, i think thats cheapass, ive already bought HL1, im not buying it again, and DOD is a free mod

So don't ****ing buy it. You pay more because you live in another country. Should VALVe foot the bill to send games to other countries without charging shipping to appease these consumers that probably only make up a very small percentage?

If the MODS would enforce a no whining rule I would pay for 10 gold packages for members just to shut you all the **** up. For the past goddamn year everyone has whined about HL2 and VALVe. Now they make an effort to get the game out to everyone and people still ****ing complain.
See, whats funny is that if Valve had offered you ONE package, that is, Half-Life 2 and CS:S there would be no where NEAR as much whining as there is going on now. It seems like as soon as you put more than one choice in front of someone they freak out because they can't decide on which one they want to get. This is compounded by the fact that if the other option is better, they will quite possibly get even more angry at the fact that they cannot afford it while others can.

Think about it this way, the cost of the siilver edition is what I payed for the original Half-Life. When I bought that, I was getting it for the single-player game. Everyone said that the DM sucked. It was only untiil LATER that it was declared SUPER MEGA BEST GAME OF ALL TIME after they put out TFC.

Now, you get a decent [for some] multi-player with an apparantly mindblowingly fun single player experience. This does not even acknowledge the fact that it is practically a GIVEN that a huge number of FREE mods are going to explode onto the scence after it is released.

What more do you want? [Insert obligitory "For Valve to come to your (place of dwelling) and (some sort of sexual gratification) you off?" remark]
Edge, your generalizing everyones arguement. We are happy with the fact that HL2 is coming out. We are happy to buy HL2 and CS:S. What we're not happy with is the fact that the more expensive RETAIL version, for those who want to buy a phyiscal copy at a store, is far inferior from the best Steam package. Why should we get a crapper package simply because we want to buy retail? Again your "real gamers would spare no expense" is a non-arguement, as i mentioned before the CE is more expensive where i am than the GOLD package, so i would in fact be SAVING money by buying the better option on Steam. But unfortunately i dont have that option and have to buy it retail.
And since when did i say HL2 is not worthy? I AM buying the thing. Leave your Bullshit arguements in your ass, dont let them spill out in your posts. If you dont like people with valid complaints, don't read the threads, and don't be a fanboy.
And I am perfectly satisfied with the standard boxed version - an excellent single and multiplayer experience for a good price.
You sound fairly angry at the fact that some people arent pleased, why do you care anyway? None of what you say changes the fact that Retail buyers are paying around the same price as Steam Buyers for an inferior product - not being able to afford the CE or gold has nothing to do with it, so until you figure out something other than "PEOPLE NEVER STOP COMPLAINING!!!111!!!" and "IF YOU CANT AFFORD IT ITS NOT VALVES FAULT!!!!1!!one", shutup.
Tiddalick said:
Well Vivendi should be in charge of blizzards as well then, and look what they get! Something is fishy here...
Im sure the companys must design their own packages then...
Especially with valve, vivendi would want its retail package to be VERY GOOD to compete with steam. So I am lead to believe that Vavle devloped the package....

Now, valve makes a great game, no denying that...but I ****ING hate how they are treating those going the collectors edition.

i have been saying this exact thing since i first read about HL2's CE contents...but really who are we kidding here? im sure pple here will come running to Valve's defense about this CE fiasco :rolleyes:

theres nothing wrong with liking a game or the developer...but not to the point that it blinds u on some issues. :|
The CE doesn't even include Dod:Source, no soundtrack, a sampler book, an XL large shit ( I wear a size small ), and no posters

IMO, any package you buy on Steam should be strictly an ONLINE thing. It makes no sense that now they are shipping things now to users ( and it takes six weeks on top of that ). I would buy Gold if they would just include the CE Box and DVD(s) too. The packages available on STEAM are too high priced IMO as well. $30 for Sliver and $50 for GOLD (without all of the extra stuff that needs to be shipped). I just dont see how they can charge $54 and $90 for game on STEAM that will require no actually production ( IE making ... etc ). BUT I guess they love sticking it up our A$$ ..... :rolleyes:

As it stands the CE at $80 is a total rip off for what you are getting. I may have to spend even morey money for DoD:Source, and be stuck with a shirt I can't wear. My preorder hasn't been canceled because there are no better alternatives. I am NOT changing the disc six times and the CE box is something I do want to have! I am not paying $90 for game without getting some MEDIA


Just my $.02
So, did valve shoot your mom in the face and threaten to do the same to your dad if you didn't buy the CE? No? Simply don't buy it if you don't like it. I didn't like the features, so I didn't buy it. But I'm not going to act like it may not be worth it to some people.

Hostage down!
Not trying to flame, it just seems to be a common trend on most gaming boards. Hell, even in game. Don't sit there with the bomb complaining about how much CS:S stinks. Just don't play. You could be spending your time doing something more worthwhile. Like being high and mighty on the boards, telling people that don't know you that valve shot their mom in the face.

Patton said:
So, did valve shoot your mom in the face and threaten to do the same to your dad if you didn't buy the CE? No? Simply don't buy it if you don't like it. I didn't like the features, so I didn't buy it. But I'm not going to act like it may not be worth it to some people.

Hostage down!

nobody shot anyone...the point of this thread was about how gamers got shafted and its the truth whether u and anyone else like it or not.

the lack of content in the CE is going to force some of us to make a double purchase...yeah but im sure u don't care since the money isn't coming out of ur wallet now is it?

i will be one of those who will get the CE despite purchasing the Gold package because i would like a pyhsical copy of the game.

oh, and btw for those who think Valve had absolutely no hand in the retail packages of the game...well i beg to differ.
HL2 is one of the most anticipated games since May 2003 and i hardly think Valve would have absolute zero say in the content of the retail packages.. its Valve's game.. they have some say in almost every matter.
Well, now I know what to change my preorder too. I was planning on changing my preorder when I compared prices and the content of the silver package. Had no idea what to change it to. I'd love the gold, but I can't afford a $90 game.
Yes, I see some see it my way
I will say it yet again

Its not that the CE is bad, by itself. Its just dandy.
The problem arises when you compare it with what the steam packages bring. Simply put, it is unfair.
Read over the last few pages for more of the argument
So you are saying that it's unfair that the Steam packages are a better deal? How is that unfair? If you think the Gold version is better than the CE, get the Gold version.
Sh4mp00 said:
no this is a real collectors edition

w00t go lord of the rings! BTW the monthly fee for WoW isn't an extra charge for the CE, the monthly fee pays for Blizzard employees to stop hacking and keep expanding the world. It also pays for the extremely large cost of the servers. But, blizzard will be making bank off it anyway. :)
Blizzard is the best gaming company ever, smashes the shit out of Valve.

Sorry Valve fan boi's.
ElFuhrer said:
So you are saying that it's unfair that the Steam packages are a better deal? How is that unfair? If you think the Gold version is better than the CE, get the Gold version.

its really easy to come into this thread and just present this arguement when i can just as easily tell u this same arguement has been presented many times already and pple have given good reasons why they feel they have been shafted regardless of what version they buy.

the only thing Tiddalick didn't mention was the fact that Valve were so wrapped up in preparing the Steam packages, that they totally disregarded the retail packages... and why not? Valve are obviously getting more cash with Steam purchases than the retail ones..

its all about money... nevermind for a second appeasing the customers. :rolleyes:
Day of Defeat: Source isn't included because Activision is publishing it.
Dr Freeman speaks wise words

Yes Thing, I could see why they would not be able to publish dod (and the fact that it is not yet complete). They could give us so much more however, like a sountrack cd etc.
The sampler especially is a many would buy the CE and NOT get the raising the bar book? Not many....

If you compare, dollar for dollar what the CE gets compared to the silver and gold, you can see the rip off that it is. They really should of put other things in there (if they cant put in the software), like the famous plush headcrab that everyone seems to want for example
Tiddalick said:
City 17 postcard??! This just screams "Include me in CE"
Saying what?
"Having a great time here in City17. The violent oppression can be a bit annoying - sometimes the locals aren't so welcoming. Also the local wildlife can be a bit unsettling. Other than that though it's great! The scenery's very nice and the pixel shading in this part of Europe is gorgeous this time of year! Wish you were here!
Love and kisses,
Gordon Freeman"
Ok since you are all whining about spending money and how unfair the retail package is... look at this way.

If you spend $40 on the retail and get XYZ and spend $50 on Steam and get WXYZ but you don't feel W was worth the extra money then take a different approach. Would you rather give your money to a Vivendi related product (Retail) and Valve pockets lets say $5 per game or buy it via Steam with cheesy extras but Valve gets more money. I personally would rather Valve get my money and live on to make another game. I could careless is Vivendi goes bye bye :)
Valve gets more money then that per copy sold.
Though it would be interesting how much they got % wise.
Tiddalick said:
Blizzard is a company that valve should take note of.
Im not comparing any of their games here, but look at what players of WOW will get, FOR THE SAME PRICE AS THE HL2 CE

The full game on both CD-ROM and DVD-ROM
One-month subscription to World of Warcraft
The Art of World of Warcraft, 200+ page hardcover art book
World of Warcraft Behind-the-Scenes DVD
Exclusive in-game pet
Official soundtrack
Cloth map charting the continents of Kalimdor, Azeroth, Khaz Modan, and Lordaeron
Signed Collector's Edition game manual
10-Day Free Guest Pass - invite one of your friends to join the epic quest

Now with valves offering:
Counter-Strike: Source - The next generation of the #1 online action game
Half-Life: Source - Digitally remastered version of the original acclaimed PC game
Free Limited Edition T-shirt - Offered in men's size XL only
Half-Life 2 Prima Book - Information on character backgrounds, the making of the game, and more than 100 pieces of artwork

Blizzard, makes a real CE
Valve, promotes their own media, at the detriment of their customers.
As yes, both are Vivendi products

Did you know Blizzard is making a special WoW keyboard? this is a pitcure of it
lol, no i didnt

WHY did this get moved?
How is this NOT HL2 Related
Edge said:
If you cannot afford this hobby take up rock collecting. Gamers... real gamers will spare no expense. If you feel HL2 is not worthy then leave the HL2 forums and don't buy it... no matter to me but all the whining has got to stop. Buy it or don't but stop whining.

[Begin Rant]

Hey I'm a real gamer and computer enthusiast, I'd sell my soul if I could to buy HL2 or atleast upgrade my duron 1.3 processor to something more powerfull. Howether, I make roughly $400 a year max. This year thats been enough to upgrade my monitor, ram and at the end of the year CPU and Mobo. I want HL2 so much but I can't afford to ditch out more than 1/4 of my years cash on it. I'm going to have a to get a copy off ebay or the newspaper.

Now I'm also on a modem connection so theres no way in hell I can buy an online version and download it (Also no credit card. Credit companies are evil) So I'm forced to buy a boxed edition, this further more represents some of the other peoples arguments here today.

Edge said:
So don't ****ing buy it. You pay more because you live in another country. Should VALVe foot the bill to send games to other countries without charging shipping to appease these consumers that probably only make up a very small percentage?

Don't make up shit as you go along. There are thousands of gamers in Aus who would buy HL2. Assuming only 5,000 (I can tell you it will sell more than 5,000 copies. HL1 sold way more than 5,000) copies are sold, and they all where sold for $100. You make $50,000 convert that to american and you get $36,392.69. Excluding bulk shipping costs thats a big figure. I know video games costs millions and as I said 5,000 is a number I pulled out of my ass.
Without reading any of this thread...

/me just got done playing the closed beta for 4 hours

Raided and owned Van Cleef, where's my cookie?
CB | Para said:
That has got to be the lamest keyboard in the history of mankind. :LOL:

hehe :E
Doom3's keyboard was pretty neat me thinks :)

generally...this thread makes little Billy cry.. ;(