This will truly amaze you..

they dont look that big from here
no they don't look that big from here because in reality they are not that big. astronomical calculations mean **** in case you didn't know. I mean, you can't actually go there and measure the size of that star, can you? so it's all estimations which are all likely to be off by several orders of magnitude. lol
no they don't look that big from here because in reality they are not that big. astronomical calculations mean **** in case you didn't know. I mean, you can't actually go there and measure the size of that star, can you? so it's all estimations which are all likely to be off by several orders of magnitude. lol

I never take anything you say seriously because of 1. Everything you say is rediculous and 2. Your avatar makes you loose all credibility right off the bat.

You phail!
no they don't look that big from here because in reality they are not that big. astronomical calculations mean **** in case you didn't know. I mean, you can't actually go there and measure the size of that star, can you? so it's all estimations which are all likely to be off by several orders of magnitude. lol

The most they'd be off by is a VERY small fraction.

I can't believe you'd spout such nonsense where you clearly have no idea how they can measure these things.
after I read the title I figured somebody must have taken a picture of me naked.
no they don't look that big from here because in reality they are not that big. astronomical calculations mean **** in case you didn't know. I mean, you can't actually go there and measure the size of that star, can you? so it's all estimations which are all likely to be off by several orders of magnitude. lol

Hahahaha, you have no idea what you're talking about.
That'd take one giant tape measure!
... (at above)

Wee huge things. I liked the semi-gigantic bright blue one. My only criticism of the video is calling our star "Sun," rather than more appropriate names like Sol or Helios or what have you.
... (at above)

Wee huge things. I liked the semi-gigantic bright blue one. My only criticism of the video is calling our star "Sun," rather than more appropriate names like Sol or Helios or what have you.

Yeah and I don't believe the Earth should have been called Earth. Terra would have been more appropriate.
You are a chemical reaction.

Don't give a damn WHAT I am. The fact of the matter is, I'm a sentient, living being. That makes me special compared to some random star!

If that star grew some non-planetoid balls and began terrorizing the universe, then I'd respect it.
Don't give a damn WHAT I am. The fact of the matter is, I'm a sentient, living being. That makes me special compared to some random star!

If that star grew some non-planetoid balls and began terrorizing the universe, then I'd respect it.

But seriously, compared to pretty much anything in the universe, a human being is a very inconsequential little bundle of atoms. We are far less important than we make ourselves out to be.
But we are unique bundles of inconsiquential atoms. We are not just a bunch of chemicals, we are controlled by eletrical signals. Also, cells are made of solids as well as liquids... so we're not just chemicals. :O
We're elementals!

"I harness the powers of earth, water, and electricity! Watch me wield the devastating force of wind against my foes! And look, I can create fire utilizing my hands!"


With your powers combined I am Captain Planet!

Captain Planet, he's our hero,
Gonna take pollution down to zero,
He's our powers magnified,
And he's fighting on the planet side


Also, the sun is pretty big. Surely it must be on the verge of collapse.
I don't know about you, but i'm far more significant than VV Cephei. All it is, is a damn star. I'm an intelligent being.

Stars are 99.99999999% the reason you're even here and exist. We're all made of star-stuff, with most of the elements that make up our world originating from mother sol.

Humanity, throughout its entire course of existence, will make NO difference in the outcome or the history of the universe. If a presentation were given on everything, then earth wouldn't even be mentioned.
Stars are 99.99999999% the reason you're even here and exist. We're all made of star-stuff, with most of the elements that make up our world originating from mother sol.

They've done their job helping to aid creation of the magnificent specimen that is me... but come on, that's in the past. The time is now. The spotlight is on me.
They've done their job helping to aid creation of the magnificent specimen that is me... but come on, that's in the past. The time is now. The spotlight is on me.

Yeah, the world revolves around you.

On a slight tangent, I'd just like to share with you all the most important picture taken by man.

There are 10,000 galaxies alone in that single image; no individual stars. Every little speck is a galaxy.

And that image wasn't of the entire sky. That image is a box the size of 1/10 of the moon from our perspective on the ground. "That's what you see in nothing."

Here's an article that realizes my feelings on that image:
They've done their job helping to aid creation of the magnificent specimen that is me... but come on, that's in the past. The time is now. The spotlight is on me.
What spotlight?

My original statement still stands. Each and every person here is a big chemical reaction. Our thoughts, feelings, actions, opinions, everything you've ever experienced, all of that is absolutely nothing but electrons switching which atom they orbit.
What spotlight?

My original statement still stands. Each and every person here is a big chemical reaction. Our thoughts, feelings, actions, opinions, everything you've ever experienced, all of that is absolutely nothing but electrons switching which atom they orbit.

I know... but those all still amount to something more impressive and unique than a star... you have to admit.

We have the capability of studying and understanding what makes us tick and even tamper with it... not just be influenced by it all without any reaction except those dictated by nature.

You can't even render an image to compare the sizes of the earth and that star, even if earth was just to be a single pixel... because the star would have to be a round circle 288,000 pixels in diameter!

Thats like the size of 280 images at 1024x768 side by side... versus one SINGLE pixel. JESUS!

You can't even render an image to compare the sizes of the earth and that star, even if earth was just to be a single pixel... because the star would have to be a round circle 288,000 pixels in diameter!

Thats like the size of 280 images at 1024x768 side by side... versus one SINGLE pixel. JESUS!

You can however, compare the sun.

Go to that link... then click on the image twice to bring it to full resolution.
We're elementals!

"I harness the powers of earth, water, and electricity! Watch me wield the devastating force of wind against my foes! And look, I can create fire utilizing my hands!"

This was the first post I saw when I opened this thread.

I thought the amazing thing was that someone had learned how to control the elements with his mind.

no they don't look that big from here because in reality they are not that big. astronomical calculations mean **** in case you didn't know. I mean, you can't actually go there and measure the size of that star, can you? so it's all estimations which are all likely to be off by several orders of magnitude. lol

Anything to back up that huge crock of bullshit that just spewed forth?

On topic - That is a bloody big star :O