to everyone that listens to....

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Ok, this has gone far enough. I'm a pretty tolerant person, but this thread alone is proof to me that Lemonking = fail.

Hell, I don't even know who Panic at the Disco are, or what they sound like. But... gah, forget it. Just fail.

Spicy Tuna said:
....panic at the disco!

you should be ashamed of yoursrlfs,worst ****in music ever,my ears almost started can anyone listen to that crap?
Have you been watching any Eurovision?

Foreshame Europe!

true,dat that music really sucks,its not even about music in that show,its how much u can jump around.
JNightshade said:
Ok, this has gone far enough. I'm a pretty tolerant person, but this thread alone is proof to me that Lemonking = fail.

Hell, I don't even know who Panic at the Disco are, or what they sound like. But... gah, forget it. Just fail.

What the hell?
Spicy Tuna said:
true,dat that music really sucks,its not even about music in that show,its how much u can jump around.
not having a go here but please put a space after every fullstop or comma as it makes your posts easier to read. :)
Panic at the disco suck. fall out boy are even worse. i'm not surprised you listen to that crap badger :P
Sparda said:
Some shity band.

Says the boy who listens to Linkin Park ;)

I don't like Fall Out Boy THAT much, they're a pop-punk band who've made about 4 catchy fairly decent songs over 2 albums. Panic! At The Disco are Fall Out boy with more instruments basically..

Not my favourite bands by a long shot.
Originally Posted by Sparda
What the hell?

It's quite simple. If you start a thread for the sole purpose of telling people their taste in music is shit, then refuse to listen to their responses, you fail.

i dont mind panic at the disco or fall out boy, i think 'dance dance' is catchy as hell. They're just pop punk bands, no reason to have an aneurysm about them.
JNightshade said:
It's quite simple. If you start a thread for the sole purpose of telling people their taste in music is shit, then refuse to listen to their responses, you fail.


get a grip on reality.
Kamikazie said:
If that isn't a grip on reality, then you need a reality check.

dude,I dont know who you think you are, but I simply dont give a rats ass,what you have to say,take it some where else.
Spicy Tuna said:
dude,I dont know who you think you are, but I simply dont give a rats ass,what you have to say,take it some where else.
Well, I know who I am, and I don't really care that you don't care what I say, I have the right to give my opinion about what stupid shit comes out of your mouth (and believe me it is a BUNCH of shit).
Spicy Tuna, don't ever post a thread that blatantly incites flames like this again. I ought to temp ban you.
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