Took a trip to Valve, heres the story

Bitchslapper said:
hehe... yeah it better be!! Has anyone try`d DF: Balck Hawk Down? in taht game you can sit in a black hawk down and shoot from it, once you are in there air. But it is AI that controls the helicopter around... Anyway i cant wait to see those pics of yours :)
I think it's funny that you accidentally said "black hawk down" :)

Anyhow, yeah, this could be fake until we see those pictures :) lol, not that I think someone would spend this much time making it up..

All I really wanna know is if he saw anything new in the game, and if he saw any graphical improvements
The game is called Black Hawk Down. Isn't it?
well.. makes me wonder if there will be some sort of battle against one of those flying enemy ships and a helicopter,, would be cool.. maybe have striders below also.. i dunno..
Chris_D said:
The game is called Black Hawk Down. Isn't it?

I think he meant in the part where he said "... in the black hawk down"
4 pictures uploading/editing isn't taking much time is it?
I find it quite sad that many of you thought I made this up.
Anyways here are 2 pics I have on my comp.. and honestly my camera wont turn on for some reason.
I will post the other 2 later tonight.

By the way I'd like to thank Valve and everyone there for letting me visit :)
Had a fun time and it was really interesting.

Putting this here, because I dont see where to edit on my original post :(


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hehe, i notice that they had a Valve in the midle of the floor, what a nice decorable :) perhaps i put one in my room to, while im waiting for the game...
I had faith :D

You gotta appreciate though man, it is an internet forum at the end of the day, so I met Osama Bin Laden the other day, where's the pictures?
Wow cool.. nice pics !

I never dissbelived you!
Don't take it personal. Same thing happened to me when I went to alcatraz. Shame on the disbelivers.
Nice, I still looking forward to see that other 2 pictures.

Question Algor: can you say how many employees there were when you visited the building?
Nice post, it was interesting to hear about the fact that Valve view the source engine as more of a storytelling engine than anything else and one that can progress beyond the confines of traditional gaming. The notion of making movies using a game engine isn't original (people have been doing that since quake), but naturally the advanced facial animations and material physics make the opportunities for expression that much more interesting. The broader your palette the greater your range.
After beating my camera with a stick, I managed to get the last pics :)


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Chris_D said:
You gotta appreciate though man, it is an internet forum at the end of the day, so I met Osama Bin Laden the other day, where's the pictures?

Now people believe me :D


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aww cool... why is the blackboard all blurred? :p
Where the heck did Laidlaw get his hair from?!
Sashswash said:
its amazing what happens when a bit of new news is availabe :rolling: ...imagine what will happen when its released!! :E

we are like hungry cannibals waiting for our meal! :devil:
Nice last 2 pics... but what happend to the blackboard?
Abom|nation said:
I think he meant in the part where he said "... in the black hawk down"

Yeah, that's what I meant :)

MaxiKana said:
aww cool... why is the blackboard all blurred? :p

Secret plans they didn't want revealed? At first I thought he just had a fuzzy head :laugh:
Algor give details about what you saw during the gameplay :)
Pretty cool stuff

Where are the valve offices located?

By the way, that chopper has been in hl2 for a while :)
I believe they're in Washington

Bellevue, Washington
That's 2 members who went to Valve. First Spitcodfry and know Algor. Good job mate. Anything about the gameplay would be appreciated. Make this guy a high ranking dude here. Make him a "Strider". He is a headcrab for Pete's sake.
What, I go away for a little while and all of a sudden it's spitcodfry the return?

I would just like to join everyone in saying congratulations, nice job, good going, dead jealous, would kill to live in the right part of america right now... but also, could you give us some more details about the in game action you saw? And let us know what sort of secret info was on the white board, oh and while you're at it, why didn't you ask about the release date (even in conversation) and why didn't you ask to play the game they had up and running right in front of you?

I think that about covers the bases... bottom line, good work, more info please ;)
ray_MAN said:
Make this guy a high ranking dude here. Make him a "Strider". He is a headcrab for Pete's sake.

Just wondering about the forum ranking scale. because im tired of being a Zombie.. :)
You have 55 more post then you are a, ummm well. I don't know. I am long past that.
Great pics and questions. But why did you blur the whiteboard? Top secret information? :o
Why would he bother asking about the release date. . .
"well, ok I'll tell you because
1) I know it wont change due to unforseen events
2) you won't tell anyone
3) And even though a bajilion people have asked me. . . "

Just my sarcasm don't mind me. : )

(didn't doubt you'd fake it, too much work for that : ) )
Well from what I saw they were doing some, what they called, "final tweaks" on the helicopter. (No, not the alien gunship one)
It was really cool to see what it did to find the player.
The guy kept running in between some big containers trying to hide from it and take pop shots at it.
There were some containers on many sides of the player and ones strewn over the top..
The chopper seemed to be using its last known location of the player to track it down, and then trying to shoot over some objects to get a more clear shot at him.
He ran through some more and was expecting the chopper to come out in the front where it was, but it snuck up behind him and got him good :)
He was so surprised that he jumped in his seat, which is always good to see in games.

As far as the movements of the helicopter went, it looked very real, and very cool :)

and I blurred the whiteboard because there was lots of writing on there.. and I didnt want to take the chance of something being secret and them getting pissed :O
After their source code being leaked I don't think you have too many worries about showing a bit of scribble on a whiteboard.

Why are people calling it a blackboard btw? It's white.
Awwww I was working and missed this thread!


God I can't wait for this game...... :bounce:
no harm in asking.

Unless he's wearing a "don't ask about the release date" T-shirt while holding a blood splattered crowbar and grinning in a Jack-Nicholson-in-Shining-gonna-bash-your-freakin'-brains-out manner... but that's just common sense.
synth said:
Great pics and questions. But why did you blur the whiteboard? Top secret information? :o

With my superman view i think i can see what is under all the bluring *joke* :laugh:
