
Grats dude. :D
Have a good year.

I beat you there by a few months actually.
It's been alright so far.
Pics or it didn't happen.

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday.

You are not on MSN nearly enough.
I'm going down t'pub in a second, so I can't get on MSN.

-Angry Lawyer
a very sexy birthday for AL involving women in lingerie handing out snifters of XO Cognac and cuban cigars, perferably Cohibas ..can I come?

Happy birthday. I was looking for that other picture, but I couldn't find it.
You can't post Death on Angry Lawyer's birthday! It's a time for celebration! And partays! Happy Birthday, man!

Besides, posting that to someone of his age is just insulting.
We'll do it tomorrow
You're older than you look.

Or maybe I'm just retarded.

Happy birthday anyway :D
For your birthday, I have purchased for you something I know you will use and appreciate.


An Awesome Mirror!
Well, now you have to have the 22 birthday shots of liquor.

Hope you had a nice life.
Happy birthday AL! Hope you have a super one <33
You are a CRAP LOAD younger than I thought you where.

I thought you where in your 30's or sommat.

Let's hope you weren't as angry on your birthday.

Happy birthday Happy Lawyer!
С днем рождения, сердитый законовед!

Happy drinking! :):bounce:
Happy B-Day! and try not to drink yourself sober like I did one night. I did that once at a concert and when I woke up, I had dirt up my nose and in between my teeth.:E
I move that from this day forward, on important dates Angry Lawyer has the first word of his name changed to a day-appropriate word.

Happy Lawyer on his birthday.
Black Lawyer on MLK day.
Exploding Lawyer on Independence Day.
Lovely Lawyer on Valentine's Day.
Jesus's Lawyer on Christmas.

etc. etc.
I move that from this day forward, on important dates Angry Lawyer has the first word of his name changed to a day-appropriate word.

Happy Lawyer on his birthday.
Black Lawyer on MLK day.
Exploding Lawyer on Independence Day.
Lovely Lawyer on Valentine's Day.
Jesus's Lawyer on Christmas.

etc. etc.

I move no.

His title reflects the irony in the world. You wouldn't understand with your simplified english and bagged milk, but we cynical, enlightened few amongst the masses can seek out poetry in the depressed. The bleak outlook we possess also affords us a greater understanding of the world and how it works, and you mortals know not of what ye speak.

I move no.

His title reflects the irony in the world. You wouldn't understand with your simplified english and bagged milk, but we cynical, enlightened few amongst the masses can seek out poetry in the depressed. The bleak outlook we possess also affords us a greater understanding of the world and how it works, and you mortals know not of what ye speak.


Goth :|
I move that from this day forward, on important dates Angry Lawyer has the first word of his name changed to a day-appropriate word.

Happy Lawyer on his birthday.
Black Lawyer on MLK day.
Exploding Lawyer on Independence Day.
Lovely Lawyer on Valentine's Day.
Jesus's Lawyer on Christmas.

etc. etc.

Hm, what, then, do we use on Halloween? Trick or Lawyer? Because that one scares me :|
Lol @ thread

Happy Birthday! :cheers:

I suppose happy drinking as well. :p
Hm, what, then, do we use on Halloween? Trick or Lawyer? Because that one scares me :|

Trick Lawyer? Treat Lawyer? Actual Lawyer?

Dunno, make it as fun or as scary as you want.
"Lawyer of the Damned" should be his halloween name.
"Your honour, Freddy should not be put on death row for all the crimes he commited. Instead it should be clear that he is mentally unstable, and so he should be sent to a minimum security mental facility, where there are many knives and unfortunate women with big, perky breasts"
"The Jury are all in favour of Freddy Kruger being moved to a minimum security mental facility. Also the Jury is in favour of women with big, perky breasts."

"Lawyer of the Damned" should be his halloween name.
"Your honour, Freddy should not be put on death row for all the crimes he commited. Instead it should be clear that he is mentally unstable, and so he should be sent to a minimum security mental facility, where there are many knives and unfortunate women with big, perky breasts"
"The Jury are all in favour of Freddy Kruger being moved to a minimum security mental facility. Also the Jury is in favour of women with big, perky breasts."



God I laughed.
Oh, I'm a bit late, but Happy Birthday, AL.