Too many load times


Jun 22, 2004
Reaction score
Man is it just me or does anyone else think that there too many loadings when your trying to play..and some points it seems every 5 min theres a load..and sometimes right in the middle of the action...its very :(
I was afraid this would be the case. That's what I didn't like about HL1.
I agree with this. I HATED THIS. It took an average of 30 seconds to do each load.
Now this is also because I failed to by another harddrive. lol
I was supposed to by my 16buffer 300GB harddrive by now.
their are alot of load times but i find them really short when running a s/ata drive
I don't find there are too many, I find that they are too long.

Even with alot of RAM the load times do take a while, even the title screen takes an AGE to load up (Being real-time n all)
yeah I agree with the complaints, 30 seconds sure is a loooong time....IF you're having SEX.
meh, i don't mind the load times because it just give me moment to gather myself after going thru the previous intense level and then getting ready for the next one. whew!
I agree with the load time for the start menu but it is really only like 45 seconds for me at least. As for level loads around 15 seconds...not to bad.

This game is better than sex and sex to me is the only thing better than sleep. In fact, I ditched my girlfriend to play this for the entire day! She was less than amused (I didn't lie to her). :LOL:
get a better computer, my load times are only about 7 or 8 seconds which is pretty bad but i mean.. jeez what kind of trashcans are you running on.
What you have to weigh up is:

Long load times = good graphics, AI and physics.
Short load times = poor graphics, AI and physics

The choice is yours.
You guys need to get ridda your shit comps. Load times take an average of 10 seconds for me.
Sniperdan said:
What you have to weigh up is:
Long load times = good graphics, AI and physics.
Short load times = poor graphics, AI and physics
The choice is yours.


While longish times are fine for big levels, these long times are for small sections, which is inexcusable. "LONG" load times (like these) are a result of poor coding, plain and simple.
Yeah the load times are a bit long, up to 1 minute at times :(

What really is annoying is that it can take 1 min to load a level then another 10-20 seconds for the sound to stop stuttering.
i guess no one picked up on the fact that I was making fun of them for complaining about load times.

read again and stop complaining about petty things. enjoy the game. stay off the ritalin.
oh my god you sound like spoiled brats.

chill out and deal with it. seriously
Well people with a game this detail there sure will be long load times. About the to many load times. Not for me dunno mine a pretty far apart from each other.
Perhaps this is the case in the Water Hazard levels. Because they are so enormous and you're flying through them. But after finishing Ravenholm, I don't have any problems with it whatsoever.
I don't mind the load times... 10-20 for the main screen to load, and 5 or so for the level loads... About what HL1 had originally. Of course I have 2 gig ram, and 2 SATA 120GB drives in RAID 0, which helps ;)
Seemed to be about the same amount of loads, but a bit longer than HL1 (on my computer anyway).

But geez, I kinda like the me a chance to stretch...take a drink...etc. Didn't find them distracting in the least.