Throwing w/o manipulator in new bink!

That looks weird if Gordon is indeed picking up that barrel with his hands. "Look ma! No hands!"

That's gotta be the manipulator.
DrEvil said:
That looks weird if Gordon is indeed picking up that barrel with his hands. "Look ma! No hands!"

That's gotta be the manipulator. can see the manipulator.
Milo 7 said:
u dont see his hands when he picks it up??
thats stupid

While I don't think it's stupid, it is lame. And yes, not seeing your legs is lame to me. And at this point I don't really care if it takes them two more years, I've already waited this long, I can hold out longer. It's not like HL2 is the ONLY game coming out. And everyone says that VALVe does this type of thing so that you feel more immersed in the game. Things like not seeing your reflection in the water are just lame in my opinion. When I look in a reflective surface, I expect to see my reflection. Things that completely defy physics make me feel LESS immersed for some reason. Why would they release art of gordon looking all badassed in his HEV suit and then say seeing him takes away from the experience? I know it makes sense to them and to many of you, but to me it's glaring. That was the thing that stuck out the most in the bink. I wasn't looking for it, but then all of a sudden there was a magically floating barrel. Now if gordon gained some sort of telekinesis while in Xen, I'll be cool with it. But we all know that's not how it is. Things in this game are going to magically float, and to me that sucks. And even though I LOVED deus ex 2, the magically floating objects in it were also very lame. Why don't the guns magically float? Because it would look lame, that's why. Everyone would be like,"WTF?" So gordon has arms and hands, but not legs or a reflection. It just seems very inconsistent thus making it lame. But judging from how you guys always make fun of people who don't like things with the game (i.e. posting an opinion where it isn't implied that valve is more infallible* than jesus christ) I'm prepared to sit back and be told how wrong I am. Fanboy-o-meter is MIGHTY high around here these days.

* Yes, that's an oxymoron.
with regards to not being able to see your hands: people need to understand that this is a game, not a movie. valve needs to consider gameplay, and practicality. a system in which you can see your hands is hard to do, and looks weird (trespasser). it is not necessary, and in my opinion, adds nothing to the game. as in deus ex, it never made me think about not being able to see my hands, it just felt good to be able to interact with the world. now how about someone bitch about some shadow bug. and then go back to playing doom .
This is old news people! It was said a while ago that we could pick stuff up with our hands...I think Shmozy (I know this...he said he picked up a pop can and threw it at a soldier), Merc, and a preview article said it.
SubKamran said:
This is old news people! It was said a while ago that we could pick stuff up with our hands...I think Shmozy, Merc, and a preview article said it.

it's just nice to see it in motion...
N0N1337H41 said:
uh... did you even look at gorgon's pics?

Yeah... I didn't think so.

I was responding to drevil how when gordon threw the barrel and you couldn't see his hands, he said "thats got to be the manipulator" well it can't be because you can see the manipulator.
geekusa said:
I was responding to drevil how when gordon threw the barrel and you couldn't see his hands, he said "thats got to be the manipulator" well it can't be because you can see the manipulator.

Did you mean to say "uh... you can't see the manipulator."

Because what you're saying now contradicts your previous post.
N0N1337H41 said:
Did you mean to say "uh... you can't see the manipulator."

Because what you're saying now contradicts your previous post.

no it was the way i said " can see the manipulator" he said "thats got to be the manipulator" so i said "you can see the manipulator" maybe I should of made it more clear for people like you? cause its so obvious that it isn't the manipulator, BECAUSE YOU CAN SEE IT. in every single video when gordon is using the manipulator you can see him using it. how could it possibly be the manipulator then?
N0N1337H41 said:
uh... did you even look at gorgon's pics?

Yeah... I didn't think so.

"meekus it was a joke"
"i new it was a joke, i just didnt get it right away"

zoolander quote...

im sorry;(
geekusa said:
no it was the way i said " can see the manipulator" he said "thats got to be the manipulator" so i said "you can see the manipulator" maybe I should of made it more clear for people like you? cause its so obvious that it isn't the manipulator, BECAUSE YOU CAN SEE IT. in every single video when gordon is using the manipulator you can see him using it. how could it possibly be the manipulator then?

Yes you should make it more clear for people like me. People like me are the people who aren't psychic and need complete sentence structure to understand what someone is saying. So yes, if you want people to be able to understand WTF you are talking about over a medium that is strictly text based, using complete sentences is going to be a skill that you might want to look into.

But I'm just speaking for people like me.
hero said:
"meekus it was a joke"
"i new it was a joke, i just didnt get it right away"

zoolander quote...

im sorry;(

zoolander is one of the best comedies to come out in years! Don't be sorry, be proud! :E
Calm Down Calm Down Calm Down Calm Downcalm Down Calm Down Calm Down Calm Downcalm Down Calm Down Calm Down Calm Downcalm Down Calm Down Calm Down Calm Down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yah i no but like i watched it like 4 times in one day last week

so im kinda obsesed

i find a new thing funny every time
N0N1337H41 said:
Yes you should make it more clear for people like me. People like me are the people who aren't psychic and need complete sentence structure to understand what someone is saying. So yes, if you want people to be able to understand WTF you are talking about over a medium that is strictly text based, using complete sentences is going to be a skill that you might want to look into.

But I'm just speaking for people like me.

I did not need to use a complete sentence for that, I just assumed most people who posted on here were at least over the age of 9. anyway why are you making such a big thing out of this? that time of the month for you? you ****ing parasite.
David Bowie being the MC at the walf-off is CLASSIC.

To all: sorry about getting so off topic. :)
geekusa said:
I did not need to use a complete sentence for that, I just assumed most people who posted on here were at least over the age of 9. anyway why are you making such a big thing out of this? that time of the month for you? you ****ing parasite.

Nice retort my friend. Implying that I have a menstrual cycle is pure genius. You certainly proved to me that you should continue to use incomplete sentence structure, because trying to do so only seems to upset you. Sorry for my assumption that you could carry on a discussion with complete sentences like a big boy.
non1337ha1, you ****ing pwned him. lol. man, i'd insult you just to read what you have to say back, funny stuff. ^_^
Let me get this thing straightened out for the both of you (geekusa and N0N1337H41):

N0N1337H41, geekusa just didn't word his idea properly. I mean, it was pretty clear to me what geekusa was trying to say. Seeing as the Manipulator is NOT in the screens, he was clearly saying that the Manipulator is visible when used in the game, so therefore the barrel was not lifted via Manipulation. If you read it literally, you would take it to mean "The Manipulator is not transparent, it is opaque, and plainly visible when in view."

And geekusa, you should have just clarified on the issue, i.e. "The manipulator is not visible in those screens."

There, problem solved. For God's sake, this flame war erupted over several non-necessary words missing from a sentence! :)
N0N1337H41 said:
Nice retort my friend. Implying that I have a menstrual cycle is pure genius. You certainly proved to me that you should continue to use incomplete sentence structure, because trying to do so only seems to upset you. Sorry for my assumption that you could carry on a discussion with complete sentences like a big boy.
Look guys, it was a simple misunderstanding due to not being able to use inflection when typing.

You can see<-(use inflection here) the manipulator
so you dont see hands when you pick up stuff,no feet when you look down and no face in the mirror?...valve is changing the name,hl2:the invisible man.
stigmata said:
There, problem solved. For God's sake, this flame war erupted over several non-necessary words missing from a sentence! :)

I don't really view it as a flame war, to me it was more of a point-counterpoint on sentence structure. While very off-topic, I was having fun. Sorry to have upset anyone.
N0N1337H41 said:
I don't really view it as a flame war, to me it was more of a point-counterpoint on sentence structure. While very off-topic, I was having fun. Sorry to have upset anyone.

It wasn't upsetting, it was just you arguing over sentence structure when it was merely the lack of inflection
wayne white said:
so you dont see hands when you pick up stuff,no feet when you look down and no face in the mirror?...valve is changing the name,hl2:the invisible man.

Thanks for getting us back on track.

It's not such a big deal that it's going to ruin the game for me, but it does consistently remind me that it's a game when I see it. And i know it is just a game, but I like to put myself in the main characters situation as much as possible. And when I see magically floating objects, it tends to be a bit more difficult to implement my standard suspension of disbelief.
wayne white said:
so you dont see hands when you pick up stuff,no feet when you look down and no face in the mirror?...valve is changing the name,hl2:the invisible man.

They did this simply because they want you to feel like you're the player, not gordon. And they can't magically make everyone who plays the game's hands appear on the screen.

IF you could see these things then you wouldnt be as immersed, in thier opinion atleast (maybe not mine, but I half-agree with them)

Basically, they dont want you to feel like you're just playing as gordon, they want you to "be" gordon.

That and the animations would just take a jesusley long amount of time.
why does it float out in front of you so far - looks kinda cheesy. It'd be awesome if they modeled Gordon's body like they did for Garrett in Thief 3 - made the game more immersive in my opinion. I mean they already give Gordon a face on the box so I think you consciously don't picture yourself in the game - at least I don't. I know that they've said in the past that they don't put Gordon's reflections in mirrors, etc. so that the player can feel like a part of the game, but it actually works the other way for me. Being able to see my own "virtual" body makes the game more realistic to me. I wouldn't want a third person view, but being able to see your legs/arms when you happen to look down makes it better imo, but I guess others might not like it. THey could at least not make the barrel float so far from you when you pick it up. If they want me to feel like I'm Gordon and leave his face out of the entire game - why put his face on the damn box? It's kinda stupid because as soon as I see the face on the box, that's what I picture my character as when I'm playing. I don't picture me, I picture the geeky Gordon from the box. Oh well... Just my 2 cents
i dont buy that immersion theory,picture morrowind with a floating sword in front of you.
wayne white said:
i dont buy that immersion theory,picture morrowind with a floating sword in front of you.

I'm too lazy to get a quote, but actually read an interveiw with gabe, he said it in atleast 3

and morrowind is a compeltely different game and I didnt find it very immersive... just fun
dis said:
why does it float out in front of you so far - looks kinda cheesy.

I swear to all that's holy we should create a "VALVe isn't always right" coalition. We could turn fanboyism on it's collective head.
N0N1337H41 said:
I swear to all that's holy we should create a "VALVe isn't always right" coalition. We could turn fanboyism on it's collective head.

lol, hey I just gotta bitch about something like verybody else.
dis said:
lol, hey I just gotta bitch about something like verybody else.

I wasn't slamming on you, I was being serious.

Starting right now anyone that doesn't think that VALVe is always right can join!
N0N1337H41 said:
I wasn't slamming on you, I was being serious.

Starting right now anyone that doesn't think that VALVe is always right can join!

I don't think they're always right (as I said I only half-agree with gabe's immersion "everything is invisible on gordon" tactic)

But that's no reason to join/form a coalition just to bitch at fanboys who in thier own time, and mind think valve is always right.

but meh, go for it, might add something new besides "HALF-LIFE 2 PRELOAD IS DELAYED AGAIN!"
Well, they certainly do things that I don't think are the best way of doing them - in particular how they lead everyone on about preloads, release dates, etc. You'd think they'd learn.