This is where HL2 is going

Of course. They deserve it for lying to their loyal fans

Gabe: "Half-Life 2 will be released September 30th of 2003."

six days before 9/30/03.......

Gabe: "Half-Life 2 is delayed to an unknown date sometime mid 2004."

Then they decide to use the hack as an exuse? Please, the hack was a gift from above to them. Some kid steals some files, oh god help us the world is coming to an end! The game wasn't finished yet they continued to say 9/30...9/30.....9/30...ect.

They are losing tons of loyal fans on a daily basis. If they had only released their game on time, maybe this wouldn't have happened.
Originally posted by Zeus
Of course. They deserve it for lying to their loyal fans

Gabe: "Half-Life 2 will be released September 30th of 2003."

six days before 9/30/03.......

Gabe: "Half-Life 2 is delayed to an unknown date sometime mid 2004."

Then they decide to use the hack as an exuse? Please, the hack was a gift from above to them. Some kid steals some files, oh god help us the world is coming to an end! The game wasn't finished yet they continued to say 9/30...9/30.....9/30...ect.

They are losing tons of loyal fans on a daily basis. If they had only released their game on time, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

yup thats someone who knows the score!
You guys can be real frustrating sometimes....
I guess you have to personally work on a project that you really, really care about before you can have any understanding of what Valve is going through. When you do, you'll realize that there are much more important things than when you finish.
They never did use the hack as an excuse. Actually they said the hack had nothing at all to do with the delay. I know you like to prove valve wrong and all but mbrithoms, you keep misquoting Gabe or just getting the facts entirely wrong. And I know I’m not the only one who is annoyed by your poorly thought out malice toward a software company.
Originally posted by Weedums
the point is... months ago if Hl2 was released i would jump in my car and hunt down a copy for hours. But now I honestly would not care as much might even wait till the second shipment!

...but you'll still buy the game, so why should anyone care?
Originally posted by Zeus
Of course. They deserve it for lying to their loyal fans

Gabe: "Half-Life 2 will be released September 30th of 2003."

six days before 9/30/03.......

Gabe: "Half-Life 2 is delayed to an unknown date sometime mid 2004."

Then they decide to use the hack as an exuse? Please, the hack was a gift from above to them. Some kid steals some files, oh god help us the world is coming to an end! The game wasn't finished yet they continued to say 9/30...9/30.....9/30...ect.

They are losing tons of loyal fans on a daily basis. If they had only released their game on time, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

there's no such thing as bad publicity. The only downside to this whole business is people like you are upping your blood pressure and taking years off your lives. Which may actually be a good thing.:dozey:
1) TF2 screens and previews on 1999 PCG then news and info black out from 2000 to present. No explanations. No updates. Nothing. Official Sierra TF2 site still boasts 'TF2 - 2001 E3 Game of the Year'.

2) CS:CZ supposed to be released back in Q4 2002. Since then it's been handed off to 2 development teams(after Gearbox was dropped), and latest release date 10/18 passed by again without an actual release despite supposedly going 'gold' at the beginning of Oct.

3) HL2 was given a 9/30 release date by Newell himself and Valve waits until the last minute to announce a delay, even though other sources predicted the delay weeks/months earlier.

4) Steam released as final to public yet is clearly not ready for heavy commercial use. I believe that Steam's problems are the root of the delays to both CS:CZ and HL2. Valve will not release these games until Steam is ready...they will not release these potential money makers without a profit machine like Steam in place.

5) The Steam requirement for a constant internet connection(it was designed for broadband connections) is questioned by gamers who play sp offline or lan. This problem has still not been officially addressed other than Valve's claim that the internet connection requirement is a temporary one(which is bull since Steam was built with broadband in mind).

6) Valve's support of mods isn't purely magnanimous(?). TFC and CS have been commercial boons for Valve. As much as Valve has supported the mod community, they have also profitted from them as well.

See? Plenty of legit reasons why people don't trust and/or resent Valve. Duke Nukem Forever has faced as many problems as any of Valve's games, yet because 3DR's head honcho George Broussard himself has personally responded to posts at the official 3DR DNF site for the past 3+ years there isn't nearly as much animosity as there is at a typical Valve game site. And GB doesn't pick specific times(i.e. promoting releases) to start responding either.
Whats funny is how everyone talks about about that EVIL valve, when i fail to see a company that trys half as hard as they do to interact and listen to the community. Oh no the game didn't come out when they thought it would, they must have been lying about everything else to. I bet there isn't even a hl2! mabey valve isn't even real.

I may have exaggerated just a bit there, but really come on cut them a break and quit whinning.
Originally posted by Grimresfa
Whats funny is how everyone talks about about that EVIL valve, when i fail to see a company that trys half as hard as they do to interact and listen to the community. Oh no the game didn't come out when they thought it would, they must have been lying about everything else to. I bet there isn't even a hl2! mabey valve isn't even real.

I may have exaggerated just a bit there, but really come on cut them a break and quit whinning.

i agree. no one calls 3drealms evil for their d.n.f. issues, and they're in blackout mode too. doom3 was delayed until Q1 2004, and no one resents them.

but my point in all this is IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU RESENT VALVE. no one cares. not even valve. cause you're still going to buy the game. and if you actually do buy games based on your opinion of the company...well, you go.
If HL2 requires me to install Steam and be online even when I'm playing sp then no, I most certainly won't be buying HL2.
Originally posted by jet jaguar
If HL2 requires me to install Steam and be online even when I'm playing sp then no, I most certainly won't be buying HL2.

Guess you haven't read up on the early interviews/read through the VALVe info thread, huh? You won't need to be connected online to play single player.
Originally posted by Zeus
Of course. They deserve it for lying to their loyal fans

Gabe: "Half-Life 2 will be released September 30th of 2003."

six days before 9/30/03.......

Gabe: "Half-Life 2 is delayed to an unknown date sometime mid 2004."

Then they decide to use the hack as an exuse? Please, the hack was a gift from above to them. Some kid steals some files, oh god help us the world is coming to an end! The game wasn't finished yet they continued to say 9/30...9/30.....9/30...ect.

They are losing tons of loyal fans on a daily basis. If they had only released their game on time, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

I tried to look at it from your perspective, but I failed, I couldn't stick my head that far up my ass.

Valve NEVER said '30th september is a sure date' they said '30th september is still the aimed for date' and games can always be delayed, and most of them are. So if you think that 30th september was a sure thing, you were lying to yourself. Gabe even said at E3, if they needed more time, they would delay the game without any doubt.
why the hell has this gone off on another tangent

the thread is about valve getting 85% of 12,000 people voting no in a 'do you trust valve poll' doesnt matter what the hell you say, it doesnt change that fact, and that result must hurt valve and frankly they deserve it
for those who say, 'you guys will all buy it anyway despite all your complaints'

thats not entirely correct, they will all PLAY the game when it comes out despite their complaints. keyword PLAY. remember there is a warez scene. and disgruntled fans that dont have faith in the devs will more likely pirate the game than buy it. a little love from the dev company can go along ways for people like this. this is why valve will be impacted financially if they don't shape up their PR maneuvers.
If you warez the game because of Valve's attitude you're pathetic, I could make up an excuse for any game to warez it, it doesn't make it right though.
lets see so far they've developed ONE game by themselves, which ws delayed a year (Half-Life)

they announced TF2, then it disppeared without so much as a comment frmo valve.

they promised, reassured, and repeated 9/30, until a week before, when they delayed it indefinitely

they promised new media and failed to deliver

they promised a benchmark and failed to deliver.

they ignored the release date of CS:CZ.

sure we can trust them:flame:

but all will be forgiven when hl2 is out:D....whenever that is.

[edit]-woot im a scanner!:eek:
man how about you guys forget about HL2 for a while, until it gets released, then play it when it comes out? i'm sure you can survive.
noooo, if people forget about HL-2 then no one will come here and the mods will get bored and depressed. They like threads like this that turn into flame wars, it keeps them on their toes.
All the reasons you're citing as reasons to distrust valve occur at any developers.

We already know why TF2 disappeared all that time ago. They decided to switch the Source engine, obviously they couldn't say that because they were keeping HL2 secret.

Release dates are almost never met and it is certainly NOT your right to receive the game on any given date.

I don't care about new media, I've only downloaded about 4 bink vids. The more media I see the less I get to see what the game is out.

They never promised the benchmark they said it would be out before HL2, and it still will be.

And CS:CZ... well, it went gold pretty much on time, and valve weren't even developing it anyway.
I think something horrible has gone wrong at Valve.

You know when a little kid does something bad they usualy go hide somewhere and don't talk to anyone, not there cheery selves anymore. Valves case in point.
The point I'm trying to make is that it's none of our business what's going on internally at valve.
Originally posted by mbrithoms
...this is a poll and of 12000 thats a VERY hefty amount of votes 85% of people dont trust or believe a word that valve says only a meager 12% voted yes
And taking into account Valve's flagrant deception about the September 30 release date, why do these results surprise you?

Face it, Valve jerked their fans around in a pretty big way, and gamers aren't the most forgiving lot (John Romera still hasn't lived down the Diaktana fiasco). A lot of us went to bat for Valve when doubters scoffed that September 30 was an unrealistic release date, and in the end, Valve effectively betrayed their fans.

Half-Life 2 will still be a great game and I'm looking forward to it, but it's very difficult to excuse Valve's actions.
Originally posted by RandomPING
I agree, it is bad. But it's not bad for valve, because they've been keeping better contact with us then most developers even durring this "black out". I think it says somthing bad about the community.

what other companies?

almost all of the forums i go to have devs talking to the customers anout the game.

except for Hl2 of course.

im no longer excited about HL2, if its out i might go get it but valve screwed the pooch too many times for me to say they are a good company.
Originally posted by mbrithoms
like what? Gabe himself said the hack wasnt the reason for the delay, and according to Gabe the game was finished before sep 30th it was finished and they were just doing localization, so someone is lying here. anyway that isnt the issue the fact is 85% of 12000 people voted anti valve in a poll, no matter what your stance is on the whole valve situation , that IS bad!

Fagmaster fixed the poll, he's been going on about how valve are a bunch of dirty liars for ages.

Seriously though that poll doesn't mean shit, even if nobody liked valve it wouldn't effect the game.
For god's sake ! it's only a released date . Get a grip , a prespective.

So , they missed the date , happens to everyone .

I don't understand why you bash them so hard , just cause the missed the date , it happenes alot. It's not that they delayed it just to make us sad and angry , they got thier own reasons , probablly .

I actually think the media blackout is good . After all the hype and the source theft , it was smart among valve to lower profile and just work onn the game.

They will probablly release more info , when they are near the release or got things sorted ouy.

Just let them do thier thing , if anyone can do it , it's Valve. I don't know why you want to stick your noses and know every little thing.

Just relax and wait , there's no need in bashing.

"Good things come to those of wait"
Its not down to rushing the game out as fast as possible to make it look as though they've done a good job.

Its down to getting the game made properly.

Once it is released noone will remember, or even care about these few months when a few little dipshits hacked into Valve to live up to the CS community's reputation.
Originally posted by doser
Its not down to rushing the game out as fast as possible to make it look as though they've done a good job.

Its down to getting the game made properly.

Once it is released noone will remember, or even care about these few months when a few little dipshits hacked into Valve to live up to the CS community's reputation.

Well said.

Where did all these whining jockeys come from suddenly? Did they miss all the discussion threads back when events unfolded? There are some amazingly naive posters in this thread who need to read up on things before posting their half baked ideas. Pretty much all the arguments and angles have been covered before about this.

Like many I'd like to see some fresh media, but I don't begrudge valve holding back. If the game really isn't going to hit release until April, there really isn't much point in getting peoples juices going with new media at this point in time. All that would mean is that people would then expect more stuff towards April, and that just means more work for Valve, I'd rather they concentrate on sorting out the game for release.
I shall quote/paraphrase myself from a past thread:

"Fact is, if the game was done, we'd be playing it."

I stick by this statement, some of the posters on this board need to read up on what software development is like, perhaps try some basic programming themselves. They will soon find out that's it's not as easy as writing an essay, and release dates are about as solid as a nerd's shoulders.
Originally posted by HybridM
and release dates are about as solid as a nerd's shoulders.

hey! i object to that statement. i workout everyday, while still being a hardcore nerd, and my shoulders are very strong :cheers:
Originally posted by PvtRyan
If you warez the game because of Valve's attitude you're pathetic, I could make up an excuse for any game to warez it, it doesn't make it right though.

did i say i was going to? im merely telling it how it is in the world we live in. sit down
Originally posted by nw909
it's funny how the moderators haven't noticed that mbrithoms avatar is from the stolen files.

As a matter of fact, I have. But non of the other Mods seem to notice the other members who have beta screen avatars...and I'm only a Moderator, I can't do anything about this. :(
Notice that everyone supporting Valve only talks about the release of HL2?
I dont know if you fanboys noticed but there have been alot more issues bought up in this thread than the HL2 release. Like TF2 falling off the face of the earth. The CS:CZ release date being ignored, despite going gold over a month ago. The promises of the remaining two bink videos.

In my opinion Valve has screwed us over pretty bad, and no I dont trust them, and why the hell should I?

Also HybridM, you need to change your avatar because a) It's over 4 lines, and b) It's really super gay.
and are you going to be keeping this "Valve is screwing us" attitude when you finally play HL2 for the first time and realize it's the best game you've played?

give Valve a break...
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
As a matter of fact, I have. But non of the other Mods seem to notice the other members who have beta screen avatars...and I'm only a Moderator, I can't do anything about this. :(

you can tell one of the others :p

It is kinda funny though, how he bitches and complains about HL2, says he wants nothing to do with it, yet continues to troll around the HL2 forums and I guess is also playing with the stolen files.
I think the picture suits him pretty well.... a bitter, whiny old man.
Originally posted by Styloid
I think the picture suits him pretty well.... a bitter, whiny old man.

I'm gonna guess thats why no mods have said anything yet ;)
How do you know it's from the stolen files unless you've been playing with them? I sure as hell didnt recognise the picture.
Lets just burn em like a witch it will save us all some time later on.
Originally posted by Lavrik
Lets just burn em like a witch it will save us all some time later on.

cool, an old fashioned witch hunt, haven't had one of those since ooh a week last wednesday when we burnt Mrs Smuggins down the road when she made fire appear from a small object in her hand.
Originally posted by iamaelephant
How do you know it's from the stolen files unless you've been playing with them? I sure as hell didnt recognise the picture.

It's from one of the stolen model screenshots that were posted before the mods removed them...

And they're right, it does suit him, strangely.