today's the day, Spike TV's VGA

BladeTurbo said:
god i hope HL2 wins. if halo 2 wins i will be so pissed off.

Well, so far i think this game awards is nothin but a joke..

But atleast Half-Life 2 got best graphix so far.. we'll see for best PC game and GOTY..

If Halo 2 wins imma pitch a fit.. well i'll want to anyway.
I want a video game awards show that caters to the geeks, not the people who watch a video game awards show to see half-naked chicks and rap artists. don't get me wrong, i like half-naked chicks, but VGAs should be more about video games than rap and chicks. but i suppose that's what gets the ratings.
AgentXen said:
Stupid DS, Pice of shit.

Well, the only reason im looking forward to the DS is because i love Advance Wars and cant wait for new one to come out..

Its the only game for GBA that I play.. so dont panic.
Oh Yeah< Funkmasta' Flex Want Ya Hear It Ya'll


Snoop Dog is performing one of his shitty songs right now, I swear to god everyone there needs to be shot.
And as the winners were voted for online, that means it's also a popularity contest.

Actually, I believe they were ultimately selected by a panel of marketing executives for SpikeTv. The online poll was just to generate interest and draw people to their website. They'll probably have some throwaway "gamer's pick" stuff, but it was my understanding that the final call is up to SpikeTv executives.
Dalamari said:
Oh Yeah< Funkmasta' Flex Want Ya Hear It Ya'll


Snoop Dog is performing one of his shitty songs right now, I swear to god everyone there needs to be shot.

How about a little less rap and sleeze and a little more ****in games..
How about no music at all and just about games... which is what this is about, or supposed to be anyways :sleep:
This show isnt about video games.. its about how many dumbass stars we can bring on stage.
I had to shut it off

I don't try to act cool or bang famous chicks, they shouldn't try to infringe on my territory.


Wow... im bout spout some really awful words... i must stop myself.. but....



Would ya expect anymore from a bunch of pompus pussy ass rap lovin motha-****ers?

GTA:SA for GotY!!

I can't stop laughing out of sheer stupidity of these people
Wow, I thought H2 would win... :smoking:

Yes, military games would have been good, but what would have been in it? AA is the only true military game I can think of, and it is free.
the_stalker said:
Wow, I thought H2 would win... :smoking:

Yes, military games would have been good, but what would have been in it? AA is the only true military game I can think of, and it is free.

Full Spectrum Warrior and Call of Duty: Finest hour just to name a few...were up for the nomination.

Full Spectrum warrior or Rome Total War shouldve won this one..

One can only speculate as to why they didnt show best military game..

Politics people...
I'd like to say that the real winners are the creators of Grand Theft Auto 2, for making such a trippin' mo-fo'in game in da hizzouze wid the homie g dawgs. Yeeeeahahahh, folk.
Anyone notice how Samuel L. Jackson kept saying GTA 2?
Garric said:
Best PC game? Best FPS?
Come on, just guess what best FPS was. And best PC Game? What is a PC Game?

At least HL2 won best graphics. It's about all we could hope for.
We need real game awards, done by real gaming geeks.
None of these useless rappers that can make up words to rhyme with other made up words.

HL2 not winning makes me sad. *sigh* if only headcrab artillery shells were real.
Its a pity people like games that have the story spoonfed to them *coughhalo2cough*
How did Fable get best RPG, granted not many came out this year, but cmon, Fable was a overhyped POS
Narcolepsy said:
Anyone notice how Samuel L. Jackson kept saying GTA 2?
Yeah i nodiced that too. you would think that you would at least know the name of the game you work on.
Half-Life 2 won best grafix.. where the hell was their award for that huh? bunch of damn *******!
"FPS was won by Halo 2.. Figures... (gay ass people i swear)"

Good grief: it was in the promos for the show!
Apos said:
"FPS was won by Halo 2.. Figures... (gay ass people i swear)"

Good grief: it was in the promos for the show!

still doesnt save them from being the dumbasses that they are.
Why do they keep saying Motley Crew reunited? They have been touring together for god knows how damn long.
Damn Spike. I'll bury that Spike.

Source should of won best new technology.

I knew GOTY was between GTA:SA, Halo 2 and Half-Life 2. What can you do ah?
Spike tv award show:
-lame music
-lame dj announcer dude
-lame rappers
-lame celebrities
-who the hell cares about motley crue reuniting!?!?!

Though godfather game looks promising... WOO!

I agree Hl2 deserves better.
We can continue to complain for lack of anything better to do
Wow, i hate almost all the winners..

How could Gamespot win best site, friggin gayspot.
Apos said:
Actually, I believe they were ultimately selected by a panel of marketing executives for SpikeTv. The online poll was just to generate interest and draw people to their website. They'll probably have some throwaway "gamer's pick" stuff, but it was my understanding that the final call is up to SpikeTv executives.

...Ah, I see. Fair enough, then.

Anyway, looking at all of this from a non-HL2 biased perspective, I still have to say, these awards just aren't right. Though given that there are indeed quite a lot of very good games here competing against each other, whoever wins, people aren't going to be happy. Heh, I want draws, darnit, just so everyone gets loved.
Well, it looks like Best PC game went to Half-Life 2..

Although they were all too pussy to show on TV.