Thought you should know...patch out no later than tomorrow

? How do you know it has been delayed? Most things release around 9(12 eastern).
Ya know, if this patch doesnt come out tomorrow, I'm gonna do a big shit on the floor in my room, take my clothes off and roll in it and then body slam myself on all four walls of my room just to punish myself for the late release of the patch.

Yeh YOU heard me Valve!!
No! Don't punish yourself for the late release... find something more suitable.. blame it on an animal(perhaps a crab).

Anyways, check out

Read the news.
CreamyG said:
Ya know, if this patch doesnt come out tomorrow, I'm gonna do a big shit on the floor in my room, take my clothes off and roll in it and then body slam myself on all four walls of my room just to punish myself for the late release of the patch.

Yeh YOU heard me Valve!!


Post a few photos when youve finished dude.....could be amusing.
damn, release the patch already. i havent been playin it for the past few days.
Where is this again...where its been stated that its been pushed back...
the patch will get leaked and we'll have to wait another week, havent you people learned nothing from when gabe told us everything was fine with the original nov date LAST YEAR?
Why are the Steam forums always down.....better yet why must Valve use the piece of crap that is Steam
Shogo36 said:
Why are the Steam forums always down.....better yet why must Valve use the piece of crap that is Steam

#1- I reckon forums are down due to the masses of folk looking for a patch.

#2- Cos if it takes on(STEAM)... they eliminate both pirates and the need to spend tons of cash printing cd`s/dvd``s.....which adds up to more money on both counts. £$£$£$£$£$£$£$£$£$£$
There is a patch out on the web that states it fixes "AI_DISABLE and NODE GRAPH REBUILDING" which is the cause of the stutering. It was released by REVELATiON...I'm gonna give it a try and get back to everyone.
Ah, it's only an autoexec.cfg file...along with the "fixes" it unlocks all chapters, enables the console, and enables cheats. Here are the contents if ne one wants to give it a shot:

sv_unlockedchapters "15"
sv_cheats "1"
con_enable "1"
ai_norebuildgraph "1"
ai_disable "0"
Yea Wazz I and others also need a patch which fixes the memory cannot be read error, as i cannot even play the game right now....
I gotcha...I was getting that error when running HL2 from a shortcut instead of from Steam, launching from Steam it was ok. Have you verified your cache files yet? (I'm sure you've tried everything already). Well, during the next 6 years, maybe the assholes will actually test the game this time!! Going to try this cfg file, I'm still stuttering...
Tomorrow, tell me it isn't so...This crashing to the Desktop has to stop. This game stutters like an old mans bones in winter.

What I am afarid of is when they release the patch. What if it isn't tested like we know the game wasn't. Or was it just Steam with the game wasn't tested.

I say we gotta have faith in Valve to do the right thing by us all and for themselves. My sister told me she wasn't gonna buy this game until it was right. But I had to have on release and have not been able to play it without all these troubles.
The desktop-crashing was fixed, was it not? They gave links on the front page to validate the Steam cache files.
Did not work for me. Revalidated it twice. Failed to stop it form crashing.
hmm, my Steam just updated.

*The update isn't too-too good... check it out, nothing big.
I had the "read" error and it fixed it for me YAY!! now i can get past the damn first time you meet an alien inside the train car and he heals you for 30 energy.
the update that came out today isnt for the sound stutter, it was to remove requiring password for offline mode, the sound stutter fix got pushed back till tomorow.
CreamyG said:
Nope, its gonna completely trash your machine and hump your hard drive until it starts puking ascii.

Then its gonna delete all your porn off your drive and load gospel songs over the top and put a picture of Roseanne with her butt cheeks spread as your wallpaper.

Hahaha. That's a dangerous situation.
Thank god they are releasing a patch for this.
Will it update automatically through Steam or will we have to download it ourselves?

It is later than a day, but hey... this is a serious issue. You don't want them messing up twice, do you?
When and if it seems to me. Valve you all know we are waiting to play. IF I had known that I would have had these problems with this game I would have waited to plunk my hard earned cash on it until there was a patch. Can't stand the wait....
Gish05 said:
Thank god they are releasing a patch for this.
Will it update automatically through Steam or will we have to download it ourselves?

It is later than a day, but hey... this is a serious issue. You don't want them messing up twice, do you?
All patches and updates for all of Valves games will automatically be downloaded through steam. One of the original purposes of steam was to eliminate the need to manually download and install patches yourself.
I'm still a HL/Steam/Valve n00b so forgive me.
Can't believe that for a game that was delayed for so long, they let these 3 bugs make it into the final release!
My 100% unreliable source told me the patch will be out on December the 3rd.
When I say 100% unreliable I MEAN 100% unreliable. In fact, I just made it up.

Sorry... I couldn't resist.
CSharkbytes said:
When and if it seems to me. Valve you all know we are waiting to play. IF I had known that I would have had these problems with this game I would have waited to plunk my hard earned cash on it until there was a patch. Can't stand the wait....

Didn't you hear? Along with the patch they are releasing a 20 dollar price break for all new purchases! :LOL:
Well, apparently, a new patch as just been released for Half-Life 2 via Steam. Horray! Until... The patch has made my copy of Half-Life 2 go from crashing at random points in the game and load points to crashing as soon as I try to enter the game. I am still getting the "memory could not be "read"" error. Someone please help me if they find a solution. :'(
how about a patch for the piece of shit closing and sending me back to the desktop whenever i try to play it
Apparently, Dan Houser, this was supposed to be THE patch to fix almost all bugs in Half-Life 2; however, as I said before, this patch made my game even buggier and I am now having the same problem as you. If Steam is good for one thing, it's surely not working properly.
Yeah, it seems like there's a vertex caching problem with the new patch. I got it to play better, but its still unacceptable, even moreso for the crash upon loading the quicksave.

Valve should be ashamed of themselves, really... how do you explain to people that spent nearly $60 on a computer game that was delayed since last year that there are still serious flaws?

And I don't like the idea of Steam. At all. General knowledge thanks to years of applying patches for various applications and games for the PC have told us that THEY DON'T WORK FOR EVERYONE. The idea that Steam can't let you do something as simple as uninstalling a patch that it recently downloaded is just ridiculous. I'm willing to bet that had Steam not updated itself tonight and I then did everything to make the game run better (DMA mode, program/system cache management, virtual memory, DEP, etc.), there'd be nearly no stuttering whatsoever (see my other post on this forum). Another idea that makes me want to throw dog crap at the person who came up with it is the fact that you have to be ONLINE to play a SINGLE PLAYER game. That's like going cross country to see a movie you could've watched in your living room. If this is the future of PC gaming, I'll just buy a console next gen and say goodbye to PC gaming.
once again you do not have to be online, if you start steam while you have no internet connection or block it with your firewall you can select offline mode.
Not only has Steam failed to fix the general problems of Half-Life 2, but they failed to fix the memory could not be read error OCCURRING IN THE SAME FILE IN EACH CASE! After over a week of being released after 1 year of delay and 6 years of programming, Valve and Steam have failed to deliver a flawless game let alone a game that everyone that meets the minimum system requirements can play. Failing to deliver a patch to fix A SINGLE CORRUPT FILE is unacceptable from any game, let alone Half-Life 2. Steam has never been a very good service, carrying the single worst interface in any program I have ever seen in my life. From their performance thus far, I wouldn't be surprised if Valve and Steam were unaware of the "memory could not be "read"" error at hand. This style of play for a computer game is disgraceful!