Time Traveller or Time Waster?

Posted before,

Hrm, hes a fake methinks.

Why would you travel back in time only to get onto a computer and chat to a bunch of nerds.
Apparently he said that the IBM 5100 had some sort of inbuilt ability to translate computer languages that was unknown or unpublished before 2036. The computer would then have been used back in his time to translate or fix broken computer systems.

This was later confirmed by an IBM technician who initially worked on the 5100.

Im sorry for re-posting this, I just thought it may have been an intersting read and a good topic for discussion.
It's probably fake, but still an intriguing topic.
I would have asked him, When does HL2 come out?

EDIT: I was reading a little and I saw this.

A world war in 2015 killed nearly three billion people. The people that survived grew closer together.

I know its fake but I hope nothing like that ever happens.
If this "man" says he's gona back in time, surely he must have did something to change the future, like stop Half-Life 2's delay:p
"dont get on the plane" if you know where this comes from , you get a cookie.

BTW- I say this because this dude reminds me of the above joke.
I hope to god this wasn't a copy and paste job

"Religion is taken seriously and everyone can multiple and divide in the heads."

November 04, 2000 "What are your memories of 2036?"
lol hold on a second, he's from 2036 and has a time machine and drives a 1967 chevy? WTF?!?!?!?! LOL anyone else see a problem with this? If this guy really was from the future and he was using a new time machine they'd fit it into a new car, not a 1967 Chevy. He's fake.

Edit: he claims he bought an older car to fit in and that he sold his car from the future... sure thing buddy :p
His version of the future sounds like a libertarian fantasy to me :)

He's a fake, no doubt about that. A civil war in the US`! Hey, c'mon, he should've used a more realistic scenario like China vs. USA or Europe/USA vs Russia.
humpf, lot's of leftist shit in those texts. me thinks it's a psychology experiment gone wild by some leftist students.
btw, if you traveled back in time you wouldn't end up in the same exact spot because the universe is always moving... therefor if you could travel through time and end up in the same spot as before than you would be able to move wherever the hell you wanted throughout the universe which would than mean you could travel to other planets and crap... like i said this guy is bullshit, the only way time travel would work is if you could go into the 4th dimension and that would kill you because you're built on a 3rd dimension...

smells like bullshit
To say its fake is as foolish as automatically taking his every word as truth.

Ive read all of his posts i could find, and there is much more to his story that contributes to his credability(such as the point Bramski made about the IBM5100) than there is that lessens his credability. Infact, i have found absolutely nothing that would lead me to belive he is lying.

That doesnt mean i think he is genuine, i just mean that its too early to make a determination one way or another. As we move into 2004 it will be easy to determine if he can be trusted or not, until then just keep an open mind when reading his story.
here's a question for you, if you went back in time and killed your father what would happen?

there's many possibilities when it comes to time travel, maybe i'll write them all in a later post... nah doubt it :p
Originally posted by SheepFactory
To say its fake is as foolish as automatically taking his every word as truth.

Ive read all of his posts i could find, and there is much more to his story that contributes to his credability(such as the point Bramski made about the IBM5100) than there is that lessens his credability. Infact, i have found absolutely nothing that would lead me to belive he is lying.

That doesnt mean i think he is genuine, i just mean that its too early to make a determination one way or another. As we move into 2004 it will be easy to determine if he can be trusted or not, until then just keep an open mind when reading his story.

he's too evasive whenever someone asks him to predict a certain thing... i don't like it
he's too evasive whenever someone asks him to predict a certain thing... i don't like it

His reasons for doing so are quite logical.

UNIX has a problem in 2038.

This means hes gone into the future and then was sent back to 2036 and then sent back to 1975 to bring back the 5100. Then he returned to 2036 instead of 2038 taking care of the problem 2 years ahead of schedule! Now don't you wish you had a time machine and you could go back in time and help fix HL2 and have it come out earlier then Sept. 30? Instead of 'Holiday Season".
Aside from his technical unrealistic sayings and vagueness. I have proved in his mannerisms that he doesn't believe what he's saying.
I wrote the following to the site owner just cause I was bored.. the first two sections are just a quote from his contact page.

Please note the following is hypothetically speaking if he were telling the truth.

"I have been reading through all collected posts of John Titor, I have found it interesting, half believable and I am a sceptic, he mentions several times that most of the missions are done between the years 1960-1980, is there any record of a time traveler who ever told anybody, and the machine fitting John's description of his time machine? if you could find something like that it would make it very hard to ignore his case.

HOST: Based on John's physics, it appears the chances of a time traveler coming to our timeline twice are unlikely. John did mention that more accurate equipment would make it possible in his future."

His opinions seem convoluded in the fact that they say every thing is possible but exclude themselves in that. Allow me to explain. You say it is unlikely that he would come to "our" timeline twice. However if everything is 100 percent possible than he did come to "our" timeline twice. However that is false. ALL things have not happened to us (on our line) only that that has happened has happened (so to speak). So in that he is saying that "each person does everything" does not explain why you or I are particularely conscious over any of the others. So basically in saying everything has happened to "Us" is a denial of consciousness in general for it has not happened to "Us" but to others.

Let me explain some more on this in that their are limits to his "everything has happened" theory. My particular being, and my thoughts are made up of a very precise and particular arrangement of atoms making up my brain etc.. as are everyones. And thus it is scientifically impossible for "me" as I am currently and now (lets say motivated to the process of typing this to you) to be on another timeline, where he has not visited and thus I cannot be typing this to you.

Also he is kind of parodoxial in his own statements in that he has some form of christian belief, and focuses on family structure, while not caring for others timelines nor for others belief in him, etc. He is expressing a form of selfishness throughout his writings, in his saying that one should work to improve their own timelines, why would he try to benefit or even effect ours? It's sort of funny that he says "Perhaps I should let you all in on a little secret. No one likes you in the future. This time period is looked at as being full of lazy, self-centered, civically ignorant sheep. Perhaps you should be less concerned about me and more concerned about that" While at the EXACT SAME TIME not caring what people in our timeline would think of him? He is being brutally self-centered in that in denying all but himself the importance of their beliefs while near the same time stating that everyone's beliefs are equally important.

Also what really irks me (and proves he's lying) in relation to that, is that he is saying that their is an infinite number of possibilities and everything has happened.. yet he still tries to make his own time seem important. I mean if everything has happened their is just as much "infinite" amount of timelines who think what we did and our mannerisms of this time are great and loved "us". Think on that for a moment and conclude why he truly doesn't believe what he is saying.
Wow, in the future they put thirteen year olds in the army, how fun.

Also about the car thing, he said he works for the military, it wouldnt be a car from the 1950's or a future car, it would be some kind of military vehicle, and he would not use his own vehicle.

Also, if I travelled back in time for a military operation why would I give out all schematics and information?
Well I just finished reading through the majority of his posts and I can say that it's an interesting example of pre Sept-11 thinking. If the posts were made after Sept-11 I'm sure he would have leaned more towards describing a war in the Eiddle East, epecially Iraq, Iran, Afganistan. North Korea also, of course. I don't think he ever even mentioned the word "terrorism", which by all means is the most popular thing on the news right now and will be for the next 4-5 years.

So .. good fake, bad timing :)
There is really no way this thing could work. The plans don't show any sign of a flux capacitor!

have a nice day.
Time travel by today's technology is virtually impossible. The speeds and power required would decimate two Earths as well as any semblance of his puny body.
Gee, thanks for bringing this guy to my attention.

We'll put out an omni-temporal warrant for his arrest.

The TU (Timetraveller's Union) is going to be really *pissed* at this guy.

Just forget everything you read on that website.

Theres only an infinitesimal chance it'll happen in your timeline anyway.

Ha ha ha ha! I kill me!:cheese:

there's always the star trek theory where you can launch yourself around the sun and go super fast thus launching you back in time... maybe he's some wacko who watched one too many star trek films :p
someone should find the video tape :p

Are you still planning on broadcasting your departure over the Internet?

My father will be videotaping the departure. My primary concern is the anonymity of my family. In addition, my departure will be in a somewhat public place and I do not want to draw additional attention to myself.
lol maybe the civil war will be delayed for a few years

(16) There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective), China and Europe. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)...thus we (in the country) won. The European Union and China were also destroyed. Russia is now our largest trading partner and the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska.
"What do you see for the future of time travel on your worldline?

That's a good question. I am hopeful that one day when we get the planet cleaned up it will be a nice place to live on again and no one will want to leave it. On the other hand, if time travel were commonplace right now, I think a great many people would leave and perhaps never return. There is also a suggestion that time travel might make an interesting punishment. However, I don't think we have the right to force criminals on unsuspecting worldlines and sending them to the Stone Age might be a bit much.

LOL the last linke cracked me up alot. That should reduce the crime rate about 50 % LOL

According to science, matter can not be created nor destroyed. So how did Titor come back and materialize?
Dematerialisation probably wouldn't be destroying matter. Simply shifting it to some other form. And where does it say that he "materialised"?.:dork:

(Didn't actually read the web page all the way through.)
