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Senior Member
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
The last time that I will ever post at

I'm outta here. It's been a fun year and a half, but it's time to move on. I spend way too much time here and quite frankly I'm tired of it. Sitting at the computer screen, night after night, hitting F5 over and over and over hoping that someone else posts something mildly entertaining...I digress.

These forums have been going downhill for a while (since last summer actually, it's just gone totally to hell in the last couple of weeks) but we've always bounced back, at least far enough that it was worth sticking around. But now that Angry Lawyer, Hectic Glenn and Erestheux are gone, not to mention the number of awesome people that have left in the last six months alone, it seems like we're just worse off than ever. The recent infulx of n00bs has got me thinking...most of the cool people that were here when I joined have left, they've been replaced by people like Muffin Man, Blackghost#'s (remember, the guy that spammed so much he had a post count of nearly 300 after being here for like a week...) and Redneck. I mean seriously dude, what kind of name is Redneck? ffs...

The community has changed, there's no denying it. Pesh's spamfest last night made me realize just how little we have left to talk about. We've had some great times here, from the "Show us yer pic threads" or "Leaving for Uni tomorrow" threads, even Q's "omfg 3 = white shoes ololol" thread was memorable in a way. Who could ever forget the Munro Incidents, FABULOUS, The Post Count Crisis #1 and #2 :laugh: and the [HL2] BF2 clan matches, but it's just not worth it anymore. It seems like now the forums are nothing but a worthless timesink where everything has gone to hell and nothing is as it was.

Chances are I'll still lurk the forum, but I'll be damned if I ever post here again.

To everyone who made it on my cool list (which doesn't actually exist, but those who I've talked to and at least gotten to know/thought to be cool.. (you know who you are :D ), you know where you can find me.

Change was inevitable, it's not like the veterans of the forum would post here forever.

In any case, good-bye.
See ya mate, shame to see ya go really and i agree that it has been going quite downhill recently, we can only hope that things get pulled back to a decent state. Anyway, so long mate ;(
You suck. I'm not going to break down or anything.



Good luck and all. You can always visit the ZM forums, and there's always MSN/xfire and soon. And, because hopefully you're vain enough to be searching this thread for replies ( ;) ) you'll pick up this: Blackghost, the identity-thieving little shithead, got what he deserved.
Sulkdodds said:
You suck. I'm not going to break down or anything.



Good luck and all. You can always visit the ZM forums, and there's always MSN/xfire and soon. And, because hopefully you're vain enough to be searching this thread for replies ( ;) ) you'll pick up this: Blackghost, the identity-thieving little shithead, got what he deserved.
How old are you guys? You know Blackghost was 13? What were you doing when you were 13? When I was 13, I was stealing bubble gum and burning down my back yard, not to mention a ton of other incredibly stupid things.

have fun Bvasgm.
See ya I guess Borgie. Theres no need for the drama though.
VirusType2 said:
How old are you guys? You know Blackghost was 13? What were you doing when you were 13? When I was 13, I was stealing bubble gum and burning down my back yard, not to mention a ton of other incredibly stupid things.

You weren't stealing identities though. That shit is illegal.
Besides, no lasting damage was done.
He'll probably just reconsider pretending to be other people and starting up awful forums in future.
The equivalent of a squirt in the face with a water pistol.
ie: banned repeatedly and shouted at.
Sulkdodds said:
You weren't stealing identities though. That shit is illegal.
Besides, no lasting damage was done.
He'll probably just reconsider pretending to be other people and starting up awful forums in future.
The equivalent of a squirt in the face with a water pistol.
ie: banned repeatedly and shouted at.

I won't say he didn't take identities, actually, Black Ghost was MY Xbox live name - but what identities did he steal? An avatar? A username? Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. He looked up to us, he wanted to be like us and liked by us - oh, and apparently he wanted a high post count ;)

Actually stealing and arson are illegal too. What exactly did he do Sulk d?
Good bye I guess. I wonder what I did to upset this guy, just because my name is Redneck?:|
He was a theving little shit that made a shit forum.

Is that a good enough reason? no? good.

VirusType2 said:
Actually stealing and arson are illegal too. What exactly did he do Sulk d?
Yeah yeah yeah yeah. :p

First he stole ComradeBadger's identity, then he claimed Badger was running his site, then he claimed Badger had given him permission to use the nick. Then he claimed he had made a load of flash animations which weren't his. In reality, his site had him on it and nobody else. He'll grow up. The end.

It's not like the entire mod staff tracked him to his house and beat him with a club. :laugh:
dude i hope you come back eventually - you'll be missed :(
Sulkdodds said:
Yeah yeah yeah yeah. :p

He'll grow up. The end. :laugh:
Quoted for Truth!

We all do. I'm still growing up and I'm 31! You never stop bro. :cheers:
I see! But look at all of the people using others avatars and -AL sigs lately! ;)

Bvasgm you hardly posted, so I hardly knew you, but you never insulted me, and that goes a long way in my book. :thumbs: (in case you read this) Cya bro.
You know what, **** it.

this site has been going in thie shit hole since all the damn noobs have been joining and im getting tired of it, when someone gets control of this damn site and actually makes it fun to post here again, i may return, but until then this place will remain the abhorrent way it is. When Turk decides that he needs to spend more time on rather than wanking, i may return.
Kamikazie said:
You know what, **** it.

this site has been going in thie shit hole since all the damn noobs have been joining and im getting tired of it, when someone gets control of this damn site and actually makes it fun to post here again, i may return, but until then this place will remain the abhorrent way it is. i may return.
Dude don't leave Kamikazie.
Kamikazie said:
this site has been going in thie shit hole since all the damn noobs have been joining and im getting tired of it, when someone gets control of this damn site and actually makes it fun to post here again, i may return, but until then this place will remain the abhorrent way it is. When Turk decides that he needs to spend more time on rather than wanking, i may return.

Are you so really so shortsighted as to apportion blame for the problem of an open forum having too many new members? ****sake, this happens every six months, people get bored, post an 'I'm leaving thread' with references to the forum 'going to shit', and the bitching starts.

This isn't a static community, people come and go, and if your failure to deal with that means you feel the need to 'leave', so be it... you'll most likely be back in a month.
Oh, god... so many people are leaving... goodbye, Bvgasm...
I read your post while I was listening to Drugs Don't Work by The Verve... it added a really dramatic feeling.

Whatever, adieu borgasm.
Kamikazie said:
You know what, **** it.

this site has been going in thie shit hole since all the damn noobs have been joining and im getting tired of it, when someone gets control of this damn site and actually makes it fun to post here again, i may return, but until then this place will remain the abhorrent way it is. When Turk decides that he needs to spend more time on rather than wanking, i may return.

I really resent that:frown: . You actually think this forum is going down hill because of all the new members? OK then, I'll leave, I won't be missed by anyone here anyway and we'll see if it gets better.
Aw can i get a sympathy vote aswell then :D .. i ain't going anywhere but it'd be nice :) :p
I don't understand the quitters... Why put aside the forums forever? If it's boring for a moment, don't post or don't visit, but there are always interesting threads coming ang going.

I don't post as much as I did in my time, but I often enjoy being around.
Goodbye friend....I always thought you were cool. But I definitly understand why you are leaving. Peace man, it was good to know you
Redneck said:
I really resent that:frown: . You actually think this forum is going down hill because of all the new members? OK then, I'll leave, I won't be missed by anyone here anyway and we'll see if it gets better.
You don't get it, you used to be able to be here all day long, and look around the forum and there would ALWAYS be an interesting (new) thread or a good debate going on. Now it's just "I'm off to place X, lololol bye" or "Holy shens look at this picture".

There's still the occasional CptStern thread and Clarky003 theory, but apart from that, there's isn't much going on in General Off-Topic Chat.

Bye Borgasm, please leave your piece of lore here so I can add it to my Hall Of Fame.

EDIT: Noooooes Kamikazie ;(
Why did 10+ senior members get banned? I still can't find one thread that says why?

What started it? Was it spam? Why so many members involved?

I can't understand why most frequent members just get banned like that, not even a warning or chance, not even a Member of staff posting to explain why or anything. It's a joke.
You probably need to see 34+ threads today I had to delete to understand.
So were these threads by the members that got banned because Angry Lawyer got banned? Why would they do that...
Angry Lawyer got banned by request and Pesmerga made alot of threads and posts that made would make little or no sense followed by a random pitcure. The other members that were banned did similar things, some posts had well over 20 large images crammed into one post.

Now if you excuse me, I must sleep.
Darksabre said:
I can't believe I missed it :O
You and me both pal.
But currently I'm hard at work to index and archive all the information of this incident.
See you later Borgasm. Good luck with whatever you do and all that shizz.
Maybe i'll see you in BF2 sometime. :)

Peace out.
jondy said:
Are you so really so shortsighted as to apportion blame for the problem of an open forum having too many new members? ****sake, this happens every six months, people get bored, post an 'I'm leaving thread' with references to the forum 'going to shit', and the bitching starts.

This isn't a static community, people come and go, and if your failure to deal with that means you feel the need to 'leave', so be it... you'll most likely be back in a month.
i agree. (i like kamikazie btw, hes a DUDE!!!!!!)

but seriously all these ''im leaving'' blabla melodramatic threads, its seems to be attention hoaring of the highest degrees, dont post for awhile then, get laid, stfu bitching, and people who spend night after night hitting the f5 key probably could do with leaving the forum for a while and going out...
Redneck said:
I really resent that:frown: . You actually think this forum is going down hill because of all the new members? OK then, I'll leave, I won't be missed by anyone here anyway and we'll see if it gets better.
Well everything I've read from you was worth reading, granted I haven't read too much because I don't hang out in off-topic very much. Just because one person mentions you specifically, and another mentions new members, that shouldn't matter. I still get slack and I've been here for a while. People might mess with CptStern even. Not everyone is going to like everyone and it could be for something stupid, or it could be something stupid. Take your pick.

I have rarely seen anything entirely fun and interesting in Off-topic chat the entire time I have been here, I generally regret clicking on any links in there because the subject matter is so not worth talking about.

Think about something cool and then type it into google, get a couple facts, and then start a thread. Find out how many people died from smoking last year. It is greater than all of the other ways people died last year COMBINED. Everyone might want to stop talking about what they are eating right now and things like that because, it's just not interesting. Do a search on identical twins that are attached at the hip, or the universe, or how we just discovered some new insect that can cure cancer. Those are the type of topics I put in off-topic chat. Something worth talking about for a few moments, not what type of chips you are eating - not to pick on that thread, I mean, whatever. But it won't hurt to venture away from the forum long enough to find something to talk about for everyone. The moderators are not entertainers. It is up to members to make the forum fun. It's up to you.

I don't think it's gone downhill. There are so many members of this forum that you never know what you are going to get.

To be honest Redneck, in the funny images thread, you posted a ton of funny-ass pictures, and I am partial to funny-ass pictures. :D

I don't even remember what I just said. I'm tired. Take what you can from it.
Danimal said:
Angry Lawyer got banned by request and Pesmerga made alot of threads and posts that made would make little or no sense followed by a random pitcure. The other members that were banned did similar things, some posts had well over 20 large images crammed into one post.

Now if you excuse me, I must sleep.
Isn't it kinda early? It's not even 10 there right?
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