This Is Insane


Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
after reading the first 10 posts of the "1984" thread, i'd had about enough

i can see orwell smiling down at us, running in fear that "this topic might have *gasp* been discussed before* holy christ! call the police!


Every now and again someone posts the exact same post. Search next time.
This is old news. We've already discussed this many times before.

Use the search function next time.

Really... Who cares? And... Was it really needed? Let them discuss it over again if they want to, it's not your choice.
Well maybe some folks who are noobs, would have no clue as to what to search for, so some things are better said more than once in a information portal.

Just a noob.
when did someone decide that almost half of new threads are wastes of space? first of all, %100 of these threads are wastes of time, space, and energy. they're passtimes, people wanting to rap a little ya know? people who make this board THEIR life, like god had sent them forth to clean up the valuble ones and zeros cluttering up this foul nook of the interweb, yeah, god's work

oh and pleeaaaase tell me someone had the balls to make another thread identical to this, i'd shake their hand for telling it like it is.
boomyak said:
when did someone decide that almost half of new threads are wastes of space? first of all, %100 of these threads are wastes of time, space, and energy. they're passtimes, people wanting to rap a little ya know? people who make this board THEIR life, like god had sent them forth to clean up the valuble ones and zeros cluttering up this foul nook of the interweb, yeah, god's work

oh and pleeaaaase tell me someone had the balls to make another thread identical to this, i'd shake their hand for telling it like it is.

Could you please leave the running of the forums to the mods instead of coming in here and declaring how it should be run?
oh i'm sorry, did i wander into the wrong room? is this totalitarianism 101? damnit i always get lost, i was looking for a DISCUSSION forum, you know, where people are allowed to TALK, and err, DISCUSS matters of import.

or should i be afraid?
Cry about it. It's not going to change until there's news about HL2 or until HL2 is released.
Remember that time when that dude posted that erotic story about himself and Gabe Newell, and it got like 10 pages of replies in a few hours before the mods even noticed it, and they had to go on a banning spree afterwards?

Don't ask me why, but this just reminds me of it. Good times...
ButtHoleMcGee said:
Cry about it. It's not going to change until there's news about HL2 or until HL2 is released.

well it's a halflife forum, and we're starved for new media, and if i started a thread about the rising influence of pacific markets and the recent out-sourcing of jobs making an unstable global marketplace, well that thread will be closed, why? because if has nothing to do with half-life, so for this large audiance, we're pretty limited, that's ok, but i'm willing to bet that there is only a FINITE # of possible halflife related topics possible
I completely agree with you, boom.

There are quite a few threads that really -are- pointless, particularly when it comes to "I just found out about this new post on another game site here" and a post already exists about this.

But other discussion topics where there are no direct right/wrong answers are often flamed out because it was "said before", but it's really quite silly, as posting a new post about an old subject could bring up new ideas that otherwise may not have occured.

Although I also believe a lot of peoples reactions to these posts generally stem from the demeaner of the original poster, ie, they say something like "Wow, has anyone noticed xxx before? I think I must be the first person ever!!" Which typically makes everyone else think that person is arrogant/presumptious and therefore they tend to be nasty to them. The fact that generally these people have low post counts is certainly a factor to consider as well, I think - when people with higher post counts repeat threads people are generally more lenient with them.
Mattigus said:
Remember that time when that dude posted that erotic story about himself and Gabe Newell, and it got like 10 pages of replies in a few hours before the mods even noticed it, and they had to go on a banning spree afterwards?

Don't ask me why, but this just reminds me of it. Good times...

too bad i missed out on that, sounds like the authour must have had a funny bone or two in him/her. and i don't doubt that any mod will be temped to ban me right on the spot, and one of them probably will, but this will only further illustrate my point, that to question, or even so much as discuss the poor treatment of many people on this board.

just count how many times you see: "wow i'm not sure if i should have posted this" and "i've searched many times, and can't find anything, so i hope i can post this"

what was that one quote? that guy who said: "but i was just saying my FRIEND had seen the leaked copy, and i had a legit comment, but forget it, just delete the thread, and let's never speak of this again"

is this what we've come to?

people are scared to speak out
Feath said:
Could you please leave the running of the forums to the mods instead of coming in here and declaring how it should be run?

Was this little bit of irony intentional?
boomyak said:
what was that one quote? that guy who said: "but i was just saying my FRIEND had seen the leaked copy, and i had a legit comment, but forget it, just delete the thread, and let's never speak of this again"

is this what we've come to?

people are scared to speak out
You know, I wouldnt want to talk about the leak. I think thats disrespectful. But I will admit that I downloaded it and checked it out.

Are there rules here against talking about it?
Downsides of the internet. It happens. There are FAR worst forums than these. Some of the stuff doesn't even compare to whats said here. People take things way too far, especially elitists. Still doesn't change the fact that people are treated like shit. It's most likely the need for HL2 and the lack of news. If its not new, its shit.
Lanthanide said:
I completely agree with you, boom.

There are quite a few threads that really -are- pointless, particularly when it comes to "I just found out about this new post on another game site here" and a post already exists about this.

But other discussion topics where there are no direct right/wrong answers are often flamed out because it was "said before", but it's really quite silly, as posting a new post about an old subject could bring up new ideas that otherwise may not have occured.

Although I also believe a lot of peoples reactions to these posts generally stem from the demeaner of the original poster, ie, they say something like "Wow, has anyone noticed xxx before? I think I must be the first person ever!!" Which typically makes everyone else think that person is arrogant/presumptious and therefore they tend to be nasty to them. The fact that generally these people have low post counts is certainly a factor to consider as well, I think - when people with higher post counts repeat threads people are generally more lenient with them.

lol yeah, that would explain why i'm getting torn to shreds here, 21 posts, wow he must have just gotten a computer yesterday, and now he's telling US how to run OUR bizness???? lol something like that

and i think that the behaviour towards the thread starter has adapted towards a generally negative reception, simply because the majority of other receptions follow the same tone. mob mentality. Although i know some topic starters are asking for it by being genuinely excited enough to post "omg OMG has anyone ever seen this?" i mean, have you ever heard of a bigger douche? he's happy about something, this won't do. release the hounds.

and i'm kinda not impressed with the overall quality of these half-assed flames i'm getting, where's the real fire? or is everyone just stuck in a glazed over half-asleep drooling stupor from lack of halflife 2 on their computer?
Boomyak, I agree that pointless flamers should be dealt with, and the mods tend to deal with these people. They don't need someone coming in and saying that the forum should be run differently. The thread "1984?" isn't as bad as Boomyak is making out. The worst someone says is "I think someone else brought this up before". Which is more of a "search if you want to see other people's opinions on the matter" post than a "You suck for not searching" post.They don't flame the poster at all.

I don't like the way you are encouraging people to make similar threads to this one just for the sake of making some sort of point. Cluttering up the forum with pointless threads isn't going to make your point any more valid.

oh and pleeaaaase tell me someone had the balls to make another thread identical to this, i'd shake their hand for telling it like it is.
ButtHoleMcGee said:
Downsides of the internet. It happens. There are FAR worst forums than these. Some of the stuff doesn't even compare to whats said here. People take things way too far, especially elitists. Still doesn't change the fact that people are treated like shit. It's most likely the need for HL2 and the lack of news. If its not new, its shit.

don't i know it, i used to be a mod on several rave message boards around my area. and those elitist snobs can be a handful, but that's why i gave them fair warning, then started banning THEM, to illustrate a clear and concise message, that this belittling and antagonistic behavious was going to come to an end. tough love

oh, and F]uke, you know i love ya ;)

and i respect your position towards speaking of the leak, but the fact is that the leak happened, and everyone knows about it, anyone who wanted to get their hands on a copy already has, so it's no big deal, i mean in almost every interview i've seen with valve, they've addressed this incident in a very informal matter, why should we be prohibited from doing the same?


spoilers is something different, but for the most part, there's an obvious line that hasn't been crossed with the utterance of "HL2 alpha leak" what? who said that!? *scanners start going bizerk* stop citizen! you know what that almost reminds me of? orwell's 1984, hahahahahahaha!
Feath said:
The thread "1984?" isn't as bad as Boomyak is making out.
yeah, and he also says hes getting 'torn to shreds' by 'half assed flames',.
but whos flaming?
Feath said:
I don't get your point.

come now feath old chap, you're from england, you folk are supposed to be aware of your own linguistics moreso than anyone else
boomyak said:
lol yeah, that would explain why i'm getting torn to shreds here, 21 posts, wow he must have just gotten a computer yesterday, and now he's telling US how to run OUR bizness???? lol something like that

Oh please don't protray yourself as some sort of matyr getting stick for having an opinion. The forums have been ticking over quite nicely for well over a year now, so I don't see why you should come in and declare that you know exactly how it should be run. As I said before, the thread in question wasn't as bad as you made out.

and i'm kinda not impressed with the overall quality of these half-assed flames i'm getting, where's the real fire? or is everyone just stuck in a glazed over half-asleep drooling stupor from lack of halflife 2 on their computer?

That's because we are merely disagreeing with you, not flaming you. This contradicts your earlier point. You are complaining that the forums are both too flamy to people who post threads of previously discussed topics AND that people aren't flaming you enough. Strange.

boomyak said:
come now feath old chap, you're from england, you folk are supposed to be aware of your own linguistics moreso than anyone else

I was aware of what he was implying but I didn't understand what he was basing it on.
Feath said:
Oh please don't protray yourself as some sort of matyr getting stick for having an opinion. The forums have been ticking over quite nicely for well over a year now, so I don't see why you should come in and declare that you know exactly how it should be run. As I said before, the thread in question wasn't as bad as you made out.That's because we are merely disagreeing with you, not flaming you. This contradicts your earlier point. You are complaining that the forums are both too flamy to people who post threads of previously discussed topics AND that people aren't flaming you enough. Strange.
Thats what I said :p
Feath said:
The worst someone says is "I think someone else brought this up before". Which is more of a "search if you want to see other people's opinions on the matter" post than a "You suck for not searching" post.They don't flame the poster at all.

have you even read this forum before?

I don't like the way you are encouraging people to make similar threads to this one just for the sake of making some sort of point. Cluttering up the forum with pointless threads isn't going to make your point any more valid.

i appreciate that you "don't like" what i'm saying here, but isn't that what having a DISCUSSION is all about? "just for the sake of making some soft of point" are you kidding me? yeah i know the gall i have for having a point, then trying to illustrate it, i really should be drawn and quartered. thank you for that wonderful insight
Feath said:
Oh please don't protray yourself as some sort of matyr getting stick for having an opinion. The forums have been ticking over quite nicely for well over a year now, so I don't see why you should come in and declare that you know exactly how it should be run. As I said before, the thread in question wasn't as bad as you made out.
Most of the time it is ok, but I get sick of reading threads where everyone just says "use search!" when some actual, good discussion /could/ have gone on, but because people decided "he should have used search!", this doens't occur.

What would you rather have, a thread with 15 replies saying "use search!" and other related flames or a thread with 5 replies that had toughtful discussion of the topic at hand? It seems to me its almost as if people enjoy just posting rubbish for the sake of posting rubbish, perhaps so they can increase their post count to make themselves look better. I take pride in the fact that I very seldom engage in pointless posts, so while I have a comparitively low post count, I believe it means more than many people who have higher counts.

As for the topic he was talking about, yeah, it wasn't very bad in that one, but I believe he was using it more of a recent/convenient example, rather than a paragon of the worst behaviour seen on the forum.

@ boom - your attitude isn't doing much to win you any respect.
Feath said:
I was aware of what he was implying but I didn't understand what he was basing it on.
You were, in essence, declaring the way the board should be run,. (:by the moderators), which was what you were telling him not to do.

If there is irony there, however, its quickly negated by common sense..

I pwn this thread.
If you look at places like the forums.

That place is a cuthroat forum, where anyone can be banned for the slightest indication of idiocy.

Thats how you run a forum. Make people think 6 times before they click the new thread button "Is this a relivant thread, do i sound like a moron lollserskates11!!, and is it in the right sub forum."

Half of the people there dont even post anything, they just lurk. That means that the threads that are posted are good discussions or have awsome content.

Obviously, being a free forum, and a game forum, its a completly different bag here.

Just saying, people need to be kept in line, to prevent fouling up a nice forum with completly stupid "hjay gyuys will valvers let us play hl2 on the first day it comes out OMG i fink i had a dream with allyx shes so hot."
boomyak said:
have you even read this forum before?
Yes. And that 1984 thread was not bad at all. It's been far worse, and in the past mods have taken action to prevent this. Your post isn't going to change what some bans couldn't, especially when the problem isn't as bad as you make it seem.

i appreciate that you "don't like" what i'm saying here, but isn't that what having a DISCUSSION is all about? "just for the sake of making some soft of point" are you kidding me? yeah i know the gall i have for having a point, then trying to illustrate it, i really should be drawn and quartered. thank you for that wonderful insight

I didn't say that I didn't like what you were saying, I said that I didn't like what you were encouraging people to do. (ie Have the balls to make a thread exactly the same as yours). The most I'm doing is disagreeing with you, I'm not flaming you, so don't pretend I am.
@ urseus - yes, I agree.

IMO, the moderators, instead of locking topics, should delete all flames/rubbish in it and say "keep on topic or it's locked", then it people continue to behave like idiots in the thread the thread should be locked and all persons involved have their post count decreased by 50.
wow, someone obviously can't see a joke a mile away, maybe the "LOL or something like that" might have given it away, but i'll remember to give you ample warning next time.


"Really... Who cares? And... Was it really needed?."

"Making posts in all caps lock rules."

"Cry about it."

^^^ see those? laaaaaaaaaame flames,

post lacking in originality or substence and who's only existence is a vain appempt to aggrevate the target
urseus said:
If you look at places like the forums.

That place is a cuthroat forum, where anyone can be banned for the slightest indication of idiocy.

Thats how you run a forum. Make people think 6 times before they click the new thread button "Is this a relivant thread, do i sound like a moron lollserskates11!!, and is it in the right sub forum."

Half of the people there dont even post anything, they just lurk. That means that the threads that are posted are good discussions or have awsome content.

Obviously, being a free forum, and a game forum, its a completly different bag here.

Just saying, people need to be kept in line, to prevent fouling up a nice forum with completly stupid "hjay gyuys will valvers let us play hl2 on the first day it comes out OMG i fink i had a dream with allyx shes so hot."

i am aware that there are worse places in cyberspace to hang out. but that's literally using the argument that "well at least we'll never be as bad as north korea, that means we'll never have to question our own actions"

and i agree that stupid idiotic threads should be canned, no argument from me there, that's where the buck stops, but the thrashing that people are getting for bringing up a roundtable conversation topic that has "ALREADY BEEN DISCUSSED BEFORE AND THEREFORE NEEDS NEVER TO BE DISCUSSED AGAIN" is my point
urseus said:
Just saying, people need to be kept in line, to prevent fouling up a nice forum with completly stupid "hjay gyuys will valvers let us play hl2 on the first day it comes out OMG i fink i had a dream with allyx shes so hot."

This forum is well moderated

Today, iamelephant got the one month boot for an interaction I had with him today.
Heres the link.

And your idea of keeping people in line may be different then mine.

As a long time forum moderator of the highly respected (but now defunkt) XboxHacker.Net, I actually can speak with authority here. (For those of you who dont know, which may be most of you, XboxHacker.Net is litterally where the xbox got hacked. We did this to express civil liberty.)

All that matters is that
1) we respect eachother, and
2) we stick to the topic.

Because lets face it,

Alyx is hot, damnit!@$!@$!@


Sometimes it just needs to be said.

Ok, sure you get your bad users. But they dont need to be flamed out,. usually they just need to be put in their place.

and I still totally pwn this thread.
Having been here a while...I've seen lots of repeat threads. Some of them are threads that are repeated from a long time ago and the threads are either just gone or completely forgotten and it wouldn't make sense to use the same thread again.

Then there are the repeat threads that just bug me. If you wanna see some annoying newb questions...check out the Fable IGN board. I check it out to see if people have found new items or little secrets that I don't know about...but the main page is just cluttered with the same f*cking questions over and over ("HELP!" "How do I get Skorm's Bow?" "Lady Grey's Necklace?" "Where do I get Grey's Necklace?" "Where do I get mayor's necklace?" etc.)

One of the reasons why I come here is because when people sign up...they usually are genuinely interested in HL2 and they'll research it themselves somewhat before asking all the simple redundant questions that you will find on an IGN board. Getting those questions out of the way can allow for more interesting threads and generally less hostility.

Since I have to get to class in the morning...I'm not gonna write everything I was thinking of...but I'll sum it up real quick.

Newcomers - try to use the search function whenever you're thinking of a new thread. I did it...I don't recall ever getting flamed (if I was it obviously wasn't harsh enough for me to remember). After doing a quick 30 second search for things about 1984 I found a couple threads that could be used for 1984 related discussion. So use seach when you really doesn't take long and people here will appreciate the effort (at least I will).

Veterans - Don't just rip into the poster if they make a mistake. It doesn't help at's not really funny (for the most part :P) and if anything it just drives people away. I know this isn't even an issue for most of the members here...but there are some people that flame like mad when a repeat topic comes up.

Who knows...maybe it's the way people deal with pent up anger :sniper: about HL2's delay and how it's close enough that we can almost taste it...yet there's a possibility (I think) that the taste will be snatched away yet again due to the current legal problems.

urseus said:
OMG i fink i had a dream with allyx shes so hot.
Haha :laugh:

I had a dream that I was playing paintball with Kanye West vs. Outkast... we won :)
boomyak said:
"Making posts in all caps lock rules."
^^^ see those? laaaaaaaaaame flames,
Actually, that guy had a really good point. Caps are not pleasant to read, so they make you look like an ass no matter what.
thank you amish, i couldn't agree more, i do think that for the most part this forum is moderated wonderfully, that's why i come here, that's why thousands of people come here. and let's get this straight, i had no intention of implying defence for people posting redundant FACT topics, but discussion and speculation is something else, it required original input, and the discussion will never play out the same way twice.


- holy fuxor did anyone just see that awsome bink!? - closed

- what new vehicles are you looking forward to? - possibility of new content

"but there are some people that flame like mad when a repeat topic comes up."

^^^ which is all i tried to say, that some people obviously have foregin objects rammed to the hilt in various orfices so that they lash out and disrecpect people putting a thread up, and it's those people who need a warning moreso than the stupid noob who forgot to search, one's annoying, but more or less neutral, the other is an action of hate, and one which i personally could do without