This is Comrade, Signing Off

One day, I'm going to be really pissed off, and I'm going to go into politics and delete the whole of it.
I keep wondering why bliink hasn't done that already :p
it really hasnt been that bad for months now ..except the 9/11 threads ..but I dont read them anyways
Bit off topic, but is that moderator who smoked ganja all the time still around? Can't... quite... remember....
Black Mesa corp said:
Bit off topic, but is that moderator who smoked ganja all the time still around? Can't... quite... remember....

Whaaat? Who was that!?
Black Mesa corp said:
Bit off topic, but is that moderator who smoked ganja all the time still around? Can't... quite... remember....

hehe... Ennui?
Jangle said:
hehe... Ennui?



Though I don't really do that much these days. I'll still debate about it fiercely though :P
hehe it's you Ennui! How you doing matey.

I remember you clearly now, the good old reliable mod :P
CptStern said:
it really hasnt been that bad for months now
Yeah, you only say that 'cause you've started most of the threads ;)
el Chi said:
Yeah, you only say that 'cause you've started most of the threads ;)

I think it is safe to assume he's started 1/20th of the threads since 2004 ;)
How is RedSpudger supposed to R.I.P. if we keep voodooing his thread, hm?
Ok so how is CommyBudger supposed to R.I.H. for all you care if we keep voodooing his thread, hm?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words,
but trust me,
no one can read your thoughts so typing or speaking is a greater ally.
Either that or taking a poop.
If perturbed, by what exactly?
Nobody knows.
Perhaps by my R.I.H. comment, which everyone who hasn't guessed should know was made purely in jest. I totally <3 CB.
From what I gathered from my extensive lurking, el Senor Badger seemed to be an awesome guy. His greatest feat was The Arena.
Dammit. If you get a nick-name, I may have to call you "Pi", which would make me confuse you with Pi Mu Rho. This is unaccaptable.

I hereby dub you "Wiggles".
Shit, I only know what the Arena is because I searched it once.
I hope you will continue to lurk here, every once in a while. Too bad I never really got to know you. :monkee:
Ennui said:
Shit, I only know what the Arena is because I searched it once.
The only reason I knew about it was because Sulks posted it somewhere.
The only reason I knew the Arena was that comic of Sulk's.
Ikerous said:
So basically badger is saying he thinks this place sucks so he's going to post exclusively with his hetairian friends? And people are sad? I say, go **** yourself. AL did the same thing.
Anyone notice Bliink has only had what, four posts in the last month? Can't imagine why.
And wheres spud at? Hasn't posted once this year. I wonder where he went. :upstare:
Angry Lawyer would like to clarify that he left for mental health issues.

His exact words, and they're not a joke.