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If you want some more [HL2] clan matches guys, get in touch with me to help organise one against -=256=-

Xfire, MSN or the other forums you can find me.

Adios to those who left

I'll stay i think, see where this place goes over the next few weeks
Yep, I'm outta here too.

It's been fun, scratch that ****ing awesome being a member of this community. I've made the best e-freinds I've ever had. It's been getting less fun for a while now. All the right wingers have left, the debates are generally pretty much Solaris stick all these days, which I've no problem with, just it takes so much effort to argue on your own, it can lose the fun.

Your almost all great I know a lot of you probably hate me but I've really had fun. The forum games online were fantastic, I hope to play some BF2 with some of you again in the near future. I remember talking to kamikaze for hours on gtalk, then he stopped logging on. Had some good cross fire conversations with the monkey, beerdude I talk to every day on Gtalk, usually the same with rimfire.

Angry Lawyer was great, so were pretty much all the mods. Shippi was hot ;) Sulkdodds was awesome, excellent journalism. Comrade was cool, Bliink was the best mod I've ever seen. Pi was great.

Cpt.Stern, your a great guy putting so much effort into arguing for whats left (right). Had loads of good times here, for now with all the GCSE revising I need to do, coursework that needs finish, and just other projects I want to complete.

Please don't ban me, I'll still check up on you all, maybe even return after the summer.

Solaris out

Ps. Anyone who's on here feel free to email me/msn/xfire gtalk @
[email protected]

I look forward to keeping up with friends and forumites.

Daniel Gillen
i hardly see any extream veteran posters around anymore =(
jimbo118 said:
(i like kamikazie btw, hes a DUDE!!!!!!)

It's not that I don't like him, I just think everyone's being silly :)
ktimekiller said:
i hardly see any extream veteran posters around anymore =(

Hi there.

Everyone that is whining about "the forums going to shit" - welcome to 2003, when someone started letting under 12s on the internet.

It was great before then.
Craziyharij said:
the vets are a dying breed..
When I was a miner in Durham I inhaled so much coaldust I may only live for a few more years. :(
Heheh, noone replied to Solaris :thumbs: Bubbye dude

I agree with Jondy though, there's no reason to make a big deal and Leave (TM). Nothing special has happened. Nothing special hasn't happened either.
Direwolf said:
I'm still here, and I'm not going anywhere. :D
Glad to hear it man. You are a kick ass ass kicker and you always have something to add to make it real.

Heheh, noone replied to Solaris Bubbye dude
Solaris, see you around.:imu:

Everyone changed their avatars ... then everyone was banned or left. Coincidence? I think ... NOT :dork:

Sulkdodds said:
When I was a miner in Durham I inhaled so much coaldust I may only live for a few more years.
Seriously? I'm all ate up with cancer myself. I'm just assuming I am, you know, since I have smoked heavily for like 20 years and can't hardly breathe and all. It's not like I can afford to get a chest X-ray - what, with all the cigarettes I have to buy and all.
I'm still hanging around, but I was bummed about Que leaving. I couldn't care less about Pes, bvagsm and Cyberman were cool, Qonfused is cool too, but his is a temp ban, right?
cya borgasm, solaris, Kamikazie, Cyberman, Hectic Glenn, Angry Lawyer, anyone else ..I'm sure I'll see you guys at that "other" place (no, not the commie/hippy lounge down the street, ya right wing looneys)

it's a shame people feel the need to leave because the decline in quality of new members ...I just ignore anyone who I dont know (not intentionally, too many people quote me) This site is what you make it ..I stay away from OT every now and then and only partake if something interests me ..there's always the gaming section, the hardware section, hl2 section etc

Man, this is awful. At least he'll still be on XFire and... :shh:
CptStern said:
it's a shame people feel the need to leave because the decline in quality of new members ...I just ignore anyone who I dont know (not intentionally, too many people quote me) This site is what you make it ..I stay away from OT every now and then and only partake if something interests me ..there's always the gaming section, the hardware section, hl2 section etc
You took the words out of my mouth, anyway cya bvasgm, take care.:)
And cya Solaris, although I haven't posted much in replies to your posts etc, I've always enjoyed reading'em, hope you come back this summer :D
CptStern said:
cya borgasm, solaris, Kamikazie, Cyberman, Hectic Glenn, Angry Lawyer, anyone else ..I'm sure I'll see you guys at that "other" place (no, not the commie/hippy lounge down the street, ya right wing looneys)

What is the entire list of people banned/gone recently?

Hectic Glenn
Hectic Glenn


EDIT: Only just noticed the "Bring out your dead!" thread, added those. Except Nat Turner, that was a while ago.
almost all of them regular contributors to the community ...many will be sadly missed

but not too worry, I'm sure their spots will be filled by new members who leap at the chance to become a productive contributing member of this forum ......right?

I really think I should be bouncer for ..every new member gets a bitchslap just in case they get outta hand at some later date (knghenry gets 5 bitchslaps for every personality currently residing in his cranium)
Your good bye speech reminds me of someone else's... Was it Shuzer's?
This sucks... not my dick though, that would be a good thing.

I bet stern, shens, badger, cyberpitz, ikarous, ennui, samon, sulky, beerdude and jnightshade will leave soon (or some of them), just to emphasize the darkest week ever on I'm in Crete atm, having a pretty good time, but this is seriously making me sad. I'm not leaving, I don't spend to much time here, I don't NEED a social life, I certainly don't post too much, it's just... ergh I dunno what it is. I don't like visiting this site anymore, but it sucks harder to just leave. This is after all my daily source of news, cool sites, new stuff, discussions on everything.. But the amusing part just fled as the time went past, and now it's gone for me. Most of the amusing members left (AL :() and I just notice the depression on the others that are still here.

The Brick said:
This sucks... not my dick though, that would be a good thing.
ce ya m8 :).........

Dam, another quality member has gone !! ;(

edit: look at my sig, your statement is unforgettable :)
Bye mate.

Also, change your sig to something more dramatic.
We could all just leave, but before we do, we start a thread in which everyone posts their email adress, and then have Munro contact everyone as soon as he starts

Or we could do a giant grouphug, and make the best of what he have left.
Or we could just turn this into a giant circle-jerk!

Oh, wait.
I never really got to know most of these people that are saying they are quiting which is upsetting itself to see them leave but then on top of that never getting to know them. :|
Well, this sucks. There are hardly any 2003 members left. I can only think of 3 or 4 people that were here when I signed up.
Darth Sidious said:
I never really got to know most of these people that are saying they are quiting which is upsetting itself to see them leave but then on top of that never getting to know them. :|
Even if you do get to know them, you will never really understand how this stuff feels after 3 years of hl2.netting.
*wipes the tears away*

Farewell, live long and prosper young Sniper :)
Samon said:
Leaving will not make it better. Bye.

The man does have a point. Instead of "This is boring. I'm leaving!", people could try and make it interesting.
No more of this bullshit.

If you're leaving, that's great, but don't advertise it - and certainly don't go out in a wave of spam like some of our friends.

As a member you're part of the problem if the site sucks, and abandoning it because you don't like it anymore is a damn weak way to go about it.

I'm closing this thread and I'll close any more leaving threads, regardless of how much I like the poster.
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