Time magazine awards *guess who* the 2007 Game of the Year.


Companion Cube
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
Looking around the internets, I found this. TBH I'm shocked, I didn't know Time magazine was that idiotic. They gave Halo 3 the honor (I lol'ed) the 2007 Game of the Year award. Although, it's not all hopeless because OB was #2.

Like a pebble that has been rounded over the centuries by the gentle splashing of the ocean waves, Halo 3 has become the perfect hardcore first-person combat simulator. By dint of painstaking labor on the part of its developer, Bungie, it has been refined over three installments to the point where it delivers only pure, unadulterated gaming bliss. Every combat is even-sided and complex and can be waged in multiple ways, using an arsenal of long- and short-range weapons, plus grenades and hand-to-hand moves. Every level is perfectly paced and balanced and graced with soaring architectural compositions. Plus it's graphically gorgeous. The epic storyline and the stirring score don't hurt either. In one of the greatest years video gaming has ever seen, Halo 3 is the very best of the bunch.


I'm not too shocked that they gave halo the top spot, but the words that go with the title are, well, pretty shocking

Just that first sentance even, wow... :\

''Like a pebble that has been rounded over the centuries by the gentle splashing of the ocean waves, Halo 3 has become the perfect hardcore first-person combat simulator.''
I thought you meant the video game version of the old board game "Guess Who" at first... that was... much worse.
It's Time... what the hell do they know about gaming? They probably just went by sales figures or something completely unrelated to the actual gameplay.
I've never played Halo 3 so I really can't comment on how good it is. But no game deserves that high a praise... words fail me.
Still, that sentence about the pebble is about as cliche and ridiculous as you can get in any kind of review. So goddamn over the top.
Well what a shock. A magazine that knows nothing about video games goes with the video game that every retard with half a brain cell owns as GOTY?:rolleyes: I think I saw an article in TIME a little before Halo 3's release titled, "Halo 3: The Thinking Mans Shoot Em' Up". That took rofl to an incredible new level.
Why do you guys care? Time Magazine hardly even pretends to know anything about gaming. Nobody reads it for the game reviews. So why give even the tiniest ****?
Like a pebble that has been rounded over the centuries by the gentle splashing of the ocean waves, Halo 3 has become the perfect hardcore first-person combat simulator.
Let's call a shooter a shooter, shall we Mr. Parent Friendly?

it has been refined over three installments to the point where it delivers only pure, unadulterated gaming bliss.
Halo 2 was by all accounts a huge step back...

Every combat is even-sided and complex and can be waged in multiple ways, using an arsenal of long- and short-range weapons, plus grenades and hand-to-hand moves (WTF??).
In one of the greatest years video gaming has ever seen, Halo 3 is the very best of the bunch.
COD4, Bioshock, Portal, Team Fortress 2, Episode Two, Super Mario Galaxy - take your pick. They're all better than Halo 2.


Maaannn.. even though I enjoyed the Halo series.. halo 3 does NOT even CLOSE come close to being the game of the year :-| .. It was sooo.... Halo 2.5ish.. Even the story elements that I loved so much about the first 2 were watered down and almost random for the third..Completely mediocre offering NOTHING new.

Personally I think Mass Effect blew halo 3 the hell out of the water..
Can we have a decree about Halo? Please?

This is always the same shit, different day. Lets discuss games which actually generate decent posts rather than same drivel time and time again.
Stuff like this and that other thread are indeed annoying. I think Ron Gilbert put it best when he said:

Ron Gilbert said:
The Spike TV Video Game Awards were last night and I forgot to care.

'Nuff said.
I'll add to the drivel: Halo 3 is not goty material ...that is all

hey at least they gave the Orange Box the number 2 spot ..it's Time magazine, I wouldnt take their word as gospel cuz they have what? a paragraph or two on gaming slapped between stories of Britney exposing her coochy and who's wearing what to the Oscars this year
I haven't had respect for Time since that idiotic "You" Man of the Year copout.

Man of the Year is supposed to be controversial, monkeys. Grow some balls.
there is a way to send coments?

I just want to send them that they should know about videogames first or drop the contract whit microsoft before making this "awards",and better stay bashing videogames as killer trainers like all the media do
I wouldn't give it goty either, but only because Galaxy wtfpwned everything :p
while I havent played Jumping Mario Stories, I think Portal is my goty ..everything else seems mediocre ...except that one game which shall remain unmentioned even though it's good like smoothy creamery butter
Orange Box? it would have gotten top honours if it were just retitled "Portal and some other stuff"
while I havent played Jumping Mario Stories, I think Portal is my goty ..everything else seems mediocre ...except that one game which shall remain unmentioned even though it's good like smoothy creamery butter

You talking about the one you can't talk about (which shouldn't be in this year's list anyway), or some other game?
I've come up with the brilliant strategy that if my PM box is full I cant recieve infractions! la la la
It's about time a real game (Halo 3) was given the nod.
I've come up with the brilliant strategy that if my PM box is full I cant recieve infractions! la la la

For that horrendous reference, the infraction goes straight into your mind.

saying I deserve an infraction when I dont = infraction

before the infractions are given out like candy to a group of pre-schoolers ...Time magazine ..it's time to take out the trash! this time it's personal! Time waits for no one!

Time magazine writing about video games is like dancing for Architecture ...you're not quite sure what the hell they're doing or why they're doing it but you watch it anyways
Halo 3: -
Bioshock: -
Who else will get a game of 'teh' year award?
Nowadays it all about who shouts loudest it seems and Microsoft have the resources to do that. I doubt they made a penny on the game itself given the monumental advertising campaign that came with it, but who honestly knows. I'd probably go with Portal as SP GoTY (though CoD4 came close) and TF2 for MP because it is so head and shoulders above everything else out there.
TIME magazine also declared the Iphone to be invention of the year. Nothing new about the Iphone just a way of selling you another Ipod and cellphone. This just shows how well they studied their candidates. These are just some journalist who think they know whats 'rocking'. Instead nominating Halo3 for best game or the Iphone for invention of the year illustrates how dumb they are.
Bioshock is way better and in all honesty it should've been Portal or Mario galaxy...

Marketing is king nowadays. So don't be fooled by al those products you 'need'.
TIME magazine also declared the Iphone to be invention of the year. Nothing new about the Iphone just a way of selling you another Ipod and cellphone. This just shows how well they studied their candidates. These are just some journalist who think they know whats 'rocking'. Instead nominating Halo3 for best game or the Iphone for invention of the year illustrates how dumb they are.
Bioshock is way better and in all honesty it should've been Portal or Mario galaxy...

Marketing is king nowadays. So don't be fooled by al those products you 'need'.

Also they nominated Craig Ventner for #2 Scientific discovery, for something which wasn't a discovery or particularly new - even though he has actually done something else interesting which is more worthy to be on the list...
Time Magazine -

You're a bunch of dumbass hack reporters who care more about being cashwhores than actually investigating and giving your readers something more than simple paid for opinions. Please go kill yourselves.

- Icarusintel