Tier 3

Alot of fun... the history is just brill

Started out making shower curtains... What the hells
Hahaha, that was hilarious. Loved the three tiers :p
Found it.


Take-a-Wish, friend. Take-a-Wish today.

The Counter Heimlich maneuver... is insidious...

(Several high-ranking Fatah personnel choke to death on lamb chunks despite the intervention of their bodyguards.)
Lol, the C.H.M. plays later in the aperature history when the people choked.
I've found that part where it says "login:cjohason Password:tier3",
and well what does it mean ?
hm, i get incorrect psswd when i enter tier3.

I remember reading it off the wall tho, so should b right..
I tried logging in and it didn't work, I just didn't write the username right ..
And apertures' history is awesome lol,the portal gun is actually a bath curtain of some sort.
As i was on a second run through, it's worth getting it out of the way and scraping the barrel for things that have an outside chance of being a secret of some sort... so did anyone notice that the keyboards in behind the scenes bits of the game have differently coloured letters 'ERASDHB'? (assuming the boards are QWERTY) But what does it all mean Basil?
After loggin in as cjohnson, try out the interrogate command. If you type 'interrogate xxx' it says 'Error 07 [Unknown employee]', which is different than the error given logging in any other way. So far I haven't had any luck with employees though, no cjohnson, gman, gordon, freeman, johnson, glados, barney, newell ...
The Heimlich Counter-Maneuver - $33K
When you become as successful as we just recently were, many people are afraid to offer you any common sense advice. Obvious acts of success-fueled insanity such as creating a KISS game or filming any novel by Tom Robbins or, in our case, spending thirty-three thousand dollars developing counter-measures to the life-saving Heimlich maneuver, pass by your groupies and hangers-on without comment. In our own defense, if you didn't know the Heimlich manuver was a great benefit to mankind, you'd probably think the fatso you just saw happily devouring an entire chicken was being attacked. Also, if any of you ever travels back in time and witnesses Himmler bear hugging a wheezing, purple faced Hitler, now you know what to do.

Step 1: Danger! Heimlich attack!

Step 2: Punch!

As we recently stated, it was touch-and-go for a while. Like Voodoo Extreme, Stomped, and the late, great Blues News, OMM came very close to being just a memory, a half-remembered legend of evil, like the awful Mounds bar and fart smell visitors to Ion Storm often report sensing near Todd Porter's head. Big changes are coming this weekend. Some will accuse us, again, of selling out. We prefer to think that we are offering some disaffected, disenfranchised multinational corporation the chance to finally buy-in. The other good news is, as of monday, we will be obligated to provide fifteen updates a month. That's one update every forty-eight hours!

Quoted from the link.
Tier 3 made me laugh harder than anything else in ages. It's funnier than GLaDOS herself.
(...) did anyone notice that the keyboards in behind the scenes bits of the game have differently coloured letters 'ERASDHB'? (assuming the boards are QWERTY) But what does it all mean Basil?

In http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrian_Shephard you can read something like that:

It is interesting to note that, on completion of Portal, the main background screen changes to reveal, among other notable things, a keyboard with the letters A, D, R, I, N, S, H, E, and P highlighted. These are all of the letters that comprise Corporal Shephard's name.