Tiberian Sun: Armagedon (HL2 mod) HELP WANTED!!!



Tiberian Sun: Armagedon is the only mod so far that is registered on www.modb.com, and as you gussed it, it's a mod for Half-Life 2. Alot of people told me to make the mod for CnC Renegade, but that's too old. The source engine offers more flexability, and over all much better than the W3D engine. Anyways, we need a dev team for the mod.

We are currently looking for:

-PR manager
-Weapon modelers
-Character modelers
-Sound artists
-level modelers
-texture artists

If you have any skills and would like to be part of the dev team, go to this site...


(Oh, what's your job on the mod? (Modeler/2d artist/etc.?))
I mispelled it here... Oops... Anyways, I'm the 2d artist for the mod.
got any examples. what is your plan? what can u offer people which others mods can't ?
im working on a tibsun mod, but i cant remember if its for fc or hl2 :S anyways, it would be cool if we joined together to make it, it should be sweet! if your interested email me at [email protected] and ill ask the leader
That does sound good. I'll contact you, but I was kind of hoping to make my own mod and not "team-up" with another...
Ever hear the phrase 'United we stand, divided we fall'? Both your mods stand better chances as a combined team. Few people are going to play two seperate mods that have the same theme and gameplay.

Still, you might want to ask Westwood if you're actually allowed, otherwise they'll shut you down quicker than I can blink.

-Angry Lawyer
Still, you might want to ask Westwood if you're actually allowed, otherwise they'll shut you down quicker than I can blink.

It'll be hard to ask Westwood anything since they don't exist anymore.
Really? Wow, didn't realise that. Shows how long it's been since I played a C&C game. Who does the copyright belong to now, then?

-Angry Lawyer
EA owned them for a few years, they were shut down a few months ago and those that wanted to were moved to other EA studios. The copyrights belong to EA.

They let mods about other (old) C&C games go on C&C:Renegade and Generals, as far as I can tell they never said anything about how they're only letting it go on Renegade/Generals and no other game, which they basicly waive their right to get people for infringing their game's copyrights. So if they try to shutdown a HL2/FC/whatever C&C mod you could always tell them that there are a dozen C&C mods out but they didn't do anything about them.
I'm not sure I understand you, but it seems like you're saying "if EA try to shut down your C&C mod, you can use the excellent legal defence of saying that they didn't stop anyone making C&C mods on the C&C engines".

The reason I'm not sure I understand you is because that's quite stupid...
Making mods based on the C&C universe for a C&C game = OK
Making mods based on the HL universe for HL2 = OK
Making mods based on the C&C universe for HL2 = Not OK
Kitten's nailed it in one. Companies don't mind you creating mods about other things in their catalogue (usually), as long as you're making the mod for one of their games.

-Angry Lawyer
In this situation, with the company being EA, I hardly think they're going to be all nice and fluffy and "yea, sure, use our IP... go nuts".
Well, Sir Phoenixx is on the renalert: source dev team wich is a mod for Half-Life 2 based in the Red Alert universe. So why is it not okay that we make a Tiberian Sun based mod for Half-life 2?
It's a Renegade mod...

It was just decided to move to the new engine.

Also, no one said you couldn't do a Tiberian Sun Half Life 2 mod, only that it wouldn't be a good idea due to EA might shut it down when they find out about it.
I don't remember saying I thought a HL2 mod based on Red Alert was OK, (actually, I did in fact say the opposite... "Making mods based on the C&C universe for HL2 = Not OK") but that does explain Phoenixx's apparent want to believe that if you make your illegal mod and hide under a pile of coats, everything will be fine.
You might want to actually read before replying next time...
It's a Renegade mod...

but that does explain Phoenixx's apparent want to believe that if you make your illegal mod and hide under a pile of coats, everything will be fine.
I never said anything of the sort. Again, it's read first then reply, it doesn't work the other way around.
It's EA, and I don't think that they would care, but they might since they seem greedy...