This Is For THOSE People That Flame Valve

Actually, I want to flame valve for letting people know this game even existed. (well, at least before it is released) I mean, c'mon, I've watched the E3 vid so many times, I'm starting to dream about it. My friends all believe I'mbeing overly obsessive about it. I'm thinking that some sort of support group will need to be formed soon.

STOP CALLING IT TFC2... It is NOT Team Fortress Classic 2.

It is TF2! Team Fortress 2!!!

rar :o
Maybe Valve wanted the big hype...dunno why.

Could be to test out steam's power.
Could be just to get more people interested.
Could be just to divert the attention of the public from something else...

And if they didn't plan on this whole delay hype, cut them some slack. I'd rather have a good video later than a bad one now.

And even if it is higher quality video, it's not like we're seeing (much) more than we've seen before...
Someone please point me in the direction of a confirmed and solid release date for the media please. I havent seen one at all.
just gave me a little vision...

At the end of the hl2 media a TF2 logo will appear and fade out, thats all we will see.
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Constantly in these last few days I've seen countless posts of people flaming Valve. For example...

"Valve has let us down againt"

"No Media yet? They let us down all the time. Slipping dates is all Valve"

I laugh at these comments and I'm sure Valve do to. Obviously if people think about it for a minute they are releasing a very very important media that will show off a game that is the most anticipated of all games ever made. In my opinion even more so than Doom 3.

This media will be sent to every gaming magazine in the world so they can put it on there cover cd's.

I feel this media will be the main media leading up to the game. There are so many rumours that indicate it will show some video of the very 'secret' multiplayer side of HL2. Maybe even TF2.

So people just wait. And stop flaming Valve. They only want this to be perfect. And I've also heard this isn't a prioity for them? This is wrong. Media like this makes them heaps of money in sales.
I've never ever once doubted valve.
valve has been very smart in NOT having an official release date (for new media) for a few reasons, most notably the fact that they DONT NEED ONE. I am sure they are quite busy right now, and as much as they would like to have the new media out, the would much rather have steam running at 100% first, so as not to embarass themselves with a disaster of their new system. Also, why block yourself in with a set date on a project that is still obviously showing bugs?

The chaos occurs due to valve's kindness more then anything, because they answer email's asking for a release date with rough guestimates that soon become mythical "truths"...i know because Erik emailed me on Thursday and said they were shooting for the "next few days". While I'm sure Erik never meant this to be an "official" date of release, those of us starved by a lack of info on the game are quick to grab ahold of any information and use it like a holy grail...

...the bottom line will come when it comes...

...we should be baking valve cookies and not trying to flame them...ah cookies.
I agree that Valve shouldn't be flamed, but it's frustrating to many people when we are told of 'release dates' for the new media by higher-ups in Valve, and they fail to deliver - a number of times. If they maybe had been a bit more conservative on the expected release date, less people would be unhappy that the media hasn't come out when they've been told it would.

However, I have a very strong feeling that they are delaying it not because of 'bugs', but because they are adding and optimizing a lot of content in the media that is set to come. I think that we'll get a lot more than just a higher-quality version of what we've already seen - I think, and hope, that much video will be released. Valve wants, hell, it needs to make this release perfect, content wise, because, like it's been said, the media will go on many magazine's cover's cd's.

I just think that many of us are in for a pleasent surprise once the release the footage...
Risiko your right. I don't know it just feels like there is going to be a big suprise of some kind.

Very exciting.