This made me laugh..

The c**bucket who wrote that must've been a ****ing retard . I'm just saying I think that guy is stupid.

I'd kick that dude square in the nuts.. I mean that douche is just a goddamn turd-sandwich..
Duracell said:
That sounds like a large amount of bollocks (Excuse my french.) your friend is spewing ;)

No self respecting PC Mag would take bribes, I doubt VALVe would do such a thing either.

OK, I'm an occasional poster here and have started a new account for what I'm gonna say for various reasons - specifically because I've used my real sig in other forums and given out personal details. (Dont worry mods I'll delete this a/c after)
Anyway here goes;

You have no idea how completely and utterly wrong you are!

I'm a freelance journalist and I can tell you that 'entertainment' journalists are generally renowned for their lack of scruples.

It is extremely common for individuals to accept 'sweeteners', as they're known, when reviewing books/films and particularly music. And when I say common, I mean I have colleagues who've done it and continue to do it!

I've even heard talk of certain higher profile journalists competing with each other to get their quote on the front of whatever media they happen to be reviewing.

I dont actually know any games journos but I honestly can't imagine that the situation would be very different. The pay for covering entertainment issues - in paper form at least - isn't exactly stellar. And thats one motivation for it.

As for what the guy said about women and alcohol, I think not.
I would imagine it would be hard to find any woman to sleep with a games journalist, for any amount of money. J/k. :naughty:

Personally I dont think VALVe need to do that with HL2 anyway and I sincerely doubt they would take the chance of collectively bribing 20 odd journalists since theres roughly a 1 in 10 chance one of them might be honest!

People if you read no other part of this post (and you probably wont based on what I've seen here to date!) then read this;

Do NOT trust games/films/music mags!
In my opinion the only ones that are trustworthy are Edge and NME (depends on the reviewer for NME imho) and even then I take it with a pinch of salt. Trust me, I've seen it in action.

I will not be responding to this post so the nay-sayers can nay their little hearts out, call me a liar etc, I'm not bothered. I'm not the one wasting my money on those high-profile games mags and hopefully some other people will disregard them now too.

If not.. well.. I did try to help.. ;)
InFeRnO said:
Is he not entitled to his own opinion? You fanboys should lay off the crack.

Note: No I didn't read it, I skimmed, that's not the point though.
yeah theres alot of that going on about it
I have no doubt Valve would supply these mags with sweeteners, just a bit of merchandise isn't a sin. However i believe these reviewers are committed on showing their ability to judge accuratly so that they are noticed to be a well rounded journalist. The possibilty of being premoted or moving to a large newspaper company im sure they'd jump at, and producing a review that doesn't reflect their true opinion i'd find hard to accept. Perhaps my morals are different to other people, but i would never be involved in any movement to decieve people in such a scale.

Lastly, once the game is released, and if we discover it to be pure bollocks, all the reviewers and magazines would lose their image and people's respect and trust. I doubt they would get involved in any such scam, where they would lose their customers, it makes no sense. I trust these people :)
You guys acually think they paid them to give a good review? Well, whoever does can go die because HL2 is truly a very good game and deserved everybit of what it got on reviews, if not, more. :)
Anon...YOU are completely wrong, maybe you odn't understand what we mean by bribe, giving a reviewer a ****ing key chain, shirt, cap, and hell, maybe even a free copy of the game is not a bribe, it is a SWEETNER...but NOT a bribe, a bribe is saying, "hey if you give this game a good review, i'll blow you..." now that's a bribe, as far as there being many journalists out there who take obviously odn't know many. Nearly 90% of reviewrs would take a bribe, and nearly 99% of higly respected game companies would even offer a bribe, they don't need to, thus...YOU are either talking aobut something a little different than we are, or you are completely and utterly WRONG...
*takes a breath* sigh...
L337_Assasain said:
Anon...YOU are completely wrong, maybe you odn't understand what we mean by bribe, giving a reviewer a ****ing key chain, shirt, cap, and hell, maybe even a free copy of the game is not a bribe, it is a SWEETNER...but NOT a bribe, a bribe is saying, "hey if you give this game a good review, i'll blow you..." now that's a bribe, as far as there being many journalists out there who take obviously odn't know many. Nearly 90% of reviewrs would take a bribe, and nearly 99% of higly respected game companies would even offer a bribe, they don't need to, thus...YOU are either talking aobut something a little different than we are, or you are completely and utterly WRONG...
*takes a breath* sigh...

Wow, you are quite ignorant. No game magazine would risk their credibility by asking for a bribe. YOU are wrong. I'm sure it's happened before though, but not to such a game like this.
DigitalAssassin said:
We can't refute this until the game is out (the bits about bad story line, etc).

But about Valve offering money, free trips, etc. for good reviews... :LOL:

If it's that bad, we'll know on November 20th.
Why the 20th?
GWalker said:
Why the 20th?
You didn't read the whole thread did you? No.... he said this so as to allow a couple of days for people to play the game, so that lots of people would have played it.....

Also...Anon is right that there probably are many if not all journalists that recieve sweetners... however i doubt these sweetners come attched to some kind of 'formal' bribe.... they are more of a gift of thanks....

Also what Hectic Glen said

Hectic Glenn said:
I have no doubt Valve would supply these mags with sweeteners, just a bit of merchandise isn't a sin. However i believe these reviewers are committed on showing their ability to judge accuratly so that they are noticed to be a well rounded journalist. The possibilty of being premoted or moving to a large newspaper company im sure they'd jump at, and producing a review that doesn't reflect their true opinion i'd find hard to accept. Perhaps my morals are different to other people, but i would never be involved in any movement to decieve people in such a scale.

Lastly, once the game is released, and if we discover it to be pure bollocks, all the reviewers and magazines would lose their image and people's respect and trust. I doubt they would get involved in any such scam, where they would lose their customers, it makes no sense. I trust these people

is true as well....

I don't think there is anything wrong with game companies giving sweetners to journalists.... as journalists know that it is their responsibility to give accurate reviews.. however what anon said about reviews being often very unrealistic and not reflecting the true qualities of the game or games is also true and important... one's own opinions often come into play... for example on forums about doom3 most people will be talking about how crap hl2 is..... just as many people here believe hl2 is better than doom3...... it is all opinionated as no one really knows.... and in the end it is a subjective comment anyway so neither is really the better....
well... we dont know for sure do we. what if he is right? About the "fake" AI stuff though? would be funny if it proved to be correct and that the storyline actually sux... hahaha. What a bummer :)

EDIT: On the flipside.. Edge gave it a ... how shall i say it.. a nice review, i`ll trust edge mag over any other review magazine any day.
the 16th is a tuesday, i have a 9:00 lecture then... :(
But the rest of the day off :naughty:
did go through the leak aswell, you cant possibly judge the game as a whole on the grounds of the leaked copy. it only serves as a hint at the possible gameplay scenarios in the game, and as a hint at the graphics in it, lets not forget the physics. If you judge the game as a whole by how the leak was you are a moron.
I can't believe people are actually entertaining what that guy said!! We have some stupid people on these boards, I mean come on free trip's to Miami, women and booze + all sorts of other stuff just for giving Half-Life 2 a good review?

Please, if VALVe had done that it'd be all over the internet by now and not through some obscure post some guy made who probably doesn't even work for magazine. We have some gullible people on these forums.

Sweetners probably happen a lot I'd imagine, but all out bribes without several major reviewers (I mean Edge wouldn't want to lose respectability, I'm sure the loss of people buying their magazine if they were to write a fake review is far higher than any trip to Miami would cover, plus the Journalists who reviewed HL-2 would lose their jobs) calling it is unbelievable.

I'll tell you, one guy make's up a cock and bull story about bribes and people jump on the bandwagon with "OMFG IS IT TROOOOO!!11one". Don't be silly, VALVe have been receiving a lot of bad press lately through no fault of their own, it's just people making up things because Half-Life 2 was delayed for so long.
You guys seem to have forgotten.....those magazines that got the exclusive scoops on the first few reviews, PAID VALVE for the rights to have the first review, not the other way around.
As stated by one of the smaller mags, they had to delay their review of HL2 because one of the mags that had paid for an exclusive hadnt put theirs out yet, and so the smaller mag had 2 wait til they had.
With a game like HL2, with such a big following, magazines will spill their guts to get the first review to bring in readers.
Platinum said:
Wow, you are quite ignorant. No game magazine would risk their credibility by asking for a bribe. YOU are wrong. I'm sure it's happened before though, but not to such a game like this.
???...that's what I was saying...A "sweetner" such as HL2 merchandise is not a bribe, that's what i meant...That no game magazine would take a bribe, and game merchandise is NOT a bribe...i think you misunderstood me...
EDIT: ...i accidentally said they would take a bribe, was a typo, now i see where the misunderstanding is
hahaha if i knew someone like that in uni i would actually give them a load of abuse, if they got cocky a kick in the teeth.

Whomever made this rumor deserves for his vocal cords and fingers (toes included) to be removed. And then he shall never speak or type again.

Inferno, as much as he is entitled to his opinion, we are entitled to disagree with him. And this opinion is extremely stupid. Thus shut up. :sleep:
L337_Assasain said:
Anon...YOU are completely wrong, maybe you odn't understand what we mean by bribe, giving a reviewer a ****ing key chain, shirt, cap, and hell, maybe even a free copy of the game is not a bribe, it is a SWEETNER...but NOT a bribe, a bribe is saying, "hey if you give this game a good review, i'll blow you..." now that's a bribe, as far as there being many journalists out there who take obviously odn't know many. Nearly 90% of reviewrs would take a bribe, and nearly 99% of higly respected game companies would even offer a bribe, they don't need to, thus...YOU are either talking aobut something a little different than we are, or you are completely and utterly WRONG...
*takes a breath* sigh...
Your giving someone something to influence there choice, it's still a bribe you douche
...Giving someone merchandise is not going to effect their decision "douche", because a hat, shirt, and a free copy of a game is expected, the other things are worth more, and are considered bribes. I'm sure the testers and reviewers are going to get a free package with HL2 merchandise, and it MAY affect their decision (Who really cares about a cap and shirt?) but it is highly unlikely, i'm not trying to sound like a know everything, in fact, i know barely anything about the relationship between reviewers and the game creators, but i DO know that it is very unlikely that a respectable game company would offer a bribe, or that a reviewer would accept one. Don't call me a douche because i'm using logic...
I doubt it's that easy. Could be, but that's a lotta bribed journalists in that case who sold out for a crummy t-shirt, some booze and a trip to Miami. That's a bit expensive for VALVe to do also and I don't believe in it for a second