Training level?


Apr 21, 2004
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Remembering back to the original game, there was a complete training level to get yourself accustomed to the HEV suit and weapons etc.

Anyone know of that being implemented in HL2?

What triggered this idea was watching the buggy sequences - the vehicle controls are obviously using a whole bunch of keys as well as mouselook. Being one of those retards who actually likes to read instruction manuals, the thought of training to use vehicles and getting a feel of the physics etc. as well as some of the other new stuff would be cool...
I'm sure there will be a training aspect to the game, but I have a hunch that, rather than a separate level (which was fine in Black Mesa but would seem disjointed in City 17), the training will be integrated into early gameplay. I.E. there will be a relatively safe, nonthreatening environment at the beginning where you can move around and get the feel of things.
I dont know, it would feel very out of place in C17, maybe they will just throw in the old training level, except replace the train at the end with some sort of drivable car. I know not likely but it would work wouldnt it?
It is possible that they throw it in the game self, when you get to join the freedom fighters/rebels they first want to let you run through a training course or something. Or you get the choice like in Unreal 2 at the beginning.
If you can't drive a vehicle (Mouse to look and operate gun, arrowskeys/a,s,d,w to turn and accelerete and reverse) then you are a retard.

Anyway, I believe SMT is on the right path here. I think you'll have some kind of obsticlecourse within the start of the game, you might even visit a fireing range (Thanks to G-man or w/e) to test some weapons. Of course only some basic ones, but still...

Meaby it would. That would work to that you get in game slowly and have time to get used all new cotrols and stuff like vehicles.
EvilInside said:
It's not hard to drive the buggy, you wont need practice at all :)

But then you are in s**t when you are attacked and not used to drive in games with physics, or then not:D
it wouldnt be Half-Life without a training level
I would bet cold hard cash that it will in fact have a training level.
I emailed rick about it ages ago, He said there would be a hazard/training course.
As I've said before, I subscribe to the theory that the training level will, in fact, take place inside a dream. I reckon you'll visit the old BMRF Hazard Course in a dream state, except I reckon it'll probably be a little weird... holes in the floor and walls, ghosts/memories of people you've seen, maybe a few aliens instead of the original targets, stuff like that...
I say it'l be your average run of the mil Training Level. Like learning how to control the npc's (tell them where to go) and other new features Hl2 will introduce.
I don't think a traning level would fit into hl2, but the intro is kinda like it.
There's probably an optional one that's given to you to test out the suit, once you're inevitably given it.

My guess is that someone will ask you to test out parts of the modified suit, like the sprint ability, and the squad hud control.
I don't approve of training levels of any sort, except in exceedingly complex games.

It's better for the player to pick up the different aspects of the game themselves, if they can't do that, well then they shouldn't be playing.

Personally I believe a one screen training guide would do, "Play Half-Life 1"
Brian Damage said:
As I've said before, I subscribe to the theory that the training level will, in fact, take place inside a dream. I reckon you'll visit the old BMRF Hazard Course in a dream state, except I reckon it'll probably be a little weird... holes in the floor and walls, ghosts/memories of people you've seen, maybe a few aliens instead of the original targets, stuff like that...
I can't think of a worse starting point for newbies than something like that. :p
Oh, I dunno, Varsity... could be an interesting recap of what happened at BMRF... maybe the training course could be made out of a few of the less-dangerous/difficult parts of HL, except in a dreamscape?
If the training isn't implemented into the main game itself seemlessly...I will be suprised.
Seeing as the suit HUD is a little different ("Squad Following" for example), perhaps there will be some point early on when Kleiner or Vance say, "here is your new suit Gordon, I'll run you through how to use it" - and this will helpfully repeat everything from the hazard course in HL1
Brian Damage said:
Oh, I dunno, Varsity... could be an interesting recap of what happened at BMRF... maybe the training course could be made out of a few of the less-dangerous/difficult parts of HL, except in a dreamscape?
Yeah, but what if you had never seen any of it go on? You would wonder what was happening, who all these people were, whether the game was going to have Max Payne dream wouldn't be a good starting point at all.
Not gonna happen. It just won't. Sorry, BD.
Brian Damage said:
Says you :p.

I can hope, can't I?

Oh, by all means, hope away. :dozey: But somehow I don't think anyone will be too terribly crushed if we don't see Black Mesa in HL2.
i hate training levels...if you dont know how to play a fps on a pc by now then you should stick to consoles
A dream sequence back to Black Mesa is cliche and dull, I might stab my eyes out if they did that for training.
CptStern said:
i hate training levels...if you dont know how to play a fps on a pc by now then you should stick to consoles

How about that 10 year old who's just gotten his first computer and is eager to play the best game to ever hit the market? What about him?

VALVe aren't stupid, some kind of training will be in the game. (Yes, you can quote me on that). However, it can be discussed on how they will do it.
My guess, is by looking at the videos from E3 that Gordon awakens to the G-Man, gets led down the hall to the chair w/ the blood, has a few things explained to him, then the G-Man says something to the effect of "We've been busy in your absence, Mr. Freeman... allow me to show you..." then he turns you over to a few of the soldiers who take you to the training grounds with Breen?
Dead-Inside said:
How about that 10 year old who's just gotten his first computer and is eager to play the best game to ever hit the market? What about him?

VALVe aren't stupid, some kind of training will be in the game. (Yes, you can quote me on that). However, it can be discussed on how they will do it.

a 10 year old shouldnt be playing's rated Mature (i think)
HL2 is not rated yet.


and lets face it, if you cant figure out how to make your guy move forward you deserve your CD to explode in your drive and then impale your leg into the seat....

after 8 hours you die of blood loss.

But anyway i suspect the new features will be taught to you ingame via Barney or alyx etc.

Doug's already said that some NPC's will do things that you can also do ie... pick up a barrel and throw it or something..... Teaching you.
Dougy said:
HL2 is not rated yet.

yes but I expect it to have some sort of mature rating with all the decapitations and swinging torsos
pff who reads ratings on games anyway. ive never been stopped from buying anything in my youth.
a 10 year old buying a mature game and a 17 year old buying that same game is not the same thing
Brian Damage said:
As I've said before, I subscribe to the theory that the training level will, in fact, take place inside a dream. I reckon you'll visit the old BMRF Hazard Course in a dream state, except I reckon it'll probably be a little weird... holes in the floor and walls, ghosts/memories of people you've seen, maybe a few aliens instead of the original targets, stuff like that...

I think somebody's been playing a bit too much Max Payne :D
maybe they will do a survivalist course on how to live outside city 17
My prediction - the training level will be the G-Man running you through some tests to make sure you came out of your coma or whatever it was ok.
Spiffae said:
My prediction - the training level will be the G-Man running you through some tests to make sure you came out of your coma or whatever it was ok.

ooh halo-deja vu, yeah it would be a neat idea.