Tracktrain Problem


Mar 7, 2005
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Hi there,

I'm making a map where i want to put a train moving simulating it's real movement, stopping at stations and leaving from them.

The problem is that i can't slow down the train before it reaches the station. I've tried the outputs "setTrainSpeed" and modifying the value on the properties of the train "New train Speed", but the train continues always with the same speed.

Does anyone knows how to fix this?

Thanks for your help
did you define which train the output has to setTrainSpeed on ?

The path_track entity has a New Train Speed keyvalue or something like that anyway. If I remember things correctly then this scales the train speed instead of actually settnig a new speed. So just make a few path tracks before the stations that slows the train down...
Ok thanks i will try that.

I thought that we should input the new speed value and not the value to scale the actual speed of the train.

I will try this now.

It is a bit stupid in my opininon... But I guess it could come in handy of you have serveral trains with different speeds on the same track..

But that doesn't happen all that often...
Several trains on one track?
No, they drive through each other and I assume the console reports one or two errors.