To Kill an American (touching, not bad)

To kill an american you must first take away the tv...

lol, i thought McDonalds and Burger king had that covered.. :O

i think patriotism stinks, considering essentially we are all a mix in some way or another, blood from here and there, also whats there to be proud of.. or to protect? freedom? , the threat to freedom is weak, the whole world is nearly a converted democracey.. hardly anything strongly opposes that anymore or even threatens it enough to worry.

so patriotism these days entails standing up for corporative capitalist lifestyles, that dont bring the best out in people anyway,, and are the prime root of violence, because greed is spawned out of it.. our 'freedom' is an illusion , we are all tools of corporation positioned somewhere in a heirarchy of rich and poor, unbalanced as people leech off others to get to the top, continuous middle and lower class unwittingly keeping the majority of arseholes/politicians, at the top.

that is our system, but nobody truely questions it.. weither its right or wrong, some people only care weither it works or appears to work for a given period of time. but if your religious God will fix it of course :|
clarky003 said:
lol, i thought McDonalds and Burger king had that covered.. :O

i think patriotism stinks, considering essentially we are all a mix in some way or another, blood from here and there, also whats there to be proud of.. or to protect? freedom? , the threat to freedom is weak, the whole world is nearly a converted democracey.. hardly anything strongly opposes that anymore or even threatens it enough to worry.

so patriotism these days entails standing up for corporative capitalist lifestyles, that dont bring the best out in people anyway,, and are the prime root of violence, because greed is spawned out of it.. our 'freedom' is an illusion , we are all tools of corporation positioned somewhere in a heirarchy of rich and poor, unbalanced as people leech off others to get to the top, continuous middle and lower class unwittingly keeping the majority of arseholes/politicians, at the top.

that is our system, but nobody truely questions it.. weither its right or wrong, some people only care weither it works or appears to work for a given period of time. but if your religious God will fix it of course :|

Whoa dude, that's not how it is over here. You see someone drive by with a flag attached to their pick-up and it just gives you a warm feeling. That's all. :)
So much anger. So much love and hate. Or I dont know where I am going with this.
remember this and all will be well:

"Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country"

- Hermann Goering
my private motto

"i'm an american; if i dont agree with something, i shoot it"

ahhh, those crazy, crazy islamic fundamentalists, their nations birth rates are going down.....must be all the chemical weapons
Top Secret said:
I've been sitting here for 3 minutes trying to respond in a sympathetic manor. And I just can't put words together. If you guys aren't as patriotic as we are, I don't think that's a bad thing. Just a differant view of what's more important, and what's not. I'll give you an example:

Our German exchange students were SHOCKED that we stood up (If we chose to) and pledged to the flag every morning. SHOCKED. They think of things like that in terms of Nazism and insane levels of patriotness. I think we're just trying to find a good balance, you know? :cool:

Im not sure if this is true or not since i dont have any sources for it... just something i heard a zillion times.

Some schools dont even sing the national anthem anymore on the national day because some people dont like it (non-swedes). I think that is pretty messed up.

We dont even have an official national anthem :)

Still... i think the Swedes are pretty proud of their country... just look at all the swede threads in the forum...

So I would also be kinda shocked :)
You should be proud of where you belong if you have reasons for that.
Top Secret said:
On the surface? The world sees the worst, and the best of America. There is no surface. Come live here for a few years.

Worst? What? There can be no such thing in America. That's what the letter said.

The U.S. aids many countries. It's a "You scratch my back, I'll scratch your back." system. Isreal is a prime example. The U.S. gave 202 million dollars to Egypt to help them with their economic difficulties. The US gave money to the Caribbean just a month or so ago for some hurricane disaster.

Everyone does that.

No. We stepped in because no other Democracy would. (Even though we're not a true democracy, we keep the principles) That was a defensive move against communism, just as Vietnam was. Not an offensive one. If we did nothing, communisim would have choked the life out of Democracy one country at a time. Read about domino effects and then read the communist manifesto.

The only thing I remember about the domino effect is that it was later discovered to be a pretty silly theory. Communism died out anyway, because it didn't work.

You're ****ing hilarious. :| Dumbass.

oh noes i am teh hilariouss lolll????

Yeah, twice. The first one took out most of our Navy, and the second one killed a couple thousand civilians.


The U.S. and Russia were allied up to the years of the reconstruction of Europe/Germany. That's when Stalin went greedy on us, not the other way around.

Of course. The Cold War was Good vs. Evil, just like in the movies.

Top Secret said:
Kind of sad isn't it?

You know, I've come to the conclusion that a great deal of Europeans are just straight up assholes.

Well, here's the thing: when some American announces that the US is the pinnacle of development and enlightenment on Earth (it's not), some people just might find it offending.

I've come to realize that there are people who are... emotional. Everything they say, do or think is based on emotions, not rational thinking. I'm talking about patriots, among others. They can't think logically at all. Someone like Bush comes up to them with an American flag and screams "God Bless America" and another election is won.
American Is not evil. Money is evil. Since american is teh super capitalist country its portrayed like that
Fat Tony! said:
American Is not evil. Money is evil. Since american is teh super capitalist country its portrayed like that

True, Americans themselves are lovely people. I've never had any hassle with any. In fact there friendlier than most people here. I find it easier to strike up a conversation with an American than I do a Brit.

Im probably only saying this though cos I have to with half my family being from there.
90% of the population on the British isle's doesn't even know our national anthem. In the United States you have extreme's , some who are extraordinarily patriotic to their country and think that their Governments can't do anything wrong (see election results 2004) and others who are completely anti-establishment (i'm not saying everyone falls into these two groups, but there are more in those groups than over here!). In the U.K. people are generally more evenly spread, we're all slightly distrusting of our Government but there generally aren't that many that'll take that distrust to an extreme.