Tips for Learning C++



Self-explanatory topic. Right now I'm in a Computer Science class, but I'm moving over the summer so unless the house doesn't sell I won't be able to stay in the class.

I have a book to aid me along, the 7 books in 1 3 inch thick C++ For Dummies. Hopefully this and perhaps a few other books can help me along, afterwards I'd just need some Game Programming in C++ books

Any advice would be welcome.
2ltben said:
Self-explanatory topic. Right now I'm in a Computer Science class, but I'm moving over the summer so unless the house doesn't sell I won't be able to stay in the class.

I have a book to aid me along, the 7 books in 1 3 inch thick C++ For Dummies. Hopefully this and perhaps a few other books can help me along, afterwards I'd just need some Game Programming in C++ books

Any advice would be welcome.

why do want to waste bucks by purchasing books on game programming , when u can download them freely from the internet.CHECK OUT THIS LINK..
This site provides game programming tutorials for c,c++ and even java.There are even network programming tutorials (which are tough) for most of the languages.Happy programming...
there are lots of links to other sites.So dont be misguided.....
Thanks. I'll still stick by books though. They contain the software or trials of what you need, get the job done, and generally are very well written.

It's still a good site. I particularly love those space-themed PS tutorials on the site.
If it matters, I don't know C, but I know a fair amount of Visual Basic and QBasic.
I usually go straight to O'Reilly books (unless I explicitly know of a better source). They tend to be very high quality.

There is of coarse THE c++ book;
"The C++ Programming Language", by Bjarne Stroustrup (this is the guy that created c++). This is not the best book for introductions to the language, but its is a good book.

Two books you may be interrested in for game programming in c++,
"OpenGl Game Programming" By Kevin Hawking and Dave Astle. You can probably use this in conjunction with

And finally, "Infinite Game Universe: Mathemetical Techniques" by Guy W. Lecky-Thompson. This is not specific to c++ or any language, it deals with deterministic chaos (random number generators, fractals, etc.).
The Computer Science standard is Java now isn't it? I dont know because im confused but I JUST took the CS class and they taught Java not C++. Whats the standard! AH!
Right now intro computing science is java, it is replacing the former intro language of pascal.

Most of the upper level computing science is language independant, and any programming that needs to be done tends to be done in the language the proff prefers. In most cases that means c++.
High School Computer Science, not College/University Computer Science. Started off with Visual Basic.
High School Computer Science, i was in HS and I took the College class though the HS i got college credits for College Computer Science
For AP classes in high school, they just changed C++ to Java now. But C++ is still the better language imo, though Java's more "visual" and easier.

C++ for Dummies Book sucks, especially in explaining the language's bane: pointers. Use for last resort.
And there are also plenty of online tutorials. If you all plan to do is mod for games rather than writes games themselves, online tutorials from pros fit the bill nicely.
C++ is pretty much still the industry standard, certainly when it comes to games.
C# is making a rise in the applications field for which is is idealy suited, as well as the web field (although alot of people seem to prefer VB.Net for that)
Java is still king atm when it comes to Enterprise stuff and hand helds on the majority of devices (however MS is making a push for that with VB.Net as well)

They teach Java in schools/Unis simple because its easier to focus on designing and coding without having to worry about memory leaks and other annoying little issues you get with C++, once you know the basic idea of programming well its not that hard to transfer it to other languages such as C++ or C#
Javert said:
For AP classes in high school, they just changed C++ to Java now. But C++ is still the better language imo, though Java's more "visual" and easier.

C++ for Dummies Book sucks, especially in explaining the language's bane: pointers. Use for last resort.
And there are also plenty of online tutorials. If you all plan to do is mod for games rather than writes games themselves, online tutorials from pros fit the bill nicely.

Yeah, so now I know java, a big help for coding in hl since it's 3x slower ;(

How difficult would it be for me to learn C++ from solid knowledge of basic java?
PunisherUSA said:
Yeah, so now I know java, a big help for coding in hl since it's 3x slower ;(

How difficult would it be for me to learn C++ from solid knowledge of basic java?

Not that difficult as a matter of fact. The only extra thing you have to learn are the different syntax (which isn't all that different) and the dreaded pointers. Classes, structures, logic, almost all the same.
Frankly, I think the single best way to learn programming (if you don't have a class to take) is to find a good forum that's based around that language. That way you'll have plenty of people to draw knowledge from and ask questions when you get stuck. Combine that with a complete language reference book and maybe a decent "theory" book and you should have no problem.

If you already know VB and QBasic then you shouldn't have much to learn other than syntax and maybe a bit about classes and pointers. Other than that, all high level programming languages are pretty much the same in structure.

If you want to do games I suggest you find some info and a good forum about programming in OpenGL or DirectX. I would suggest DirectX for the simple fact that it handles graphics, input, audio, and a slew of other things (and it's more ubiquitous in general). Where as - to my knowledge - OpenGL and OpenAL only support graphics and audio respectively.
Correct, OpenGL and OpenAL do only support the things mentioned HOWEVER the simple C interface is often alot easier for people to learn with when compared to the great fun which is COM and 'everything in a class' way of DX.

Also, there is the SDL, which is a crossplatform library which handles window creation, graphics, input, audio and networking and other modules as well. You can use OpenGL for hardware accelerated rendering as well :)

There is nowt stopping you from using OpenGL, OpenAL and DirectInput together either.

If you want to learn any of them then I surguest you get a couple of DirectX tutorials and a couple of OpenGL, OpenAL and/or SDL tutorials and see which style suits you best and go with it.

As for somewhere togo for help has a huge amount of infomation and users happy to help others out, including myself :D