this preload is dumb



they say the preloads are encyrpted but yet ppl have got the script and all the sound files.... for say u download all the pre-loads for free then when u have to get a cd key or something to play it there will be a way to round this and u get hl2 for free.

or im i so so wrong? yet the whole script is out and basically hl2 is ****ed. only the gameplay is what u are buying unless u can hold off from spoilers.
Isn't the whole point of buying a game to play it? You don't buy a game to read it.
-=[Diablo]=- said:
they say the preloads are encyrpted but yet ppl have got the script and all the sound files.... for say u download all the pre-loads for free then when u have to get a cd key or something to play it there will be a way to round this and u get hl2 for free.

or im i so so wrong? yet the whole script is out and basically hl2 is ****ed. only the gameplay is what u are buying unless u can hold off from spoilers.
That was something that got out that's completely unrelated to the HL2 preload.

The only sound files that will be on the internet are those that were leaked when the HL2 source code and resources were stolen last September.
...when u have to get a cd key or something to play it there will be a way to round this and u get hl2 for free.

I think that might be it; I gather he's concerned that someone is going to find a way of cracking the encryption and using the preloaded content to, essentially, get the game for free.

'Course, I think that the purported Steam activation means that, even if people do eventually start chucking visual and aural spoilers everywhere, they won't be able to play the game itself without legally buying the thing first.
There will of course be a free warez downloaded able version, just like there is for every game.

You need to worry about your self doing the right thing, and paying Gabes salary
Gunsnroses said:
There will of course be a free warez downloaded able version, just like there is for every game.

You need to worry about your self doing the right thing, and paying Gabes salary
hes right u know, almost every game, every movie, every music, every computer app has been cracked and is downloadable on the net, especially through bittorrent(this is my fav) its nothing news, internet piracy has been always with us, and always will be
ktimekiller said:
hes right u know, almost every game, every movie, every music, every computer app has been cracked and is downloadable on the net, especially through bittorrent(this is my fav) its nothing news, internet piracy has been always with us, and always will be
Valve are obviously hoping that they can stop it with Steam though, or at least reduce the amount of sales they'll lose from it.
Only a very small percentage of people who play hl2 would have been exposed to spoilers beforehand. Very small percentage and usually they were actively looking for spoilers.

Though knowing a script is hardly going to ruin the experience. I'd read the LOTR trilogy twice before seeing the films, i knew the story inside out, yet the films were the most enjoyable i've ever seen in my life. There's much more to a computer game experience than a few script points.
That's why it would sooooo make sense for Valve to release HL2 on Steam earlier than it goes to Vivendi for duplication.

It's almost guaranteed that somebody, somewhere in the CD/DVD duplication process ships it out to the likes of Vengeance/Fairlight etc etc for full on haxoring.
i'll buy the game anyway, no matter what. No one has to tell me this game is worth my 50 bucks :)
Interl@ce said:
i'll buy the game anyway, no matter what. No one has to tell me this game is worth my 50 bucks :)

Me too. Hell, I already bought it; I'm just waiting for it to arrive at EB!
Whether you buy the game via Steam or on CD/DVD, you still have to use Steam to load up singleplayer, not to mention multiplayer. While the SP of this game will surely kick all sorts of ass, the MP is what is going to really make this game shine. Steam is going to pose a whole crapload of problems to any would-be piraters.
Well people seem to have managed to do with CS:S already (not that i've tried thats what i have CZ for :) ), so it would be technically possible to bypass steam and still have MP for HL2
Bait said:
Whether you buy the game via Steam or on CD/DVD, you still have to use Steam to load up singleplayer, not to mention multiplayer. While the SP of this game will surely kick all sorts of ass, the MP is what is going to really make this game shine. Steam is going to pose a whole crapload of problems to any would-be piraters.

Can't you run Steam in offline mode for single player? It would be pretty stupid of Valve to require Steam to be connected for a single player game as there are still a lot of people out there without internet connections.
kaellinn18 said:
Can't you run Steam in offline mode for single player? It would be pretty stupid of Valve to require Steam to be connected for a single player game as there are still a lot of people out there without internet connections.
I doubt it very much that there are people with a PC good enough to run HL² and actually wanting the game, without any form of internet. I think most pcs have a build in modem nowadays anyway.
You only have to log into steam once...
DeltaBlast said:
I doubt it very much that there are people with a PC good enough to run HL² and actually wanting the game, without any form of internet. I think most pcs have a build in modem nowadays anyway.
You only have to log into steam once...

Ok, for singleplayer, you can EITHER connect to Steam or have your CD in the drive. For MP, you have to be connected to steam.
-=[Diablo]=- said:
they say the preloads are encyrpted but yet ppl have got the script and all the sound files.... for say u download all the pre-loads for free then when u have to get a cd key or something to play it there will be a way to round this and u get hl2 for free.

or im i so so wrong? yet the whole script is out and basically hl2 is ****ed. only the gameplay is what u are buying unless u can hold off from spoilers.

Yes you are 'so wrong'
Biscuit said:
Ok, for singleplayer, you can EITHER connect to Steam or have your CD in the drive. For MP, you have to be connected to steam.

Right, and it's very easy to pirate a CD. Steam isn't going to stop it.
kussie said:
Well people seem to have managed to do with CS:S already (not that i've tried thats what i have CZ for :) ), so it would be technically possible to bypass steam and still have MP for HL2

It would be highly uncomfortable though, because every update for the game needs to be cracked. In the end it wouldn't be worth the effort and everyone would still buy the game (and rightfully so!).
You can't stop pirating, you can however make it a living hell for someone using pirated software.
kaellinn18 said:
Right, and it's very easy to pirate a CD. Steam isn't going to stop it.

The first patch will stop it. No steam with a valid key no patch no play.
kaellinn18 said:
Can't you run Steam in offline mode for single player? It would be pretty stupid of Valve to require Steam to be connected for a single player game as there are still a lot of people out there without internet connections.

I'm 100% for online authentication, I mean, just register your game once to your Steam account and you're done. Anyone can fire up their onboard 56K modem once to do it. There's no one with a pc good enough to play HL2 and without any sort of internet connection in the near region (hell, you could even register it at your neighbours).
PvtRyan said:
I'm 100% for online authentication, I mean, just register your game once to your Steam account and you're done. Anyone can fire up their onboard 56K modem once to do it. There's no one with a pc good enough to play HL2 and without any sort of internet connection in the near region (hell, you could even register it at your neighbours).

I agree won't take long to send and verify an encryption key, it would be faster than the stupid registration forms most people fill out now.

PvtRyan said:
I'm 100% for online authentication, I mean, just register your game once to your Steam account and you're done. Anyone can fire up their onboard 56K modem once to do it. There's no one with a pc good enough to play HL2 and without any sort of internet connection in the near region (hell, you could even register it at your neighbours).

Regardless of what you all think or believe, statistically there are people out there with PCs good enough to run HL2, who want to play HL2, and who do not have an internet connection. Valve will not alienate this audience, even if it's only a couple of hundred people.
kaellinn18 said:
Regardless of what you all think or believe, statistically there are people out there with PCs good enough to run HL2, who want to play HL2, and who do not have an internet connection. Valve will not alienate this audience, even if it's only a couple of hundred people.

Yes I am sure they are concerned about .0112% of the market.

kaellinn18 said:
Regardless of what you all think or believe, statistically there are people out there with PCs good enough to run HL2, who want to play HL2, and who do not have an internet connection. Valve will not alienate this audience, even if it's only a couple of hundred people.

In a few years an internet connection will be a minimum requirement, just like a videocard is, and if you don't meet the requirements, you don't get to play it, that isn't alienating, that's progress. I don't hear people saying how sad it is for people with an onboard 4 MB videocard that they can't play HL2.
Stryyder said:
Yes I am sure they are concerned about .0112% of the market.


You can register any version of Windows over the phone. Care to take another shot?
PvtRyan said:
In a few years an internet connection will be a minimum requirement, just like a videocard is, and if you don't meet the requirements, you don't get to play it, that isn't alienating, that's progress. I don't hear people saying how sad it is for people with an onboard 4 MB videocard that they can't play HL2.

You make a good point, but that time is not here yet; in fact, I'm pretty sure we're at least a couple of years from that point.
Stryyder said:
Yes I am sure they are concerned about .0112% of the market.


Yes you can, but thanks for playing. (It's an old-fashioned gadget called a phone. They give you an activation key.)

Statistically speaking, games in general have a very large SP-only audience. HL2 may have a higher then average multiplayer audience because of the type of game it is, but there will very likely be a large number of people who buy it ONLY for SP. These people are also unlikely to be posting on this message board.
kaellinn18 said:
You can register any version of Windows over the phone. Care to take another shot?

And I am sure it would be impossible for them to do the same with HL2 if they wish. *sarcasm*

It all comes down to dollars and cents.

If the loss revenue from pirating is greater than the potential loss in revenue from non internet using customers than its a bad business decision not to do it. Why do you think Microsoft did it?
But Microsoft didn't do it... you can register Windows/Office/Visual Studio by calling them. You're arguing in circles. Microsoft is the most pirated software on the face of the earth. Way to pick your examples champ.
kaellinn18 said:
But Microsoft didn't do it... you can register Windows/Office/Visual Studio by calling them. You're arguing in circles. Microsoft is the most pirated software on the face of the earth. Way to pick your examples champ.

My point is that what is to stop Valve from allowing phone registration as well?

Also the target market for HL2 is bound to have a much higher percentage of active internet and broadband users in its share in comparison to the entire market. This would actually give greater support to the financial model I mentioned above which you chose to ignore.

Also I am sure you know that according to Nielson that there are about 300 Million ACTIVE internet users as of June of 2004 this is active accounts that used the internet not just the number of people with access which is HIGHER.

If you are trying to make an argument that a substantial market share does not have internet access I would like to see the FACTS that support your OPINION.

P.S. if you choose to talk down to me by calling me champ, I will be more than happy to move down to your level Schmuck. Or we can forgo the name calling.
ok heres a question, they said you can buy it on this preload, didnt they? I just have to confirm my order i guess for the ATI copoun holders. Anyone know what to do?
talem said:
ok heres a question, they said you can buy it on this preload, didnt they? I just have to confirm my order i guess for the ATI copoun holders. Anyone know what to do?

Enter your ATi coupon in Browse Games> Register a Product I Already Own. You will have access to Counter-Strike: Source and additionally Half-Life 2 will be unlocked for free when it is released.
Stryyder said:
My point is that what is to stop Valve from allowing phone registration as well?

Also the target market for HL2 is bound to have a much higher percentage of active internet and broadband users in its share in comparison to the entire market. This would actually give greater support to the financial model I mentioned above which you chose to ignore.

Also I am sure you know that according to Nielson that there are about 300 Million ACTIVE internet users as of June of 2004 this is active accounts that used the internet not just the number of people with access which is HIGHER.

If you are trying to make an argument that a substantial market share does not have internet access I would like to see the FACTS that support your OPINION.

P.S. if you choose to talk down to me by calling me champ, I will be more than happy to move down to your level Schmuck. Or we can forgo the name calling.

And my point is that phone registration does not prevent piracy, as is evidenced by Microsoft's track record.

As for your reference, there are 185.9 million internet "users" in the US, not 300 million. That is the number of people, not the number of accounts. Read the definition in the CIA factbook. Many of those people access the internet from outside of their homes at internet cafes or libraries or what have you. The fact remains that there is going to be a fairly large group of people without internet access at their home who will want to play HL2.

No, I can't give you a specific number; I can't go out and ask everyone what their plans are in regards to playing HL2. I'm speaking from an educated, purely statistical point of view (I have a minor in Mathematics). As for the "name calling," champ is hardly much of an insult. I will forego stooping to real namecalling for the sake of civility.
kaellinn18 said:
And my point is that phone registration does not prevent piracy, as is evidenced by Microsoft's track record.

As for your reference, there are 185.9 million internet "users" in the US, not 300 million. That is the number of people, not the number of accounts. Read the definition in the CIA factbook. Many of those people access the internet from outside of their homes at internet cafes or libraries or what have you. The fact remains that there is going to be a fairly large group of people without internet access at their home who will want to play HL2.

No, I can't give you a specific number; I can't go out and ask everyone what their plans are in regards to playing HL2. I'm speaking from an educated, purely statistical point of view (I have a minor in Mathematics). As for the "name calling," champ is hardly much of an insult. I will forego stooping to real namecalling for the sake of civility.

1) learn to read

2)The world factbook number you quoted is just the U.S. and user with access my number is active users in June world wide. Is 300 million potetnial customers to small of a customer base?

3) Champ is a condescending term. I am 34 years old the only one that can call me champ without being condescending is my 66 year old father.
Stryyder said:
1) learn to read

2)The world factbook number you quoted is just the U.S. and user with access my number is active users in June world wide. Is 300 million potetnial customers to small of a customer base?

3) Champ is a condescending term. I am 34 years old the only one that can call me champ without being condescending is my 66 year old father.

1) I can't read.

2) I didn't realize you were talking worldwide here. That would make the possible market of non-internet users even larger. By not validating over Steam, you are in no way alienating the 300 million internet users. For the sake of argument, lets just say there are 10,000 people worldwide who will play HL2 without an internet connection. Average price of HL2 say $50. That's a nice chunk of change. Yes, it may be smaller than what Valve might lose to internet piracy, but you don't need the internet to pirate a game. I'm just saying that I don't think requiring internet authentication is a smart move. That's all I ever was saying.

3) I'm sorry if I offended you.
the fact that you forego name calling saddens me...

and people who get into heated discussions on the internet because their e-pride got hurt are labeled as pathetic in my books :D

tip: to avoid looking like a complete idiot, refrain from getting into arguments with morons like yourself on the internet.