Trans-Human Combine Force Manual



(While I was shooting my katrillionith Combine Soldier, I began thinking about, what if the Combine forces had their own manual so to speak, much like how the Army, or Police, or such have their own describing possible situations and such.

Well, I decided to make one. I've only managed to do the introduction, but I hope it certainly works.)

For: Transhuman Arm of the Majestic Combine Forces
(Manual for both Civil Protection and Overwatch)



You have chosen, or been chosen to join the Trans-Human arm of the Combine, I hope by the time you are reading this you have become used to your recent cybernetic transplants, already feeling the weaknesses of our species being sucked away by Our Benefactors' technology. (If not and you are having problems, I suggest you report to your nearest commanding officer for signing up for an implant check-up.) Considering you have accepted the surgery, you have decided to join the many people of your kind who have decided to take the next step in our species' evolution. I, for one, welcome you into the loving embrace of Our Benefactors.

Regardless if you are reading this as a member of Civil Protection, or Overwatch, be aware that you have accepted a duty with massive
responsibilities; although most of the Combine forces are made up of strange beings, do not think that you, as a Human, has no importance in the fold. The Transhuman forces are as much importance for keeping the peace as our technology is, and our many members of the Combine. Although certainly you may have heard me speak of things that seem like downgrading our species, but those are for the many Citizens in our prized city that have not yet seen the light of the ideas that Our Benefactors have brought to our planet. But remind yourselves that, by joining Our Benefactors, you have shown that our species is willing to accept the gifts they have laid down in front of us, and are more than willing, to listen.

You have become proof of that. And, given time, the rest of your fellow brethen will also join you. And it's only with that, can our species truly reach for the stars.

But always remember, the eyes of the universe watch you. But do not be daunted by this, remind yourself that you are a part of the finest our species has to offer. And you will prove to those eyes that we are capable of great things.

Serve mankind, and good luck.

~Dr. Wallace Breen. Administrator of Combine Activities on Earth
(Well, I have made. *Drum Roll* ZE SECOND PART!
More of an introduction.....after an introduction.....But who really cares!?)

Hello Soldier.

I am Overwatch Commander Z-4294, a member of the Elite Overwatch units in Sector 17. You are reading this as a new recruit, so let me set one thing straight, reading this manual is a mandatory action for any and all Transhuman Force recruit, and a yearly re-reading is recommended for any updates. If you are a recruit, and are reported to have not read this manual from cover to cover, your commanding officer will make sure you become part of the "Maintenance Team", I've heard they've been low on members recently, and are looking for experienced people, especially Ex-Overwatch.

Now that's straightened up, I will be your guide through this manual, teaching you your weaponry, your vehicles, your synths, and the problems you'll be facing in the line of duty.

The reason this manual is required for both Overwatch and Civil Protection is because they are unitary, although one may be focused in keeping the citizens in line, and the other to kick their asses if they get out of line, they both need to know each other's tactics, this ensures an even and clean joint operation with both sides. Now, the world your dealing with is a dangerous place, all sorts of nasty creatures have infested this planet, although your sector city is usually clean of them, they can ocassionally infiltrate through our security fields, and cause general havoc, on top of that, you might, Overwatch especially, have to venture out into the wild, where the creatures are generally all over the place. Although there's more of these things than we're able to count, especially from the Portal Storms before we pacified them, there's generally two or three major creatures you have to worry about, so this manual will describe how to deal with these threats.

Another problem, is rebellion. The Citizens, no matter how hard we try, can't ALL be content, usually there's some idiot starting a new resistance movement every month. Usually they're simple to deal with, the citizens aren't soldiers, and they usually prove that. Although ocassionally, we might have a stubborn group, especially the one we have in my sector, we usually designate them as "The Lamdas" usually because they have the Greek alphabet lamda letter spraypainted on on their stolen armor. The good news is, their equipment levels is realiant on how many of us they kill, they're scavengers mostly, mostly going after our weaponry, although ocassionally they might find an antique from a few decades ago, or maybe even make some of their own, (mostly these blow up in their faces....literally) but we'll talk about them later.

So, I welcome you into the fold, recruit. If, by chance, you obtained this manual, and your not supposed to have it, please, by all means, turn yourself in to the nearest Civil Protection, or Overwatch member. It'll make it more quicker to find you Resistance lot....

~Sector 17 Overwatch Commander Z-4294
As a general thing, I doubt Combine Soldiers have much in the way of personality left. Which totally screws over fan-fiction writers.
Perhaps, but perhaps not, I just based it on the former. ;)

Of course, there is that CP in the trainstation, the one who makes you put the can in the trash, and when you do it, he does give out a chuckle, so I figured from that they just must be extremely professional to sound like mindless drones.
No, no, that guys' Civil Protection! They still have their minds left. They're humans, they're thugs. They get converted further along the line... "Memory modification is the first step up towards enhanced privilages" as they say in the 'oppression biz'.
Watch the grammar and spelling. The Combine don't make grammar and spelling errors.
And remember that when engaging powerarmor wearing scientists, it is imperative that you seek cover behind our designated "safety barrels" you can tell them apart from regular barrles because they have the red and white markings.

In the case of the aforementioned scientists being in posession of a vehicle, make absolutely sure to zipline directly into his path. I cannot stress this enough.

To our chopper pilots, remember. Accuracy is for the weak. Set those energy gun chokes to mist. Also should an airboat driving scientist come your way, don't lose the oppertunity for a little fun, instead of directly engaging, drop large but relatively harmess bombs in his path.
Those of you using fixed turrets, remember to make several paths from in front of you to behind you. This is imperative.

If you see hopper mines that are flashing green, run straight towards them. That colour merely indicates their eagerness to be in battle.
Should you find the need close any waterway gates. Please ensure that a pile of long metal girders are insecurely bound and hung infront of the gates.

When opening fire upon orange suited rampaging scientists, I cannot stress this enough,that prior to opening fire you announce your presence!

Please remember at all times during this fight to have your flakjackets firmly fastened at all times. Should there be a need to evacuate at any stage, you should now take note that there are NO emergency exits. However there are cyanide capsules and will kits in your field supplies. During take off and landing it is Overwatch policy that upon missle strike, all soliders and Civil Protection officers ensure that there chin is up and their legs in the downright position.

Thank you for fighting with the Overwatch today and we hope you have a safe and uncomfortable surgury.
Please note that your masks and helmets do not provide any protection whatsoever. Therefore, if you are hit with a crowbar, stand very still and wait for the end. Thank you.