those lonely thursday nights


Sep 13, 2003
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so, anyone else got a project due, a load of homework, or an exam they haven't studied for due tomorrow? edit: [that of course they'r eprocrastinating on like me?]

I love thursdays. probably more than arthur dent.

I've got about a months worth of bio to do, my grades suck because I haven't done my homework since the beginning of the semester for most of my classes. ugh.

so, how bout you guys? by the way, when does/did school end for you all?
E-procrastinating! Is that like E-mail, or E-commerce? :P
Tons of stuff to do, just like normal :p

A project I received today which is due on Monday
Three more exams to study for
Two Projects due next Thursday
One physics project due on the 16th
5 essays: 3 due Monday, 1 Tuesday, 1Thursday
Two Short stories for English due Monday
12-16 page research paper
About 4,033,34853 Journal entries due for Thursday

School ends on July 1st for me. My final class will end at 8:25P.M. (counting down the hours to that) with one last paper (the research one) and a final journal grade.
damn, i hate it when i hear all the shit imma have to do in the higher grades :(
shuzer: I guess it would have to be. i am using the e-nternet.

qckbeam: thats a lot of crap =\ good luck with those four hundred million journal entries.

kaite: yyyeaaaah.
Sh33p, in Soviet Russia homework does YOU! :p

sorry.. i just couldn't resist.. its ur avatar man.. :)
Thursdays..hmm.. i don;t like em..
same with Tuesdays.. lol

Fridays are good for many, many reasons which should be very obvious :E
Saturdays are good from October til early June because of hockey and Hockey Night in Canada :)

yeah, u guessed it, imma hardcore hockey fan ;)
I got today off from school.
Yay for me!

Now to get ready for school tomorrow...
Dr. Freeman said:
Sh33p, in Soviet Russia homework does YOU! :p

sorry.. i just couldn't resist.. its ur avatar man.. :)
Thursdays..hmm.. i don;t like em..
same with Tuesdays.. lol

Fridays are good for many, many reasons which should be very obvious :E
Saturdays are good from October til early June because of hockey and Hockey Night in Canada :)

yeah, u guessed it, imma hardcore hockey fan ;)
lol, yeah, how much I love those jokes. no. really ;P

I ended up doing it for the most part except one thing. but oh well. maybe I'll try next year. myeeeeh :(((
i stayed up all thursday night revising for a 930am was worth it :)

put the effort in, and it feels good afterwards (bloody obvious but so very true).
Supposed to be revising P1 Maths.. really really really can't be arsed... So, I'm eProcrastinating :)
I've handed in all my Coursework, now ice jsut got exams to look forward to. Couple on friday and another at the end of june.
I just have to look forward to my exams. I got 3 exams on next Tuesday and 2 exams next Thursday. Then I have to look forward to going back to college for a month at the end of June to start my second half of my courses. Then at the end of July I finish for the summer holidays!
If anyone's bored they could always do my latin for the exams!
CrazyHarij said:
hand it over, baby

Fine, translate and analyze Catul:13,5,87,70,72,58,85 and Cena Trimalchionis
Pendragon said:
1. Memorize 40 lines of Othello.
2. Write a 3-4 page paper on Othello.
4. Read 'Things Fall Apart.'
5. Take test on 'Things Fall Apart.'
6. Biology Test next Wednesday.
7. Math test next Thursday.
8. Miscellaneous daily homework and the unannounced but inevitable tests in other classes.
8. Finals in Algebra 2/Trig, English, Bio, World History II, and Latin III.
School ends June 18 at 12:00 noon.

okonkwo dies.