This is why I hate myspace..

Personnally I don't look at dudes profiles unless they are friends, ive dated some hot chicks from myspace allone.
Every Irish teanager is on it (including me). I go on it once a fortnight when one of my friends annoys me enough to do so. The last thing I actualy did on it was send a message about 2 months ago. :/
Myspace sucks. That simple.

Where else can you find pictures of 15 year olds in their underwear? Myspace hardly sucks.
I am all for myspace being cool...but sweetie not for the child porn. :P
lol, I have a myspace but I don't use it much, I just check it on the weekends when I'm bored. That picture is just asking for pervs to perv on them. Perv.
See the problem here is distinguishing between "MySpace user" and "retard". I'm not saying the two are mutually exclusive - heavens, no. There are armies of retards and morons and attention whores and approval junkies on MySpace, but I just don't speak to them. It's really easy.
There are some right retards who show up on forums, where they're far harder to ignore than on MySpace.
I use myspace, to keep in contact with friends and old school mates, and to meet new people and stuff.. I like it, so whatever... all ths hatin's is makin' me sad, so i'ma' go cut muhself.
My sentiments exactly. Except the cutting thing.
I'd be afraid if myspace people were threatening you. They control 3/4 the worlds supply of razor blades.
I like that a lot :D
Stupid emo kids.

BTW: Myspace only sucks if you add people you don't know. If you actually use the site like it was originally intended it's nice. If you're friends with idiots that's your deal, nothing to do with the site itself.
I use mine for blogging about things which interest me. Unfortunately not many of my real life friends (as most of the people on my friends list are people I know in real life) play games like CSS so I have to keep my ownage stories to a minimum. May start talking about them though.
Myspace is ok, a minority of the pages are actually funny/worth looking at. (GO HAT)

I hate is the idiots that use it... they'll make a page for the sake of it.

To quote a man who puts it perfectly into perspective...

Edcrab said:
Today i liek saw a cat and it was red nd fta

Kids should not be allowed to use computers, for Msn or Myspace or to play Counter Strike... GO BACK TO YOUR BUS SHELTERS!

Ahahahaha... I love the stupid grin.
I know what everyone means about the nonshens that is sometimes displayed on MySpace, but I only use it for contacting with friends and people who moved country etc. that I used to know.

Some Industrial Rock band added me the other day, their music isn't half bad.
I only ever made a myspace to contact a cousin of mine.
Kids should not be allowed to use computers, for Msn or Myspace or to play Counter Strike... GO BACK TO YOUR BUS SHELTERS!

Even though I'm 15 I somewhat agree, the majority of under eighteens on the internet are quite stupid and annoying, and there often found on MSN, Myspace and counter-strike. Actually counter-strike is infested with wiggers, wanna be's, idiots and occasionally some geek will come on and say "ur al nerds lol", going on cs to make fun of people... needs to retink he's insult if that's the case.
I once made a myspace to keep in contact with some friends who I wasn't planning on seeign again any time soon. About 20 other people I used to know found me, and eventually I was like, screw this, and deleted it.
Myspace is useful for me, when I want to tell a large audience of people about a party or some event. Thanks.
Yeah, and they use apostrophes to express plurality!!

Oh wait, tons of people do that, especially when making an abbreviation such as PM plural.
Incorrect: "I sent you a few PM's"
Correct: "I sent you a few PMs"

But anyway, Myspace sucks.

I always used to do that the correct way and then everyone else used apostrophes and I thought their way must have been right so I switched over ;(. Also, I know the difference between their/they're/there (I mean... it should be obvious!) but being on the internet so long around people with terrible grammar has kind of made me slip up sometimes. I always correct myself afterwards, but it's embarrassing.

I don't think I know anyone who really uses MySpace, except this one guy who's in a crappy band (crappy in a really funny way though), and they use it to put up some songs. Apparently one of the guys in the band thought it would be funny to invite all the girls with the sluttiest pictures they could find to be friends, so now they have pictures of their 288 slutty "friends" on their page.

I use Facebook, but I don't really USE it. I don't update that often, my picture is just random pictures that I feel like putting up instead of pictures of me, and my list of favorite music doesn't take up 50 lines and isn't alphabetized... like some people's.
I made a myspace account when a cousin asked me to. I never EVER mention I have one, or even hint at it. However I pretty much add anyone who asks if I have an account and want to be on it.

I keep it so secret thought that i have 7 people on it... 3 of which are family members who found me by looking my name up (wierd?).

And I also only check it when I get an email saying somebody said something... to which I usually dont reply. I know how to contact them all in real life so no need for myspace really.

EDIT: Aw damn... I just realized I just told the whole internet that I have a myspace page.
yes you have told the whole you should get 64,000,000 friends?
Well it is kind of ironic in a post where you're deriding others for their poor grammar.
There's a bit of a difference between misusing "they're" and saying "u r ugly! l1ol1lol!"
The pwnerer got pwned.
I have a myspace. It rocks. I've tried to keep the randomers to a minimum who add me.. I'll only accept if I know you or if you're the friend of a friend. And sometimes randomers at my university, since that's just fun!

My myspace