tookie williams

I thought there was going to be riots because of Tookie's execution and Arnold's decline of the clemency. Guess everything was a-ok around here, good thing.
ailevation said:
I thought there was going to be riots because of Tookie's execution and Arnold's decline of the clemency. Guess everything was a-ok around here, good thing.

no one really cares about tookie thats why there werent riots
dantewilliams said:
no one really cares about tookie thats why there werent riots

Well, coming from a city where riots and shit were pretty big around, like the Rodney King riots and Watts riots. Can't be too sure about the king of Crips being killed with a high population of crip gangsters around.

But, yeah I guess indeed nobody really gave a hoot that much about the guy to actually start goin' crazy, Lol.
did you ever notice most if not all the celebrities pleading for him not to be executed were all black? I wonder if they would show the same compassion if Tookie was white....
john121 said:
did you ever notice most if not all the celebrities pleading for him not to be executed were all black? I wonder if they would show the same compassion if Tookie was white....

why werent there more white celebrites involved? would they have shown up if Tookie was white?
Tookie shoudn't get the death sentence. He's improved as a person.
Isn't this thread kinda worthless now that Tookie is dead?

...He is dead, right?
It seems more a debate on capital punishment rather than if he should be executed or not.
French Ninja said:
Isn't this thread kinda worthless now that Tookie is dead?

...He is dead, right?

Well, +1 for the prison incinerator! More lawn-compost and electricity for California!
gh0st said:
if his work with children is so amazingly life changing why is his own son, the very honorable "little tookie" in prison, AND a member of the crips? wow cant imagine the great tookie williams' work not even working on his own son.

I'm sorry, my mistake. Perhaps he should have spent more time working on a concoction that would sedate criminal youth across the world. Crop-dusters would be loaded full of the stuff and let it spray across the sky. Microscopic nanites would then scour the populace and scan brains for memories and tendencies of misconduct. A mind-altering substance would then fill the lungs of those who fit the criteria, and the person would suddenly brim up with remorse, a new paradigm in his out look in life, and atone for his misdeeds. He'd then go to his local church, pray to Jesus for salvation and for showing him the light, and the planet would unite in a giant dance of celebration, welcoming the dawn of the new golden age of peace and prosperity, never to end.

Or maybe you need to realize that there isn't some kind of ****ing miracle cure for this issue and no singular anti-gang incentive, threat, or program is going to single-handedly change the face of the world. Everybody is different, and that includes his own son, and I don't even know how old he is, so there's no telling if he was already dead-set in his ways. What a ****ing piss-weak argument.
Absinthe said:
I'm sorry, my mistake. Perhaps he should have spent more time working on a concoction that would sedate criminal youth across the world. Crop-dusters would be loaded full of the stuff and let it spray across the sky. Microscopic nanites would then scour the populace and scan brains for memories and tendencies of misconduct. A mind-altering substance would then fill the lungs of those who fit the criteria, and the person would suddenly brim up with remorse, a new paradigm in his out look in life, and atone for his misdeeds. He'd then go to his local church, pray to Jesus for salvation and for showing him the light, and the planet would unite in a giant dance of celebration, welcoming the dawn of the new golden age of peace and prosperity, never to end.


Thats the greatest idea ever.
Absinthe said:
Or maybe you need to realize that there isn't some kind of ****ing miracle cure for this issue and no singular anti-gang incentive, threat, or program is going to single-handedly change the face of the world. Everybody is different, and that includes his own son, and I don't even know how old he is, so there's no telling if he was already dead-set in his ways. What a ****ing piss-weak argument.
no you know what is a piss weak argument? saying tookie has changed when he is still a member of the crips and has a son who is 25-to-life. gg tookie you really changed the world.

who the hell is dead-set in their ways? someone who guns down 4 people in cold blood? only to change their mind years later? thats bullshit you cant kill 4 people then miraculously change your mind about your whole life. why dont you get off tookies dick for a second and look at it rationally: what has he actually changed? ohhhh thats right, not a damn thing.

there is a miracle cure and its called fixing the social problems in the black community. you know w.e.b dubois (he's a really smart black guy from long ago, since you probably dont have a ****ing clue) once commented on early 20th (thats 1900s) century black familes as being cohesive and taking responsibility for themselves. and that was right after slavery was abolished. things have really gotten bad since then havent they?
Danimal said:
Tookie shoudn't get the death sentence. He's improved as a person.
That is neither here nor there since the law decreed that he was to serve out his sentence without possibility for parole. The jury at the time saw fit to pass this sentence because they truly felt that rehabilitation was not possible in this case. Unfortunately, he proved them wrong and was apparently rehabilitating nicely when he was executed. This is the inherent problem with the system as it now stands. Hopefully this case will force more people to think more critically about the Death Penalty because it certainly needs some major work.
gh0st said:
no you know what is a piss weak argument? saying tookie has changed when he is still a member of the crips and has a son who is 25-to-life. gg tookie you really changed the world.

Last I checked, the personal change of an individual does not rest on the independent actions of another.

who the hell is dead-set in their ways? someone who guns down 4 people in cold blood? only to change their mind years later? thats bullshit you cant kill 4 people then miraculously change your mind about your whole life. why dont you get off tookies dick for a second and look at it rationally: what has he actually changed? ohhhh thats right, not a damn thing.

You have no rationale for any of your posts. Just "TOOKIE HASN'T CHANGED BECAUSE I SAY SO NYAH". In fact, I don't think I've really bothered with wether or not he genuinely changed as a person, as there's nothing to really support or negate it. I argued that I believe redemption is possible in a person, I'm against the death penalty, and Tookie does more good alive than dead. You're only running off on some irrelevance to the discussion.

there is a miracle cure and its called fixing the social problems in the black community. you know w.e.b dubois (he's a really smart black guy from long ago, since you probably dont have a ****ing clue) once commented on early 20th (thats 1900s) century black familes as being cohesive and taking responsibility for themselves. and that was right after slavery was abolished. things have really gotten bad since then havent they?

Oh yeah, "really smart black guy" oozes how savvy you are of DuBois. And since when do anti-gang youth initiatives not qualify as aids to fixing social problems? Are you even thinking? Or are you just spewing bullshit for the sake of it? What the **** is your point? That because childrens books may not be as effective as other means, they should be dispensed with? Slavery was good? What? What the ****? Could you please display a structured and cohesive argument for once?
VictimOfScience said:
That is neither here nor there since the law decreed that he was to serve out his sentence without possibility for parole. The jury at the time saw fit to pass this sentence because they truly felt that rehabilitation was not possible in this case. Unfortunately, he proved them wrong and was apparently rehabilitating nicely when he was executed. This is the inherent problem with the system as it now stands. Hopefully this case will force more people to think more critically about the Death Penalty because it certainly needs some major work.

IMO, it's not about repenting. It's about the punishment. If he did kill a family in cold blood, he should face up to his words. Yes, he may regret comitting the crimes but that doesn't change anything. A family was slaughtered and their kin suffered. Having a person die suddenly wrecks a person's nerves unless he's a cold blooded asshat. Yes, it's good that he helped people with his book. He repented, and changed for the better. But has it changed the cruel fact of what he has done? Regretfully, this is something cannot be changed; the family is dead, Tookie Williams repented but he still has to face the music. It's a tragedy, but it must be put out. Nothing can get done without some sacrifice, and the gain is larger in the end. Clemency has no use. He's a marked man. His actions must be forgiven by the victim himself and I don't believe the kin of the family murdered actually wants to forgive him. Even if they forgive him, he still committed a crime. And crimes have to be accounted for. Yes, all.

His repentance (or will to repent) does not change the fact that he killed a family for no apparent reason.
Law and order rule over all. Imagine a number of cannibals running around amok at customs.
Clemency will only hinder the progress of peace and (hopefully) no crimes in a society. It's a crime! You pay for crimes! If you can be released after you committed a major crime... Imagine a number of cannibals running around amok at customs.

Of course if he didn't kill the family the sentence is maligning him.

About the death sentence... I think clemency is unacceptable. Only major crimes deserve the death sentence and the person deserves it if he/she committed it. It's also there for law and order... you wouldn't want serial killers running around on the street after a massive prison breakout. It's there for the peace of mind of society.

Massive trying to get away from homework rant.

EDIT: I forgot. Race has totally nothing to do with this. No one rants about my reply and how it ties with races, I hope... racists are bastards with no thinking whatsoever. I'm not black, I'm not white, so I'm not in this racial conflict, but I do care how they stay away and some white kids are real bastards.
Death sentence for peace in society?

Since when has one had a correlatory effect on the other?
Basically, it's putting that sense of fear into citizens and to keep them away from crimes, decreasing the crime rate and whatnot.
I can see how that works in theory, but there's been little in the way of evidence or statistics to support it. At least not in the United States.
Im kinda glad he's dead.He deserved it.actually me and my dad drove to San Fran to look at all the goofy "save tookie people"
Spicy Tuna said:
Im kinda glad he's dead.He deserved it.actually me and my dad drove to San Fran to look at all the goofy "save tookie people"

You shouldn't be glad. It's the way justice works. Yes, he deserved it but only for his crimes, nothing else. I imagine he'd be a rather nice person had he been alive.

OFF TOPIC: Aw! Isn't anyone going to say something about my new sig :D
nice person?????

do want me to send that pic of the 14 year old gilr /w her head blown to bits??

omg.... I cant belive you just said that.
bigburpco said:
Basically, it's putting that sense of fear into citizens and to keep them away from crimes, decreasing the crime rate and whatnot.
As previously mentioned, that only works in theory.

In reality, it seems to have the opposite effect.

Spicy Tuna said:
nice person?????

do want me to send that pic of the 14 year old gilr /w her head blown to bits??

omg.... I cant belive you just said that.
So, according to you, people are the same in their 50s as they are in their 20s... and people that do bad things will always be bad people? If that's true, why not just execute every ****ing person in prison? They are obviously just a huge ****ing waste of time and money. I mean, they're all just going to get out and do it again... right?
OMG what is wrong with you people????

its not like he got ticket for speeding HE KILLED 4 PEOPLE

one of em was a 14 year asian girl, she could be a hawt mother today but he had to blow her head off.

omfg.... I am schocked with you guys......
Spicy Tuna said:
OMG what is wrong with you people????

omfg.... I am schocked with you guys......
How's the air way up there on your high horse?
omg... Im not being arrogant.... he killed 4 people what is wrong with you?
You're acting like we're all retarded... for not agreeing with state-sanctioned murder as a form of retribution... as if we're the only people in the entire world who feel this way.
obvioulsy... your view of people that kill other pople how they are delt with are worlds this discussion is over for me, no point in talking to you.
The death sentence was just. For social order. If the criminals don't get afraid, then at least justice would have been done, and one less cancer leeching from the state.
:upstare: capital punishment is not a deterent, there is no evidence that it does ANYTHING to deter crime
Well, people tend not to reoffend...
well, thats not what it should be about anyway.... u kill somebody, you pay /w your own life imo.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Well, people tend not to reoffend...

true, but given life sentences the outcome can be the same ..except they're less dead
CptStern said:
true, but given life sentences the outcome can be the same ..except they're less dead

It costs more :p

(please, I am not saying money = life or anything like that)
maybe where you're from but no, even in the US there's such a thing as Due Process
It costs more, becuase the damn supreme court has to much power.... apeal this, apeal that.IMO once tookie was found guilty>neck shot