Throw away your PC, Sony CEO doesnt think you need one

Kyo said:
You believe that? Windows isn't number 1, in terms of reliabilty, functionality, freedom, etc it sucks.

please tell me Kyo, what are using now !!?
weskerQ8 said:
please tell me Kyo, what are using now !!?

I'm in Kubuntu and my gateway is running Gentoo. I dual boot win XP for random crap that needs it, mostly to just "work" with other windows machines at lans. That and .net development for windows users, seeing theres so many of you.

Anywhoo as I've said. Mr Ceo is saying the PS3 should be a replacement for any multimedia machine, not a desktop replacement. So instead of using whatever media package+windows/media centre or any other os distro, you'd use the ps3 instead. ie Your lounge room rig/mini PC if you have one.

Take it anyway you want, but comeon that is what's written and is probably what he's talking about.
windows is fine for reliability, functionality, freedom and many other things..

well, which version are you talking about (specifics, gosh, is it that hard ?), if xp, my comment stands.
Sulkdodds said:
Or maybe we just think it's silly to suggest a wrong-way-round device can ever actually replace or perform the functions of a PC.

Don't get me wrong, I love consoles - but they're like DVD players - specificly designed to do one thing very well. That one thing in this case is gaming. They're cheaper for it. This doesn't mean that they can't have other functions, but it is pretty stupid to try and build one up into a PC and then say 'you don't need PCs anymore'.
I cannot agree or disagree with you on that.
Harrison suggested that the use of the Linux operation system, hard drive and the Cell processor would lessen the importance of the PC as a home media center. “We believe that the PS3 will be the place where our users play games, watch films, browse the Web, and use other computer functions. The PlayStation 3 is a computer. We do not need the PC,” claimed Harrison.
Either he has a dual personality or it's a bad translation.
Windows is fine for anything except security IMO. I'd use winXP on any home PC.

Actually, Nintendo has some of the most ridiculous quotes ever. While I can't be bothered to look them up, they are something like "nobody cares about on-line multiplayer games" among other things.

I never said Nintendo has never made any stupid statements, I don't understand what you are trying to say here.. are you defending Sony stance in that PC's are now useless? You did not sway me from thinking this is one of the stupidest things a Console CEO has said.
Either way it won't happen. btw Free software > Windows + Misc Software.
Who wants to buy my rig for 50 cents?? :p I'm getting a PS3 :E
are you defending Sony stance in that PC's are now useless?
Again, Phil Harrison never said that PCs in general are useless.

The actual interview and quote:,1518,418642,00.html

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Wo wir gerade von "online" sprechen - Microsoft hat kürzlich "Live Anywhere" angekündigt, einen Dienst, der Windowsrechner, Xbox-360-Konsolen und Mobiltelefone miteinander vernetzen soll. Muss Ihnen das Sorgen machen, weil Sie nicht den gleichen Zugang zum PC-Markt haben wie Microsoft?

Harrison: Nein, das betrifft mich nicht und ich glaube auch nicht, dass es den Konsumenten betrifft. Wenn man sich eine Spielmaschine zulegt, als primäres Unterhaltungsgerät, dann will man nur das. Wir glauben, dass die PS3 der Ort sein wird, an dem unsere Nutzer spielen, Filme ansehen, im Web browsen und andere Computer-Unterhaltungsfunktionen nutzen werden. Die Playstation 3 ist ein Computer. Wir brauchen den PC nicht.
Copy and paste that here if you can't read German:

Or read IGN's translation:

He was asked about Microsoft's "Live Anywhere" and it's networking of Windows PCs, the Xbox 360, and other devices, and how would they do that since they didn't have the same advantage in the PC market as Microsoft. Phil Harrison then said the PS3 will be able to be the media center, it'll play games, movies, browse the internet and other PC functions, and in that regard PCs won't be needed (as the media center).

No where did he say that the PS3 will replace PCs and make them useless in general.
Unless the PS3 had a decent O/S, mouse, keyboard and decent RTS games, I won't jump on the band wagon
Well, Sony said they're shipping it with a version of Lynux on the HDD, and the PS3 has USB ports so it would support a USB mouse and keyboard, the game developers would just need to program their games to be able to use the mouse and keyboard.
Sir Phoenixx said:
No where did he say that the PS3 will replace PCs and make them useless in general.

Thankyou, finnaly someone agrees with me.
Sir Phoenixx said:
No where did he say that the PS3 will replace PCs and make them useless in general.

Harrison said:
Die Playstation 3 ist ein Computer. Wir brauchen den PC nicht.
(The Playstation 3 is a computer. We don't need the PC).

I'd say that's pretty straightfoward. D:
Sulkdodds said:
I'd say that's pretty straightfoward. D:
He's not saying the world doesn't need them, rather that Sony doesn't need them.

I think that as the gap between consoles and PCs gets smaller, this might be possible, but the chances of PCs being done away with altogether are slim to none.
Sulkdodds said:
I'd say that's pretty straightfoward. D:

Um, yeah, I'll just assume you're joking, so I don't have to go through the trouble of posting the definition of "context". ;)
The thing is, what's also happening is the journo is asking 'well, people still need a PC for myspace' and he's all 'nein, Die PS3 hat einen Browser! We don't need the PC!' again. You can take 'we don't need the PC' as only in the context of 'can the PS3 be a decent media centre' but you could also take it in a wider context. Say what you like, I see a thinly-veiled console supremacist agenda. D:
why create a new multimedia center when we already have one thats waaaayyy better?
Well, assuming the PS3 has a fully featured browser you wouldn't need a PC for something like Myspace. I mean c'mon, it's obvious the guy wasn't suggesting you could run spreadsheets or complex modeling programs on a PS3. He was simply saying that the PS3 can in many ways act as a personal computer.

You guys are blowing this way out of proportion. It was a damn marketing statement. Yeah, video game consoles will never replace PCs, no shit. The PS3 will still function as a full featured home entertainment system and do many of the same things that people use their PCs for.
FFS. Stop trying to interpret what he said.
Kyo said:
Anywhoo as I've said. Mr Ceo is saying the PS3 should be a replacement for any multimedia machine, not a desktop replacement. So instead of using whatever media package+windows/media centre or any other os distro, you'd use the ps3 instead. ie Your lounge room rig/mini PC if you have one.

Take it anyway you want, but comeon that is what's written and is probably what he's talking about.

now i agree with you, windows is fine except the security