This is where HL2 is going


Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
its a sad sad day, look at the poll on planethalflife, I know many of you dislike fragmaster, but this is a poll and of 12000 thats a VERY hefty amount of votes 85% of people dont trust or believe a word that valve says only a meager 12% voted yes, im afraid its gone too far now, well done valve, cant you see with this media blackout and excuse upon excuses why its delayed and NO new info, CANT you see that you LOSING fans on a day by day basis? I know theres loads of these 'fudge valve' threads and i assure you this isnt another one
I just saw that poll and it saddened me to be honest, HL is probably the best game ever released, and its sad that you blew the chance of passing on the torch to HL2.

12000 people gabe, 12000! I hope for your sake your reading these forums once in a while
CORRECTION: 15% YES! and Yes I agree, it's pretty sad but lets not give up all hope on Valve yet. Maybe they're just burned out from all the stuff that has happend lately.
But after they release HL2, no-one will care or even remember.
Not to be anal or anything, but we're talking about a video game company right? You know, who make games for entertainment in our free time? Some people act like this is public relations with another country.
They're doing a media blackout probably to just get their teams focused on code and not the PR they've been doing. There isn't malace in it, they probably just don't have time to update the community like they used to. They still have better relationships with the community then most video game companies.
random ill have to agree with you there, theve got bigger and better things to do then worry about releasing a few new screens or a new movie right now.
Originally posted by RandomPING
Not to be anal or anything, but we're talking about a video game company right? You know, who make games for entertainment in our free time? Some people act like this is public relations with another country.
They're doing a media blackout probably to just get their teams focused on code and not the PR they've been doing. There isn't malace in it, they probably just don't have time to update the community like they used to. They still have better relationships with the community then most video game companies.

I completely agree.

Besides, this sort of thing has happened before (can anyone say Blizzard), and I don't think it's ever effected sales. People keep attacking Valve and saying they've lost it and no one cares about the game anymore, but we all know that's not true at all. When the game is released, it'll sell like house on fire, and everyone will be happy and all the delays will slip from memory.
Originally posted by another-user
random ill have to agree with you there, theve got bigger and better things to do then worry about releasing a few new screens or a new movie right now.

like what? Gabe himself said the hack wasnt the reason for the delay, and according to Gabe the game was finished before sep 30th it was finished and they were just doing localization, so someone is lying here. anyway that isnt the issue the fact is 85% of 12000 people voted anti valve in a poll, no matter what your stance is on the whole valve situation , that IS bad!
Originally posted by mbrithoms
like what? Gabe himself said the hack wasnt the reason for the delay, and according to Gabe the game was finished before sep 30th it was finished and they were just doing localization, so someone is lying here. anyway that isnt the issue the fact is 85% of 12000 people voted anti valve in a poll, no matter what your stance is on the whole valve situation , that IS bad!

I agree, it is bad. But it's not bad for valve, because they've been keeping better contact with us then most developers even durring this "black out". I think it says somthing bad about the community.
Originally posted by RandomPING
I agree, it is bad. But it's not bad for valve, because they've been keeping better contact with us then most developers even durring this "black out". I think it says somthing bad about the community.

Thats my opinion
You are aware gabe isnt the only man running Valve? I swear, every post I read refers to Gabe. They have a PR you know?

I bet you all 12'000 that voted negativly will still buy the game regardless. Valve doesnt have to communicate with us, do you want them posting here everyday instead of actually working? The point is Valve will make an announcement when they're ready - with or without fan support.
who cares, HL2 will come out you'll play it get sick of it and it will gather dust like all the other games you have, so i dont really care, sure i will get it, but i wont belive anything until its in my hands.

TRuSt No OnE!
Originally posted by azz0r
You are aware gabe isnt the only man running Valve? I swear, every post I read refers to Gabe. They have a PR you know?

I bet you all 12'000 that voted negativly will still buy the game regardless. Valve doesnt have to communicate with us, do you want them posting here everyday instead of actually working? The point is Valve will make an announcement when they're ready - with or without fan support.

Yep. Hehe, I like posts that are 'Letters to Gabe' :)
Poor man must feel like crap paying his PR when no-one knows him and everyone thinks he runs the company on his own :p
My theory is thus:

The game is done, but Gabe is still packing all the copies into boxes.... ;)
Yeah, it is pretty bad, but meh.

If you don't like Valve support GSC Game World and STALKER instead. I did.

Oh, and nobody better dare turn this thread into a STALKER vs HL2 thread. I'm just posting my opinion. If you want to argue against my opinion PM me telling me what a moron I am to like GSC Game World more than Valve, just don't spam the forum.
Well For me I don't care for what company that the game is being developed or who is making the game I only care on one thing, the technology and the story that the game contains.

I would vote for I don't care as long as the game gives what we want.

3-Excellect MultiPalyer
4-Price vs Quality (MaxPayne2)
Originally posted by mrBadger
The game is done, but Gabe is still packing all the copies into boxes.... ;)
so, there is a solution... He shoud ask Santa Claus to borrow him his elfes.
Poll option:
After the CS:CZ & HL2 delays and all the Steam problems? No.

What do delays have to do with trusting Valve? If delaying a game makes a company not trustworthy, 90% of all gaming companies aren't very trustworthy. And since when is delaying a game something special? It has NOTHING to do with trusting or not trusting Valve, NOTHING.

And Steam problems? Err I'm sorry but isn't that the reason we invented patches? Only very few games don't need patching, same goes for Steam. And again: in what way makes a crappy distribution system (I don't think it's THAT bad though) Valve a non-trustable developer? Unless they said 'kneel before Steam, it will 100% sure change your miserable life into a paradise' they haven't given out any false information. Developers that made a crappy product can't be trusted? Hello, there's no logic in that! This poll is about believeable information, not about Steam problems or delays, that has NOTHING to do with the credibility of Valve.

And like you guys say that Valve's media blackout was a bad decision, yes probably but AGAIN it has nothing to do with credibility, how can not giving any info make Valve a company that you shouldn't believe? They didn't give out any info, if there is a problem with Valve, it's that and not giving out FALSE information.

This poll says nothing about Valve doing a good/bad job, it only shows what kind of people visit that site.
What PiMuRho said. Not trusting Valve doesn't mean these people aren't going to buy the game anyway.
the point is... months ago if Hl2 was released i would jump in my car and hunt down a copy for hours. But now I honestly would not care as much might even wait till the second shipment!
I´ve hear the following saying somewhere though i don´t remmember where: "Delays are temporary, but mediocrity is forever" .
What I always love is when people say things like, "How can they possibly have time to do PR? Don't you want them to finish the game, jackass?!" That is such a crock. There may be many reasons for the lack of communication, but time cannot be one of them. It would take one person out of their whole team maybe a half an hour to put out some sort of press release, even a posting to a forum. That half hour would instantly win back all the grumblers. The cost/benefit ratio practically demands that they do it. So, in other words Valve is obviously not operating with a full tank of logic right now.
No I think their logic is pretty high. Having good communication with a community isn't going to effect their sales unless they have a very negative outlook. They have nothing to report so why would they update us, "um... yea, we're still working on the game. Yay us eh?"

They still respond to our emails, and they still have been giving a few great interviews. Everything about the leak and the progress is interoffice stuff that the public doesn't need to know about. They informed us they're on track and they're still working on the game, what else do ya need to know?
What more media do you want? New screens or movies of what? The more they reveal the less surprises the game has, which is what was so cool about the first game. Never knowing what could be around the next corner. Really, besides announcing the release date there isn't much more to say.
Originally posted by Cooper
What more media do you want? New screens or movies of what? The more they reveal the less surprises the game has, which is what was so cool about the first game. Never knowing what could be around the next corner. Really, besides announcing the release date there isn't much more to say.

They've already said that they'd release the strider and buggy scenes, which we've all already seen. Plus, a few more official screens from misc locations that don't give anything away would be nice
Originally posted by Shuzer
They've already said that they'd release the strider and buggy scenes, which we've all already seen. Plus, a few more official screens from misc locations that don't give anything away would be nice

I'm pretty sure they could manage to release a lot of screenshots without giving things away, since the game is supposed to take 30+ hours to complete it must be huge, so there must be tons of scenes that can be used. Maybe something from TF2, that'll get tongues wagging and people wondering what it'll be like

oh and yeah Strider and Buggy bink vids, yes please :):):)
Gotta' love those good ol' Bink vids, eh boys?

They're so fuggin' high quality, it's almost like watchin' 'em in real-time rendering on your PC ^__~.
when it comes out everyone will buy it and forget about all this rubbish
well look at all the old forum members that have gone, RIP sep30 :( for that matter RIP holidays 2003 :( just hope it comes out next year :/
Valve has to realize that with their titles they are also developing a fanbase and a reputation. Right now both are sh*t. If this is going to be a reaccuring event in Valve's future, I don't see them lasting too much longer.

Right now Valve has the hype. The hype has kind of quieted the fact that no one knows what the f*ck is going on. We all just sit and wonder with our thumbs up our bum. I believe HL2 will be a great game, well it better be for having to wait this long.

If it is a horrible game...bye bye Valve down wash out lane.
lol everyday valve gets lower and lower on the opinion poll, that what you get for lying valve
k what you guys dont seem to get is that Valve (Gabe) said over and over: "Half-Life 2 will be released September 30th. That is a fact."

then all of the sudden "Half-Life 2 has been delayed indefinitely."

that doesn't make you guys not trust a company anymore? you must like abusive relationships or something. if a woman told me she would meet me at a restaurant and then called 2 minutes before our meeting time saying, "uhh... im not going to make it tonight. im not sure when i'll be able to reschedule." then hung up and wouldn't answer calls, that would be the last time i talked to her. is this so hard to understand?

the simple fact is that it would not really take much for valve to repair their reputation. some communication, interviews, chats, etc. would be nice. Gabe should certainly be focused on the game, particularly checking his previously worthless security measures to make sure that the source doesnt get stolen AGAIN, but i cant imagine why say a character modeler couldnt have a chat with the community some night. and doesnt Valve have PR people? what the **** are they doing just jerking all day?

fundamentally what valve did is disrespectful. since it is afterall, "just a game" and there are plenty of other good games coming out i dont care so much... for now. but i can tell you that after the way Blizzard has been treating the D2 and War3 fanbase im very skeptical about their future releases.

now sure its silly to post "i hate valve" spam all over the place, but to come to those of us that are unhappy (and rightfully so) about the situation and say that we have absolutely no *right* to be angry and completely deny that valve did anything wrong? that makes me more angry than anything Valve did. i guess you guys just enjoy being abused... how's that for irrational behavior?
Dude, its a game most games get delayed. Don't take it so personally, if you are that "sad" because it was delayed you need to find some other things to do besides games.
Why would Valve people come here, read and post in that forum, they have interesting things to do.
By reading the posts in those fan forums you notice that here you find bored people spending houres talking about anything.

When you are involved in a huge project taking all your time, you don't even think to come here. You don't even think to communicate, when you are deeply involved in your work and someone comes, knock on your shoulder and start to ask questions, you only think about one thing"How could I kill this guy without beeing noticed".

If they don't give us a release date, it's maybe because they don't exactly know it themselves. So wait and see !!

If i'm here and post it's because exceptionally i'm bored too today. There is a lot of snow, fog, it's very cold, i'm getting old and i don't have courage to get out!
Guys, guys, guys. Don't you realize that if you stop caring, all of this won't matter? We don't know when it's going to come out. If we site here and worry, it'll only get worse. I suggest you all lay back, drink some alcohol, and play some of the other fine titles that have hit the shelves from Dev Teams that can keep their promises. No insult to VALVe, but it's practically a fact that they can't hit a release...even when a game has been Gold for over a month. :dozey:
it's funny how the moderators haven't noticed that mbrithoms avatar is from the stolen files.
Yeah, I've wondered about that. I just gave him the benifit of the doubt because I've never seen the stolen files, plus I don't really care.
One way to look at it is this: should Valve (creators of one of the best games ever) trust themselves or should they trust the urges of whatever majority is available at the time?

Valve are putting a tonne of effort (5 yrs) into making a 'masterpiece' and I hope they put that priority on top of satisfying a bunch of impatient ingrates who make pointless/selfish arguments with a rushed release.
hey, if HL2 doesn't tickle your testicles as hoped there's always STALKER,

it's WIN/WIN for us gamers regrdaless