

Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
It has come to my attention that my previous newspost - which avoided the tricky task of condensing information on a game for which information is scarce by presenting an irrelevant yet subtly witty computer log - confused people despite the presence of a super-enlarged "click here" link that directed users to an easily naviagatable website. [br] [br] I will make amends with those of you who cannot click inflated links by revealing something incredibly awesome.[br] [br] This is a video clip taken from the aformentioned yet-unnamed space game in which players take control of an entire space ship (seemingly inspired by classic 80's sci-fi films) as they battle against a tide of relentless space pirates. [br] [br] I warn you: What you are about to watch could make your brains spontaneously combust, as I doubt you've ever seen such an effect in a video game before. [br] [br] Click Here.
thing about portraying information is it should be clear and consise for people who are gonna read it. Im sure theres someone out there who thought multiple color pages and fonts would be a great way to print a book, but for ease of reading, black and white traditional format works best.

newspapers are the same way, they have formats though that they use to portray a newspost. they don't do something tricky and new and creative every time.

So it really depends on your goal, if you want to portray a newspost, as effeciently as possible with the greatest chance of the user getting the information the first time through, then keep with the format. If your goal is to try to be cute and creative, and the post is more about you then the mod you want to portray, do it the way ya did it.

Its neat sometime, it was def neat for the ninja stuff, breaks are good sometime, this news post was just a joke though. I wouldn't like my mod presented that way :S
Newsflash: is not a newspaper :o

Personally, If I were to present my mod to news sites, I'd want it to be viewed by people who were willing to commit the time and effort required to click a link and investigate the project for themselves. Otherwise, there'd be a very small chance that they'd actually play it when it would be released; if someone can't be bothered to follow a link they're not going to be bothered about downloading a whole mod.

I was appauled at how many people wasted the comment space by simply complaining about my newspost (or complaining about those who were complaining about the newspost) rather than actually looking at the news themselves. Anyone who has the time to post a coherent string of sentances on a forum surely has time to visit a site.

Besides, posting an interesting news post that defies boring, traditional newspaper conventions is more likely to catch a reader's eye, and therefore they are more likely to become intrigued by the mod and check it out themselves.

Now I'd appreciate it if we could end this discussion here. These comments are supposed to be related the the NEWS in question, not the way in which the news is presented.

I won't make any news posts as cryptic as the last one in future (there was literally no information and I can see how that could be irritating to those of you who demand their news summarised in a sentance or less), so there's no need to post ridiculous comments about how I suck and you think my babies should die. Instead, please comment on the fact that there's a MOTHERLOVING WORKING AIRLOCK in that video.

Any posts hereafter which are complaining (or complimenting) the news post rather than the news will most likely be deleted by a moderator. If you have a problem with the news posts, please direct your flaming hatred (or burning passion) to the Site Discussion forum from now on.
Heh, some of the people just floated in mid-air next to the open airlock, instead of flying through it. Really looks fun, though. Imagine decompressing a ship during a multiplayer game. Open the door, then swoosh!


Does this mean we can blow a hole in a ship and crew and unatached equipment will fly out :O

If I get a yes for that I will literally explode in hype!
thing about portraying information is it should be clear and consise for people who are gonna read it. Im sure theres someone out there who thought multiple color pages and fonts would be a great way to print a book, but for ease of reading, black and white traditional format works best.

newspapers are the same way, they have formats though that they use to portray a newspost. they don't do something tricky and new and creative every time.

So it really depends on your goal, if you want to portray a newspost, as effeciently as possible with the greatest chance of the user getting the information the first time through, then keep with the format. If your goal is to try to be cute and creative, and the post is more about you then the mod you want to portray, do it the way ya did it.

Its neat sometime, it was def neat for the ninja stuff, breaks are good sometime, this news post was just a joke though. I wouldn't like my mod presented that way :S

You just dont like creativity.
keep up teh goodness sui.
Looks ace...I wonder if they could do an "airlock" (basically, you go in, air is decompressed and artificial gravity turned off) - An effect similar to the airlocks in Metroid Prime.
Anyone else have the issue with the video playback not producing any sound? Also, how did the player withstand that kind of gravitational force?
Anyway, that video was pretty awesome. There were some bugs in it, such as people not getting sucked out correctly, but it was still amazing.
DP here that airlock is SWEETNESSS.

but in the end isn't there just fewer people to kill?
polyguns - post deleted. Sentinel - editted. Sui said this thread is for discussion on this game and no further discussion on the newsposting, so listen to him please.

Anyone else have the issue with the video playback not producing any sound? Also, how did the player withstand that kind of gravitational force?
Theres not meant to be sound, also the player was made to withstand those conditions so the video could be recorded from that POV. I don't know if the game will have any more specific answers, but those are the two answers i got from the developers.
Wow. Now thats insane. I just hope that this doesnt disappear in thin air.
Who from is working on the game? I remember seeing them posting about it awhile back... anyone care to refresh my memory?
I love apologies that aren't really apologies.

There's nothing to apologize for. As somebody stated above, is not a newspaper. If you don't like the new creative way news is delivered, there are many other sites that cover the hl2 mod scene. Pick one + gtfo.
Not Impressed With The Airlock

I Have Been Waiting For A Bloody (commercial) Game To Do It For Several Years

It Would Be 1000x More Impressive If You Could Blow Open The Wall.

That Would Be Cool.
Newsflash: is not a newspaper :o
These comments are supposed to be related the the NEWS in question

What news?

I check this site every day, probably two or three times. Have been for over a year. I don't post because I don't have time to get wrapped up in a forum.


Some of your posting methods are novel and comical. Others are non-sequitor or amorphous, and its not that most people can't follow them, but people who check this site for news (which is what that middle section on the front page is for, after all), shouldn't have to work on discovering what the news is.

I'm a lurker, probably like many who visit this site. It may not be a newspaper, but I'm sure this sentiment is salient. You have a great sense of humor, but when it comes down to it, the front page is for news. Mind toning it down a bit?

Pretty please?
If I said that it sucked, would that be good or bad? :P :rolling:
haha the video and the comments posted on this video were enough to even bring a laugh out of me and I haven't even logged on in more than a year(s) ?
Just to address a few points:

1) There's no sound on the video. For some reason, the sound output was corrupted and I didn't want to re-export again

2) I disabled the suction effect on the player just so I could record the video. Usually, the player is affected just as badly if they're dumb enough to hang around open airlocks.

2a) Even with the above, I died a whole bunch of times trying to record the video, mainly through being hit by flying corpses.

3) It's unlikely that you'll use a direct switch to open an airlock door. Think more in terms of computer terminals and remote access.

4) It's totally unscripted, and happens differently every time.

5) The floating bodies thing is a minor bug - we've already fixed it.

6) w00t!
Cool! Awsome! Cool and Awsome!

The whole floating bodies thing might make sense. Eventually the pressure difference would equalize and the "sucking" would stop.

You got some linkage from Livingston over at Prepare for a heap of hits! :P
I was going to comment on the fact that the player wasn't sucked out, but good to see it was just for demo purposes :]

[freeloader]this is going to be retail?[/freeloader]
Heh, some of the people just floated in mid-air next to the open airlock, instead of flying through it. Really looks fun, though. Imagine decompressing a ship during a multiplayer game. Open the door, then swoosh!


wich is even more impressive: once a room has been decompressed it becomes a vacumm like space... so it would be realistic to have bodies float inside...

my question is however, how do you implement it realistically since the player has got to be as affected by the vacuum. Unless the player has magnetic boots :)
The bodies *shouldn't* float inside because of the artificial gravity. We're deciding whether or not to tie that in to the decompression (because you can already do it separately)

With regard to implementing it "realistically", this is a typical scenario:

Player runs to the airlock, yanks on the lever to open the inner door and runs inside. Player activates terminal inside airlock and tries to open outer door. Terminal refuses to permit this. Player hacks terminal to override safeties, and disables the decompression alarms while they're at it. Player sets outer door to open after 15 seconds, then close 60 seconds later. Player runs like hell to the second airlock and shuts himself inside. Player watches bodies and debris fly past. Player opens second airlock inner door and strolls happily through now-empty ship.

Magnetic boots are going to make an appearance at some point, though. Imagine a fight on board a decompressing capital ship, with both you and your opponents in magboots, trying to avoid flying bodies and objects. Sexy.
Awesome. I hope this doesn't get abused in multiplayer? What is the objective of the game? How do you "win"?
It's singleplayer only at the moment. We're not excluding multiplayer, but it's not the main focus.

The way to "win" is, without giving too much away:
You're on a spaceship. It's populated with people who would kill you if they knew you were there. Direct confrontaion should be avoided because you could severely damage the ship. So you use everything at your disposal to make your way to your objective...
if we wanted a CLICK ME link then we'd go else where

as for witty... now that's funny
Guns and combat are still an option though right?

Yes, but combat is hard. Also, the ship tracks damage. If you go on a big shooting spree, chances are that you'll find yourself with more environmental problems.
Yes, but combat is hard. Also, the ship tracks damage. If you go on a big shooting spree, chances are that you'll find yourself with more environmental problems.

I want overpowered rockets and high explosives now. Enviromental problems, yey! :D

Sounds cool Pi, nice work.