This made me laugh..


Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Some guy posted this on the University forum, I just laughed my ass off.

I heard November 16th, and that's from a friend of mine who works at Game, and also from various websites I visit as well.

Including one where a reviewer for a UK games magazine gave an honest review. He claims that magazines have been offered such benefits as all-expenses paid trips to Miami for 12 people, nights out on the town with copious amounts of alcohol and women, CDs, DVDs, t-shirts and loads of other goodies in exchange for giving Half-Life 2 a good review. His magazine gave the game a 91% rating - his own personal rating was 6/10, citing an extremely poor storyline (4/10) and gameplay (5/10). He did give the graphics a 9/10 and the sound also a 9/10, but we always knew it was going to be pretty. Though he did say that the Doom 3 engine was better.

Apparently many of the scenes we've seen in the videos claiming to be an example of the quality AI - such as the part where the guy runs into a building and blocks the door with a table - are not in fact AI at all, but scripted. And there's another part where you have to run down a street lined with enemies firing at you - enemies which CAN'T be killed, no matter what you do - he set some of them on fire, threw several grenades, and hosed the place, and they still stayed standing, and firing at him.

I think the game will sell well despite it's fault because most of the people who buy games now are only interested in how it looks, not how it plays. Edge is also famous for believing looks are more important than gameplay, so I'm no more inclined to believe their rating than anyone else's. I'm going to see for myself, but I expect to be disappointed.

I'm going to find him on monday and give him a swift kick in the balls for being so stupid. Imagine how much VALVe would be paying out if they bribed all the Magazine's like he suggests they've been doing.
We can't refute this until the game is out (the bits about bad story line, etc).

But about Valve offering money, free trips, etc. for good reviews... :LOL:

If it's that bad, we'll know on November 20th.
That sounds like a large amount of bollocks (Excuse my french.) your friend is spewing ;)

No self respecting PC Mag would take bribes, I doubt VALVe would do such a thing either.
DigitalAssassin said:
We can't refute this until the game is out (the bits about bad story line, etc).

But about Valve offering money, free trips, etc. for good reviews... :LOL:

If it's that bad, we'll know on November 20th.

you mean the 16th :D
Bwahahaha! If it were that easy to bribe and get good reviews about a game then every single game out there with a big name publisher or developer would be recieving scores in the 90's. Plus how the hell would that many reviewers have been that easily bribed? It just doesn't work like that, by now we would have recieved a couple bad reviews from magazines but we havn't.
DigitalAssassin said:
I did mean the 20th actually, a few days after it's released (giving lots of people time to play a lot of the game). :cool: :D

DOH yeah sorry :eek:
Bribes where, gimme gimme, i need a bribe... mmm bribes... mmm miami....

He says "Edge is also famous for believing looks are more important than gameplay" but EDGE give DOOM III a 7/10 if I am correct??
I think the guy is right. After all he goes to University
I would have expected a magazine to come out and tell everyone that Valve tried to bribe them if this was true.
Don't bother kicking the bugger in the balls... use a shotgun!!!!11
this would be highly illegal and would get Valve in a LOT of trouble if one of the magazines declined the bribe and reported it. Valve aren't stupid.
diegomarino said:
He says "Edge is also famous for believing looks are more important than gameplay" but EDGE give DOOM III a 7/10 if I am correct??

Edge has a history of being critical where critical reviews were needed. From what I've seen, they focus on the elements that make the game 'good', and if that happens to be graphics, so be it.

Yes, I think you're right about Doom 3's 7/10. There was no lack of polygons, but there certainly was a lack of gameplay. I'd say the same for Farcry (others would dissagree).
frances_farmer said:
this would be highly illegal and would get Valve in a LOT of trouble if one of the magazines declined the bribe and reported it. Valve aren't stupid.

QFT [Quoted for Truth]
The guy is trying to get a rise out of people (not the good kind ;) )...he's just joking around, he doesn't know ANY of this.
L337_Assasain said:
The guy is trying to get a rise out of people (not the good kind ;) )...he's just joking around, he doesn't know ANY of this.

If true all the more reason to kick him in the balls ;)
It's so stupid it's funny. I am surely also interested in seeing non-exclusive reviews in the first week after HL2's release, but I don't think they will be much different from the exclusive ones. Gamespot is the only site I wouldn't be surprised about if it gave an idiotic review - Gamespot's reviews have been getting progressively more idiotic lately.
The AI stuff is old. Didnt all this come up in the leak where it was actually all scripted which is fine really considering the idea of it was to show what they want the game to be like saying this is the kind of stuff that can happen in the game.

Even if Valve did bribe mags they all said there were small faults in the AI it blocking you and not been that great in nit picky areas. Plus it would be a complete waste of money. Even if reviews wernt that great people would have got the game anyway and deicided for them selves wether it was bad.
Lets look at this logically shall we? Ok, if valve had made a crappy game it wouldn't bother bribing mags for a good reviews since people will find out that it sucks sooner or later anyway. And either way, what is the advantage to having good reviews??? Better sales? Well the game is going to sale incredibly well anyway so theres really no point to Valve giving hand outs. :rolleyes:

It just doesn't make sense
What if the guy is right? What if the mighty Half-Life 2 fails? What if ?!?1+´+1
It's not really surprising people make up these rumours, there's been a lot of animosity towards VALVe of late due to the long delay of Half-Life 2.

Someone just has to pop up spill some "scandal" they've just made up in their head and before you know it you've got a fully blown rumour.
Is he not entitled to his own opinion? You fanboys should lay off the crack.

Note: No I didn't read it, I skimmed, that's not the point though.
InFeRnO said:
Is he not entitled to his own opinion? You fanboys should lay off the crack.

Note: No I didn't read it, I skimmed, that's not the point though.
Nobody said he couldnt have his own opinion. They just said that he was a dumbass.
Well I say you're a dumbass for having that opinion. That's how it works right?
They thought his opinion was stupid, so theyre calling him a dumbass.
God created idiots for one reason: So that everyone else can be happy that they aren't them.
InFeRnO said:
Is he not entitled to his own opinion? You fanboys should lay off the crack.

Note: No I didn't read it, I skimmed, that's not the point though.

I think they're saying his opinion is wrong because everything that made it was complete BS.

sounds like he's just another one of those "look at me, I'm so cool - i think all games suck, how dare they release this attempting to entertain all mighty me!" guys.
if i saw that guy... oh boy, the pleasure of kicking his sorry rear-end..
InFeRnO said:
Is he not entitled to his own opinion? You fanboys should lay off the crack.
Oh man!
:LOL: There goes that Inferno, playin it up again. I swear, if it weren't for the great wisdom of Inferno, we might not all know how stupid we are!


If reviews can be bought, then iD would have tried to buy them too. Yet HL2 is schooling D3 in the reviews. I doubt this is because of significantly greater insentive packages, so therefore I'm inclined to believe its primarily a function of the quality of the game.