This isn't good news


Companion Cube
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
This is John Patrick Lowrie on the state of Half-Life 3:

Nope, sorry. I had a conversation with a Valve employee recently about some of the challenges involved in making an HL3, so I know they’re thinking about it, but whether they can solve those challenges or will choose to solve them rather than concentrating on other projects, I just don’t know. They are certainly aware of fan desire to see HL3. We’ll just have to wait and see.

This could mean the wait for HL3 is that much longer, like 2-3 years from now.
It might just be that they don't need much in the way of citizens and miscellaneous characters for whatever way the story is going.
It might just be that they don't need much in the way of citizens and miscellaneous characters for whatever way the story is going.

^ This.

Also even if it means that we wait 2-3 years I don't see what the big deal is. We already waited for 5 with little to no information.
Voice acting is usually done very late in development because they often need to change things around a lot and it'd be a massive waste of money to record the dialogue, then have to change stuff, then get the voice actors in to re-record, then do that ten times. This is hardly shocking information. They're facing challenges? Of course they are, it's been five years, it'd already be out if they weren't facing challenges (and what development process doesn't?). The "other projects" things sounds like something JPL himself was commenting on rather than something the developer was actually saying.
It might just be that they don't need much in the way of citizens and miscellaneous characters for whatever way the story is going.

Unless HL3 isn't on Earth, I highly doubt that.

^ This.

Also even if it means that we wait 2-3 years I don't see what the big deal is. We already waited for 5 with little to no information.

Uh, its a big deal because life is short and we've lost quite a bit of fans from the process of time, not to mention some big names from Valve left. I'd like to play the game before a zombie apocalypse, WW5, a natural disaster, etc.

Voice acting is usually done very late in development because they often need to change things around a lot and it'd be a massive waste of money to record the dialogue, then have to change stuff, then get the voice actors in to re-record, then do that ten times. This is hardly shocking information. They're facing challenges? Of course they are, it's been five years, it'd already be out if they weren't facing challenges (and what development process doesn't?). The "other projects" things sounds like something JPL himself was commenting on rather than something the developer was actually saying.

I'm not too sure, but Valve does seem pre-occupied with other things than HL. It seems they are debating whether its a good idea to focus on the next HL or continue to work on other projects (SOB, TF2 updates, Portal 2 DLC, Dota 2 and that top secret project that won't be ready for another 5 years).
I think some one has spent too much time on /v/ :p

Anyways, hopefully everyone will stop with the conspiracy theories "OMG HL3 at Gamescom! HL3 going to be at next E3! HL3 going to be at VGA's! Sharks are HL3 ARG!" But knowing this crazy fanbase, unlikely.
Unless HL3 isn't on Earth, I highly doubt that.

Uh, its a big deal because life is short and we've lost quite a bit of fans from the process of time, not to mention some big names from Valve left. I'd like to play the game before a zombie apocalypse, WW5, a natural disaster, etc.

Those "fans" will be back as soon as Half Life 3 gets officially announced and then delayed a couple of times. It's all big words as usual.

Yeah some big names did leave Valve, but other very talented people came on board. Kelly was great, but Mike did an amazing job with Portal 2's soundtrack and dynamic music.

Valve is expanding for the better.
I meant HL fans dying over the course of waiting for this game. Not people abandoning the series.:(

Portal 1's music outclassed Portal 2's music in every way, it brought a certain mood to the game. No music from Mike Morasky can compete with Hard Fought, CP Violation or Nuclear Mission Jam from the glorious HL2. I'm hoping Kelly Bailey does some free lance work for HL3.
I meant HL fans dying over the course of waiting for this game. Not people abandoning the series.:(

Portal 1's music outclassed Portal 2's music in every way, it brought a certain mood to the game. No music from Mike Morasky can compete with Hard Fought or Nuclear Mission Jam.

It doesn't have to compete. It's good in it's own way. I like both Portal and Portal 2's soundtracks. It's the dynamic music in Portal 2 that sounded awesome. It added another depth to the game.

That is of course my opinion. You don't have to agree with it if you don't want to.
You realize, that even if Valve were announce it tomorrow, it'd still be a good year at least until release. I think it's a long way off yet.

Also, I'd rather hear new civilian voices than the ones we've been hearing since HL2 was released.
Unless HL3 isn't on Earth, I highly doubt that.

It wouldn't be hard to come up with a scenario in which that's the case, and nor would it be entirely outside of Valve's scope given that Freeman has already been elsewhere. I'd quite like to see at least part of it set outside of the Earth.
There's not really anywhere else for the conflict to go really. They show the Combine home world in HL2 (or at least that red skyboxish texture at the end through the portal), so it's a place they have considered existing. I mean what else can be done on Earth? Combine are broken and retreating, yes the Advisors might be a threat, but not big enough to be the climax of the game by any stretch.

Really it's at the point where the fight has to be taken to the combine and I'd figure if HL3 still involves the Borealis, that it will be part of how that gets done.
God I hope they wrap up the story in the next one. It's not worth waiting this long for.
It wouldn't be hard to come up with a scenario in which that's the case, and nor would it be entirely outside of Valve's scope given that Freeman has already been elsewhere. I'd quite like to see at least part of it set outside of the Earth.

Oh, I don't doubt that. I imagine us going to Xen (based on the concept art from Andrea Wicklund) and/or going to the Overworld. But I think at least a small part of it will be based on Earth, that is if we are going to the Borealis.

Confirmed: Citizens are all dead in HL3.

I lol'ed.
God I hope they wrap up the story in the next one. It's not worth waiting this long for.

Why? One of the amazing things about the Half Life Continuum is that it leaves us guessing. If you don't want to wait then don't.
If you ask me, the core problem is the cliffhanger. It's put a creative lock on the entire franchise, because not only do they have to satisfy the fans who are waiting on a five year old story, but they also have to create a jumping on point for new players.

The Gman endings of Half-Life 1 and 2 were both vague enough to allow the next game to be whatever it wanted to be, and start however it wanted to start. We didn't really NEED to know where Gordon went after Half-Life 1, and we didn't really NEED to know what became of Alyx after the explosion.

If the episodes had never existed, Half-Life 3 could have started ten, twenty or a hundred years into the future. With a totally new cast of characters, alien-threat and visual design. Instead they are locked into a complicated and unfinished story.

I mean, how do you even open Half-Life 3? Have Gordon wake up in some warehouse with a bunch of upset characters and some bs about a ship stuck in the snow? .. Who are these Combine people again? Who's that dead guy on the floor? Why is this girl crying? .. You want me to find a Moss-Man? Is that a man made of moss? Is he part of the Combine? .. etc, etc.

I'm not saying they won't figure it out in the end. (Maybe they already have) I just feel like it must be a crappy situation to be stuck in, creatively. Especially when you consider the nature of Valve's development philosophy.
If you ask me, the core problem is the cliffhanger. It's put a creative lock on the entire franchise, because not only do they have to satisfy the fans who are waiting on a five year old story, but they also have to create a jumping on point for new players.

The Gman endings of Half-Life 1 and 2 were both vague enough to allow the next game to be whatever it wanted to be, and start however it wanted to start. We didn't really NEED to know where Gordon went after Half-Life 1, and we didn't really NEED to know what became of Alyx after the explosion.

If the episodes had never existed, Half-Life 3 could have started ten, twenty or a hundred years into the future. With a totally new cast of characters, alien-threat and visual design. Instead they are locked into a complicated and unfinished story.

I mean, how do you even open Half-Life 3? Have Gordon wake up in some warehouse with a bunch of upset characters and some bs about a ship stuck in the snow? .. Who are these Combine people again? Who's that dead guy on the floor? Why is this girl crying? .. You want me to find a Moss-Man? Is that a man made of moss? Is he part of the Combine? .. etc, etc.

I'm not saying they won't figure it out in the end. (Maybe they already have) I just feel like it must be a crappy situation to be stuck in, creatively. Especially when you consider the nature of Valve's development philosophy.

Sounds like you are not very fond of the Half Life 2 story.

Also that stuck ship in the snow and it's "bs" are what brought Portal and Half Life together to co exist in the same universe while not being connected directly. I thought that was a brilliant move.

I pretty much think you just hate the game that's all. Why even bother to comment then?
I pretty much think you just hate the game that's all. Why even bother to comment then?

You misunderstand me. I love Half-Life, and I also love the Episodes. The end of Episode 2 will always be one of my personal favourite moments in gaming. I would be perfectly happy if they released Episode Three tomorrow as if a delay had never happened. I wouldn't still be posting here after 9 years if I wasn't completely obsessed with the franchise.

My point is simply that the nature of the industry demands that Valve will have to consider new players as much as old, and my comments are simply from the perspective of THOSE players. It would be easy to simply dismiss such comments as the whining of noobs, but sadly its a group of players that play a big role in how financially successful your game is.

Portal and Portal 2 are a great example to look at. Even though Portal was massively successful, with 4+ Million players and a big cultural impact, Portal 2 STILL had an opening that acted as a fresh start which required virtually no knowledge of the first game. This is something that will be very hard for them to pull off in the next Half-Life given the previous cliffhanger.

I also wonder about comments made by people such as Chet Faliszek, who described the development of Episode 2 as a hellish one, which left many of the staff at Valve fatigued and ready to move onto other projects. The connection to the old story may have made it difficult for Valve to drum up internal interest for a new Half-Life project, when it is so creatively tied to the previous game.

Again this is just my personal speculation, and shouldn't be taken as some angry attack on the game. Far from it, I live in great personal hope that a new Half-Life game will appear soon!
You misunderstand me. I love Half-Life, and I also love the Episodes. The end of Episode 2 will always be one of my personal favourite moments in gaming. I would be perfectly happy if they released Episode Three tomorrow as if a delay had never happened. I wouldn't still be posting here after 9 years if I wasn't completely obsessed with the franchise.

My point is simply that the nature of the industry demands that Valve will have to consider new players as much as old, and my comments are simply from the perspective of THOSE players. It would be easy to simply dismiss such comments as the whining of noobs, but sadly its a group of players that play a big role in how financially successful your game is.

Portal and Portal 2 are a great example to look at. Even though Portal was massively successful, with 4+ Million players and a big cultural impact, Portal 2 STILL had an opening that acted as a fresh start which required virtually no knowledge of the first game. This is something that will be very hard for them to pull off in the next Half-Life given the previous cliffhanger.

I also wonder about comments made by people such as Chet Faliszek, who described the development of Episode 2 as a hellish one, which left many of the staff at Valve fatigued and ready to move onto other projects. The connection to the old story may have made it difficult for Valve to drum up internal interest for a new Half-Life project, when it is so creatively tied to the previous game.

Again this is just my personal speculation, and shouldn't be taken as some angry attack on the game. Far from it, I live in great personal hope that a new Half-Life game will appear soon!

My apologies! I have a simple mind and sometimes I can't read into things like that. Had no idea you were using a different perspective. Again I am very sorry!

Yes you are right about that. What if they bundle the entire second continuum in one box similar to the Orange Box? New players had no idea how Episode 1 connected with Episode 2 or Half Life 2, that's why Valve bundled it all. Maybe it can work again?

To be honest I don't care about the new players at all. They can go play some other games. I like cliffhangers damn it! :D

As far as I'm concerned Valve can take all the time they need to finish Half Life 3. I'm not going anywhere and I had no problems waiting for 5 years. I can wait 5 more.

Plus on the bright side, we got some kick ass games in the meantime like Left4Dead 1/2, Portal 2, CS:GO(even though most people hate it), Dota 2. I like that Valve is expanding and exploring. I just hope that someday Half Life 3 will see the light of day, no matter how long it takes.

And I'm absolutly sure it's going to be more than worth it!
Why? One of the amazing things about the Half Life Continuum is that it leaves us guessing. If you don't want to wait then don't.

If HL3 is the final chapter to the Gordon Freeman's story, its important to tie up lose ends and wrap up the story. I don't HL to become Lost.
If HL3 is the final chapter to the Gordon Freeman's story, its important to tie up lose ends and wrap up the story. I don't HL to become Lost.

It's the end of the current story, not the end of Gordon Freeman's story. Half Life 3 will not be the end of the Half Life universe.
That's what Valve said about Episode Three, but Half-Life 3 will be a much more monolithic game. Nobody can predict what Valve's plans are for the next HL.
That's what Valve said about Episode Three, but Half-Life 3 will be a much more monolithic game. Nobody can predict what Valve's plans are for the next HL.

Sounds about right for a game that should end the current story arc. I think that was the main problem with Episode 3. You can't cram a good ending in a small package like EPisode 1 and 2 were.
If Valve feel like making more Half-Life, they'll make more Half-Life. They won't abandon the saga just because they made a game with a 3 in its title.

No music from Mike Morasky can compete with Hard Fought, CP Violation or Nuclear Mission Jam from the glorious HL2. I'm hoping Kelly Bailey does some free lance work for HL3.

Also this.
Part of me is glad. I hope most everybody forgets about it. Valve will continue making other games, and then one day Half-Life 3 is revealed and saves the world
I also wonder about comments made by people such as Chet Faliszek, who described the development of Episode 2 as a hellish one, which left many of the staff at Valve fatigued and ready to move onto other projects.
Also, they felt that sequelitis was coming on with the franchise, so they stashed the development, but the core team has probably continued to work on and off.

Gabe said they were in an "experimental stage of game development" in 2008-2009, and they're continuing to experiment. At what point will they be happy with what they've learned and how they've applied it to the next Half-Life?

TF2 took, what, ~10 years to release? And it's a successful game. It's on the extreme end of Valve Time, but it worked for them. But, I think that they're much smarter now then they were then, so it shouldn't take them another decade to develop HL3.
TF2 took, what, ~10 years to release? And it's a successful game. It's on the extreme end of Valve Time, but it worked for them. But, I think that they're much smarter now then they were then, so it shouldn't take them another decade to develop HL3.

Personally, even though I really want HL3, I wouldn't be upset if it did take them a decade, or even longer. However long it takes them to make it a great game, it's ok with me.
I'd like to see them release HL2: Ep3 for free as a ~2-hour-long demo and a prequel to HL3. Wrap up the Episodes story arc with a proper ending, give the Steam playerbase a free taste of Half-Life (and maybe the new version of the Source engine), and still allow for a full HL3 to destroy people's faces with greatness and originality.

I mean it'd be a risky investment, but it would probably pay off through higher sales of HL3, and maybe even a few extra sales for HL2.
I'd like to see them release HL2: Ep3 for free as a ~2-hour-long demo and a prequel to HL3. Wrap up the Episodes story arc with a proper ending, give the Steam playerbase a free taste of Half-Life (and maybe the new version of the Source engine), and still allow for a full HL3 to destroy people's faces with greatness and originality.

I mean it'd be a risky investment, but it would probably pay off through higher sales of HL3, and maybe even a few extra sales for HL2.

You know, that is a great idea. I don't know if it would be possible to do a good wrap up of the current story arc in a free 2 hour game, though.
I think its a good idea, it should definitely run on Source 2. If not as a F2P 2 hour demo, they could always make HL3 20 chapters long (which would make it the longest HL game to date).
I could see it: an hour of you standing in a helicopter grabing stuff out of the air with your gravity gun and launching it at gunships, then another hour of sweet sexy grief time with Alyx