
Can you touchtype?

  • Yes

    Votes: 70 72.2%
  • I am learning now

    Votes: 4 4.1%
  • No, but I want to/ will be learning soon

    Votes: 2 2.1%
  • No, I'm good as is.

    Votes: 21 21.6%

  • Total voters


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
I've always wondered about this... how many people actually know how to touch type, and how many still hunt and peck...
I kinda do when I forget where a certain key is I'll do the hunt and peck thing, but most of the time I can touch type.
Whut's that? Kinda like blind typing?
I can type blind, mostly find the backspace key blindly, but still.
i used to type while staring at the keyboard. i dunno, just using a computer extremely often made me familiar with the layout of the keyboard. so now i can touchtype without even thinking about it. it's become second nature almost.

the little markers on the F and J keys make it easier to 'calibrate' your hands.
....touch typing is where you type will all your fingers.... generally centered on the asdf jkl; keys... the main thing is that you use all your fingers, not just a few of them.
I kinda do a mix of them, I don't look at the keys but i dont use all of my fingers generally I only use three of them and my fingers go all over the place. I can type really fast though with out looking at the keyboard.
See how well you do with
1 min. Hucklebery Finn test
I got 76 net speed.

Hopefully the ppl that dont look
Would get higher scores
Than the ppl that do
I got 76 net speed too. I don't look at my keyboard, I feel it as an extension of myself, lol.

Trying to type with eyes closed:

Right, so now I'm typing with my ese closed. Pretty cool, init? Woot, I hope I spelled something of this right. I think I spelt spelled wrong back there but who gives a doodle. Hmm.
if you only use 3 fingers, please don't say you touch type, because you don't. you may type faster than most people, but the purpose of the poll was to see how many people actually touchtype, not how many people type fast.
I touchtyped this message, slowly as i'm thinking about it- but I did. Thank-you Mavis Beacon.
I use the first three fingers on each hand, so that'd be everything excluding by pinkies and thumbs... actually I do use my pinkies for some things... usually holding shift.

Sorry if that was a little incoherent, I've just typed this while observing my style. I double check the keyboard about every second word or so, just a glance.
I type the way that the government tells me to type.
I think the real test is do you look at the keyboard...
I am slow in that of type

I will try it whit my eyes closed

Im am rrtuoign ehurgd mruf ckkoiidefi

Dam I cant
this is me typing with my eyes closed.

edit: wow, that was nice... too bad it too kme a full 30 seconds for that message...
I don't make 2093475230987 posts on by hunting and pecking. :p
this is me typing with my eyes closed.

this is me typing with my eyes closed.

Edit: weebles
btw I got 59 net wpm on the huckleberry test using my pointing fingers and thumb.
I can type without looking no problem, although I suck at tests.
Touchtype all the way although I think I make too many mistakes at times.
I even do numbers with touchtype and I can 10-key very very quickly. ;)
My typing speed in general isn't that fast though.
I don't touchtype, but I use most my fingers.

This is me typing with my eyes closed! Whee

Hehe, cool :D

Edit: in that thing I got 72wpm, with an accuracy of 94% :)
72 WPM (net speed) with 92% accuracy.

And I touch type. And I've typed this all with my eyes open. ;)
I hate you. ;( I wish I could use all my fingers in a proficient manner. Would help my typing and my guitar playing :bonce: .
With my avg posts per day, I sure as hell better know how to touchtype ;)
P-Lo said:
I hate you. ;( I wish I could use all my fingers in a proficient manner. Would help my typing and my guitar playing :bonce: .
I think typing has helped me learn guitar,.. but not as much as actually playing the guitar. If you want to get good, then you have to do what any good player does,. practice :)
Don't they teach touch typing in most US highschools now? I'm not entirely sure as I was home schooled.

I taught myself to touch type when I around 10 on a tiny old black and white Mac classic. :p I loved that computer.

But the real question is how many of you can use a Dvorak Keyboard? I liked that layout much better actually, but I've forgotten how to type on it from lack of practice.
I can pretty much touch type..but I gotta look at the keyboard to start with so i can place my hands right :D.
I use electronic CYBER GLOVES; OH YEAH

f|uke said:
With my avg posts per day, I sure as hell better know how to touchtype ;)I think typing has helped me learn guitar,.. but not as much as actually playing the guitar. If you want to get good, then you have to do what any good player does,. practice :)

Heh, of course anybody playing the guitar should practice. :p
Been practicing since december of 2001. I got a lot of improvement (Duh). Self-taught btw. Anyways this is leading off topic. :LOL:
I touch type with no prob, been useing a computer since I could walk (like most geeks :S). I normally watch the keybored though, more out of habit then needing too really. But I can type without looking with no trouble at all.
Depend's...actual touchtyping i don't because i should have my ****-off finger on F and J but i don't....i just use my index finger's to type. Never really look at the keyboard tbh.
I can use 9 of my digits on my hand. For some reason i never use the pinky on my right hand. It just feels too unnatural
Of course I touchtype. I thought that everyone that used a computer regulary learned to touchtype.
Because I am a robot I have no use for your primitive 'keyboard'. My robotic neural interface compiles my 'thoughts' on a subject and sends them to the appropriate forum topic as a reply. I must now power down to conserve energy.
I look at the keyboard, but i reckon i can type without doing so...

I use pretty much all my fingers, especially when im in a game.

I can type a lot faster than my auntie that used to be a secretary and took lessons though, so i think thats a bit of an accomplishment :p