Time for the Third Test :)

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Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
Publish you findings in here and come to QUAKENET #thirdtest.
Good Luck everyone.
I think VALVe got alot of free time on thier hands... that mean when they don't finish HL2...
Yea i want to know whos spending time getting hl2 out the door, and whos just sitting @ there comp making pretty ascii pics.
DarkStar said:
What? Come again?

He said that Valve has a lot of free time when they're not making HL2... Which is silly as they shouldn't have any free time right now.
Why on earth did you make a 3rd test thread when there is not even a 3rd test? Odd.
machima said:
He said that Valve has a lot of free time when they're not making HL2... Which is silly as they shouldn't have any free time right now.

that if... they are making hl2.. :hmph:
i think its notable that they are spending time updating their site for the 2nd test and such, when they could be finishing their "almost gold" product which is gonna be much better than any game or cute little tests
There is no third test yet, once there is, feel free to create a topic.

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