

Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone have a transcript of the radio interview from tonight? That is if it even happened...
I have no transcript but this is the only piece of information i care about.

On the ship date, we are planning to deliver a release candidate to Vivendi in August and we're hoping to see the product on store shelves this fall but we do not have a confirmed ship date at this time.

September it is....hopefully.
On a slightly related note, does it piss anyone off as much as it pisses me off to read comments at places like csnation where people say stuff like "Guess VALVe lied about the summer date?"

Honestly, can people not read? :( They said they hope to deliver HL2 to Vivendi in August. Summer! Not the game will release in summer, they never said that.. arrggghhh.. I wish people could read, and, give VALVe a break at the same time. [/rant]
Thank you oh thank you jesus. I just hope its not M
Xeni said:
Thank you oh thank you jesus. I just hope its not M

HL2 will be rated M. There's no way around it.

Speaking of which, I got carded buying a second copy of HL at WalMart a few weeks ago.. it made me giggle (yes, I giggled!)
Foxtrot said:
Anyone have a transcript of the radio interview from tonight? That is if it even happened...
This question would be better if it was asked at the halflife radio fourms, they are the ones that do the radio not the staff.
Shuzer, how old are you? I pre ordered mine and they didn't card me at all.
Mr-Fusion said:
Why do you hope it's not M?

Because im 14.. ;(

ANd my parents are unusre about whether i can get M rated games or not.
lol, I can just imagine it... they rate the game E. Kids that are like 8 or 9 are playing, and they get to the scene with the legs hanging from the pole from E3.

I *know* I'm going to be carded for buying HL2. I'll be 18 by the time it's out, and I look younger than I am. I love seeing the looks on people's faces when I tell them I'm 17. "Really!?! You look like you're 14 or 15!" :D
Foxtrot said:
Shuzer, how old are you? I pre ordered mine and they didn't card me at all.

I'm 17. WalMart are nazis. Their computers bark at the employees with cardable items. So they have to ask. I went through the self checkout, I presented my ID, and my brother was paying. She was like "wait, who's buying the game?" He was, so she said: "I have to see his ID then, not yours."

LIKE IT MATTERS, argh! lol, he's 2 years older than me anyway.. such silly rules, I could've just as easily grabbed the debit card from his hand and used it instead of him, but alas, WalMart is crap.

BTW, I said HL, not HL2. I haven't preordered HL2, and I just plan to pick it up at the store the day it's released, or pre-order from an online store when it goes gold. Haven't decided yet..
I hope my parents can bend the rules once.
Xeni said:
I hope my parents can bend the rules once.

Take an "E" rated sized sticker with you. When you get to the store, slap the E rating over the M, problem solved :)
Shuzer said:
Take an "E" rated sized sticker with you. When you get to the store, slap the E rating over the M, problem solved :)

EB GUy: Half Life 2 Rated E?

Me: Yeah this is the blood free headcrabs of fun version.

Eb Guy: Works for me.
Xeni said:
EB GUy: Half Life 2 Rated E?

Me: Yeah this is the blood free headcrabs of fun version.

Eb Guy: Works for me.

lol, I'll most likely be working at EB by August. If you lived here, I could "hook you up" with some uber M-bypass material.

Unless it's something that could get me fired... /me avoids angry moms.
Xeni said:
EB GUy: Half Life 2 Rated E?

Me: Yeah this is the blood free headcrabs of fun version.

Eb Guy: Works for me.

lol, the German version!
With robots, and green blood.. ;)

But no, most EB employees don't give a crap about selling M games to younger kids.. they just want to push the sale

I'm hardly ever carded for music or games.. infact, walmart was the first time I've ever been carded for buying a game
Shuzer said:
lol, the German version!
With robots, and green blood.. ;)

But no, most EB employees don't give a crap about selling M games to younger kids.. they just want to push the sale

I'm hardly ever carded for music or games.. infact, walmart was the first time I've ever been carded for buying a game

I think walmart allmost has to because they are such a big company, that they would be an easy (and large) target if they didn't card.
Daiceman9 said:
I think walmart allmost has to because they are such a big company, that they would be an easy (and large) target if they didn't card.

They're also the devil incarnate.

No, seriously. My brother went to return some vitamins, he didn't have the receipt. So I made a joke about how they'd write his name/address down, and keep it on record because he was lacking a receipt. To our surprise, this is exactly what the woman at customer service did.
I tried to buy CZ at my local EB, and they carded me!
Six Three said:
I tried to buy CZ at my local EB, and they carded me!

So wait, you were unable to purchase it due to age, or the actual carding process scared you off, so you didn't purchase it?
Shuzer said:
So wait, you were unable to purchase it due to age, or the actual carding process scared you off, so you didn't purchase it?

I am of age, I was just surprised that they took the effort to card me. I still purchased the game.
I personally understand about all the release date things, but I can't help but be dissapointed. If HL2 comes out in September it will be aweful for me, going to a new school and all. We go back on the 18th of August, it gets shorter and shorter every year. :frown:
In any case, but of luck to you Valve... get it out soon!

BTW, I've never been carded for a video game, and I'm really small and young looking. Ah, Compusa is your friend.
Six Three said:
I am of age, I was just surprised that they took the effort to card me. I still purchased the game.

Ah, okay, the word "tried" threw me off.. did you get the cookies in the mail yet? :)
Shuzer said:
I'm 17. WalMart are nazis. Their computers bark at the employees with cardable items. So they have to ask. I went through the self checkout, I presented my ID, and my brother was paying. She was like "wait, who's buying the game?" He was, so she said: "I have to see his ID then, not yours."

LIKE IT MATTERS, argh! lol, he's 2 years older than me anyway.. such silly rules, I could've just as easily grabbed the debit card from his hand and used it instead of him, but alas, WalMart is crap.

BTW, I said HL, not HL2. I haven't preordered HL2, and I just plan to pick it up at the store the day it's released, or pre-order from an online store when it goes gold. Haven't decided yet..
The gamestop where I live has over 500 pre ordered for half-life 2, I highly suggest you pre order it at a store so you can get it as soon as possible.
Shuzer said:
Ah, okay, the word "tried" threw me off.. did you get the cookies in the mail yet? :)

The one's with the chocolate chips? :p They arrived about an hour ago...Hmmm, I seem to be a bit disori--- *63 dies
Foxtrot said:
The gamestop where I live has over 500 pre ordered for half-life 2, I highly suggest you pre order it at a store so you can get it as soon as possible.

I'm too lazy. I'll just order it off the internet, where stocks are infinite and can never run out! :)
Games with reasonable ammount of blood and gore are rated 15 + here, so I'm a happy. Games like soldier of fortune or Hitman are rated 17+ so no biggy. That game which got an AO rating (singles: flirt life up or something) got a 16+ here :p but got censored (frontal nudity).
I just love my country.....
In belgium we never get "carded" or how do you guys call it for buying a game that is rated 16+....We can buy alle the games we want, even if we would be 9 years old, we could buy soldier of fortune and doom 3......It's just lovely :thumbs:
Here in sweden, some games are directly shipped from the UK so we get their age requirements and stuff, but most games are 15+ \o/
To the guys whose parents my be afraid of bad content:
HL1 had a content lock, and I'd expect that this one will too.

If worse comes to worse, that can be your trump card. :)
CrazyHarij said:
Here in sweden, some games are directly shipped from the UK so we get their age requirements and stuff, but most games are 15+ \o/

But no one cares... :)
The_Monkey said:
But no one cares... :)
I bought mafia when I was fourteen, and it was like the only game with a big sticker in the store at the time that said: Extremely violent content, not to be sold to people under 18 years of age. I'm sure the guy in the register couldn't have cared less even if he had tried.
God I love this country!
M= 16+ here but kids under 10 could even buy it and don't get carded. Nobody cares ^_^
I work at a retail store i never card anybody unless they are like 8 years old and i just ask them "is your mom gonna come yell at me if i let you buy this?"

its a stupid idea to think that a few cusswords are what is "corrupting" america's youth

although i don't think games like SOF2 should be sold to young kids (like 14 and below, even i thought those were kind of bad)
Voluntary ratings enforcement is a lot better then getting the government involved. Stop yer whinin. If you're that young, you're parents SHOULD have a say in what you play.
i'm not in college but i was wondering if you didn't have a drivers license but you had a college id would that work as well as a license?
Xeni said:
Thank you oh thank you jesus. I just hope its not M
I sincerely doubt it will be given an M. The most I could reasonably see it i Teen. All it has is some basic blood and gore, with a scifi storyline. Nothing too bad about that.