Thoughts on the afterlife.

What if you just keep reliving your life over and over again after you die? THAT'S WHY YOU GET DE JA VU! OMG!

TBH, I stand to think when the brain ceases to function, then there's just nothingness. Tough to contemplate/imagine, but yeah.
what do I think of the afterlife? it doesnt take a genius to see why humans might invent the idea of an afterlife. it's just delusional wishful thinking without a shred of evidence to support it.
I believe in reincarnation.

That's all I have to say on that.
I don't believe there is any, and I've sort of come to terms with that fact by a combination of willfull ignorance and simple familiarity. Certainly it was one of the most unpleasant days I can remember when my parents had to admit to me that they didn't believe anything happened at all after death. Just nothing. To no longer exist! That was completely terrifying, the idea that I'd just stop, and that it wouldn't even matter what my life looked like in retrospect because I would no longer be a frame in which it could be viewed. My dad explained that people who've had near death experiences tend to report an intense euphoria, a sense of belonging and joyful finality waiting for them at the end of that tunnel. And for the person who dies, that final and absolute moment would subjectively be everlasting. It would be the last flare in their brain and to the mind the last thing that ever happens. I can't say I found this very comforting.

For the next few years I would periodically remember what was coming, the nothing, and be unable to forget about it for weeks at a time. I wouldn't be able to lie in bed without thinking about it. Eventually I guess I'd rubbed up against it so often that I got used to it, because while the concept still incites in me an intellectual vertigo, the emotional horror it once inspired is (mostly) long gone.

TLDR; I make sure not to think about it.

THIS to the nth degree! I've been waiting to see a description of death being like turning off a computer. It doesn't matter what you do after it's "dead" because it's just metal, gold, silicon, and plastic (except for the info you can get from the hard drive, lets not go into that).

When I die, Im not going anywhere, I'm just dead that doesn't really scare me at all. I don't care what my parents do to my body, only they and other people will. I'd rather have them through my corpse into the ocean (as long as it doesn't wash up on some random populated beach [actually that'd be pretty funny].) than to give my body a huge funeral.

and on the "near death experience" people, I think what they "see" deends on what they believe as they're alive. I.E., if someone believes in god and all that crap, they'll probably see whatever they've been told would happen when they die from their religion. However, someone like me (atheist) probably wouldn't see anything. Or if I did, it wouldn't matter because I'd be dead.
I used to believe in an afterlife but now I believe that since the majority of your body isn't even human (bacteria, micro-organisms, empty space) that you live on in other terms. When you die you start to decay, after a long time everything gets broken down, including your bones, at that point your completely a sense. But right now I'm a collection of many different species. I couldn't exist without them. To be honest I believe we are the Combine so to speak. we are also special and I'm still open to the fact that there can be an after life. there may be a parallel universe where there is a heaven and hell or neither...who knows. All i know is that there are plenty of unknowns in this world and sometimes its better to leave them be. live your life and enjoy it too
I really wish, that I was never introduced to religion. If you were ignorant of gods existence, then you would not be punished for not folowing him. I'm not religious the slightest bit. I don't go to church, only for weddings and occasion. I can't even fathom the afterlife. But I do know is there is no sure way of telling that there really is an afterlife. My brother, still very young, doesn't belive in god. He's an athiest. He's only like 15.
Warped said:
I believe that since the majority of your body isn't even human (bacteria, micro-organisms, empty space) that you live on in other terms

oh warped, you kill me sometimes :LOL:

some people's empty spaces are bigger than other people's empty spaces. I have a tiny empty space; it's where my soul used to be
I don't believe there is any, and I've sort of come to terms with that fact by a combination of willfull ignorance and simple familiarity. Certainly it was one of the most unpleasant days I can remember when my parents had to admit to me that they didn't believe anything happened at all after death. Just nothing. To no longer exist! That was completely terrifying, the idea that I'd just stop, and that it wouldn't even matter what my life looked like in retrospect because I would no longer be a frame in which it could be viewed. My dad explained that people who've had near death experiences tend to report an intense euphoria, a sense of belonging and joyful finality waiting for them at the end of that tunnel. And for the person who dies, that final and absolute moment would subjectively be everlasting. It would be the last flare in their brain and to the mind the last thing that ever happens. I can't say I found this very comforting.

For the next few years I would periodically remember what was coming, the nothing, and be unable to forget about it for weeks at a time. I wouldn't be able to lie in bed without thinking about it. Eventually I guess I'd rubbed up against it so often that I got used to it, because while the concept still incites in me an intellectual vertigo, the emotional horror it once inspired is (mostly) long gone.

TLDR; I make sure not to think about it.


On a side note when I die I will be cremated and used in shotgun shells so I can be used to preserve the freedoms of all. Check this out
It's really hard to think about; you cease to exist, everything; your sense of sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste, gone. Although, if you approach it religiously you'll live a happy life in heaven:D
so in other words if you purposefully delude yourself with made up stories you'll be happy but not until you're dead. sounds like a brilliant plan

the path to happiness (if you're a believer) is mass suicide. I can live with that (so that others might die)
it's hard to imagine but then again it's almost like sleeping when you don't dream. Sure, you're alive and your brain is functioning but you aren't "there".
Imagine being in a 2 year coma, but thinking you're in the afterlife. Then you just wake up. Everything around you is dead. You look out a shatered window, you can barely see anything. You turn around and see a nurse. Then you realize that you're in silent hill.
Imagine being in a 2 year coma, but thinking you're in the afterlife. Then you just wake up. Everything around you is dead. You look out a shatered window, you can barely see anything. You turn around and see a nurse. Then you realize that you're in silent hill.

I would die of boredom.
it's hard to imagine but then again it's almost like sleeping when you don't dream. Sure, you're alive and your brain is functioning but you aren't "there".
I didn't mean its sad to think about, i meant it is actually hard to think what it would be like.
People live on in the memories of others. Other than that I don't believe in afterlife. I was brought up Christian, so I used to buy into the concept of heaven and all that, but around the age of 15, 16 when religion in general didn't seem logical at all anymore, that belief faded. I have lost quite a few people close to me and sometimes I imagine some of 'em enjoying a beer at St. Peter's bar, but I know that is just a happy fantasy and a way to keep my memory of them alive.
The thought of non-existence scares me less than the thought of eternal existence.

Not me Monkey Man, not me.

I would love to live forever, at least as long as humanity itself.
so in other words if you purposefully delude yourself with made up stories you'll be happy but not until you're dead. sounds like a brilliant plan

If it helps them handle the premise of death then why not, they won't fear it until the end by which time it doesn't matter, whatever happens after death.

And at the end of the day, which is why i stay neutral/don't think about it, no one knows what happens after you die, makes me laugh me when people talk as if they are so certain but its branching theories into quite possibly the biggest mystery of all. The only people who know what happens after death are those that are dead, end of.
Am I the only person who isnt upset or disturbed over the thought of nothingness?
I don't believe in any afterlife, but what do I know. I'll find out when I get there. The idea of nothingness after you die does frighten me a bit, so I try not think about it.

What really bothers me about death though is that I want to know what happens far in the future, but I'm not sure I'll ever find out if I die.
I succumb to the fear that I will eventually cease to exist, that there will not even be a single thought remaining, no senses to even contemplate darkness, or silence.

And then I have to stop thinking about it before that thought becomes too much for me to handle.

Am I the only person who isnt upset or disturbed over the thought of nothingness?

I don't have any kind of problem with the nothingness theory. You just don't exist, you don't think. I won't be alive to care, **** it.
When I die I'm taking the entire universe with me.
I take comfort in the fact that there isn't an afterlife. (I don't believe)

Resting in piece I hope I can finally relax. Of course I won't feel relaxed since I'll be dead and won't feel anything, but you know what I mean.

Remus said:
Actually I for one want my body to be cremated. The thought of it being eaten by various things really disgusts me.
I actually plan on making it easier for them to eat me by opting for a pine box. I want my carbon composition to be useful. It's sort of like being an organ donor I guess. I'll be dead, so hopefully someone who wants to live can use these spare parts, since I won't be needing them anymore.
There isnt one, when you are dead you are dead, my loved ones are not in a happier place they have either been turned into ash or have slowly been decomposing underground and the same shall happen to me, unless of course i am donated to medical science.
How do you guys cope with the thought of afterlife?

Its not being dead that scares me, but the dying.

I am contempt with a number of scenarios:
Heaven and Hell
or just simply your decomposed body gives birth to other life
Stop making depressing threads, damnit.

Also, what the dog and Darkside said.
I don't believe in anything after death; its not comforting, but I have gotten used to the idea, and seek to live my one life to the fullest.

But then its irrelevant, for I will make myself a lich in the end.
I don't think there is one and it doesn't really bother me.
If there is an afterlife I imagine it to be something like this:

Even though I think her anecdote stems mostly from different areas of her brain becoming active during the stroke, rather than something purely spiritual and beyond reason, it's a very comforting way to look at the afterlife.
While I don't believe in the afterlife, I find it useful to cynically exploit the views of others.

Also, I will exist until the end of Man.
There is only one answer!


But to be serious, I don't believe there is any afterlife. I've been an atheist since I was 16 and at 20 now, I have not been convinced to change my mind to anything else. Once in a while, I think about my own death and the possibilities of others dying, and it cripples me with sadness and impending doom, but it then reminds me of my philosophy on life:

We are all here for a very limited time, so we must make the best of our lives and make the best of others. The key to my own happiness is to find a good balance between living in the present, remembering the past and planning properly for the future. Sometimes I feel like I'm just waiting for something to happen, and then I realize that time is going to fly by me if I live like that, so I always try to make every day worth it.
I actually plan on making it easier for them to eat me by opting for a pine box. I want my carbon composition to be useful. It's sort of like being an organ donor I guess. I'll be dead, so hopefully someone who wants to live can use these spare parts, since I won't be needing them anymore.

Why not just be an organ doner?