tookie williams

Nat Turner said:
Your logic is faulty and poor. Your argument is based on moral absolutism, and is therefore unsubstantiated.

There is a course where a philosopher summed up arguments.

You must separate the argument from the person.
You must examine all angles of the argument.
X is the conclusion to the argument.

You are doing none of the first two, and the conclusion to the argument is 'Different people have different views.

(Real course. Read it in a paper. Link only for today and tommorrow, I believe.)

Actually, you can repent and also seek life. Understanding and feeling sorry for your crime does not need to follow with a wish for death.

A person who has truely repented who know that he deserves punshiment, and has changed to avoid that mistake committed. People who think they don't deserve that punishment have not repented. They know their mistake but they are unwilling to receive the given punishment. That's not repenting.
They go for life in prison vs death pentalty because they know they have a decent chance of getting out so they can repeat the crimes again. It is their only hope to get free again is by going for life vs death penalty so of course they go for life in prison. doesn't matter if they repent or not...they commited a crime and deserve a punishment for it.
Glirk Dient said:
They go for life in prison vs death pentalty because they know they have a decent chance of getting out so they can repeat the crimes again. It is their only hope to get free again is by going for life vs death penalty so of course they go for life in prison. doesn't matter if they repent or not...they commited a crime and deserve a punishment for it.

That's true, but it would be doubly good if they repented, especially if the person is going to be let out of jail.
Nat Turner said:
I don't support the death penalty, because I don't like the government killing its own citizens. No matter what.


And for all those senseless folk who think life in prison is worse than death, then why does the convict almost always appeal and fight for a life sentence? (not sure if anyone said this here, but just in case)

Thats why I support stripping the criminals of their citizenship and revoke all rights he has had. Then kill the cancer of society.
bigburpco said:
That's true, but it would be doubly good if they repented, especially if the person is going to be let out of jail.

What is repenting going to do? There are so many criminals who just go back into society and mess up again and kill people. Are you going along the lines of repenting as to be accepted by god because that will most likely invoke a wave of religious debate on you from plenty of members here for mentioning it. If not...then why do you make note of it being so important for them to repent? We are talking about criminals here...
Glirk Dient said:
What is repenting going to do? There are so many criminals who just go back into society and mess up again and kill people. Are you going along the lines of repenting as to be accepted by god because that will most likely invoke a wave of religious debate on you from plenty of members here for mentioning it. If not...then why do you make note of it being so important for them to repent? We are talking about criminals here...

Some criminals do repent. They commit a crime, get imprisoned, get out of jail and have repented. They don't commit crimes anymore. If all are like that the crime rate would go down significantly, because it's not about how many crimes are committed, it's about how many a person does. So if they repent it would go down a great deal.

Your opinion of repenting seems to differ from mine... :hmph: