Transformers 2: the Revenge Rotten Tomato score: 20%

and yet ....

ransformers: Revenge of the Fallen has scored the best opening day ever for a Wednesday release, with an estimated $60.6 million domestically. The previous record-holder was Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which grossed $44.2 million on a Wednesday in July 2007. The $60.6 million includes a confirmed $16 million from midnight shows, the third largest overnight numbers of all time behind only The Dark Knight ($18.5 million) and Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith ($16.9 million).

the unwashed masses have spoken
and yet ....

the unwashed masses have spoken
Oh, no doubt it had an awesome opening day. All four imax screens at midnight when I went to see it were sold out. But, opening numbers don't actually mean anything in terms of quality.

Halo 3 beat some records too, keep that in mind.
Oh, no doubt it had an awesome opening day. All four imax screens at midnight when I went to see it were sold out. But, opening numbers don't actually mean anything in terms of quality.

Halo 3 beat some records too, keep that in mind.

Halo 3 was awesome. Kidding :p.
The big fight scene near the end did drag like hell and the final fight scene was way too short. It was like they realised suddenly "Holy shit, this film is two hours long already, we need to hurry up and end this." They could have easily cut a quarter of an hour, or even half an hour, from that god damn scene and given the final battle some fleshing out. Or given Devestator a larger role.

I was also dissapointed that Soundwave didn't fall out of orbit for the last battle. He should have called all the Decepticons and then shredded that satelite and headed in for the kill. Instead we got random Decepticon #63.

Did we even see Megatron's tank form in this film that was talked so much about? I didn't see it. Agree about his relationships with Starscream and the Fallen.

I found it rather funny how the All Spark, in the first film the source of all life and practicly a god box, is reduced to just being an energon cube with a load of data in it in this. Also, Darkside, I'm pretty sure the whole "Einstein is wrong" scene was just an attempt to explain how energon works.

Sam absorbing knowledge from the All Spark and becoming a Kiss Player was stupid as hell. But then, a lot of this film was stupid as hell. Suffered same flaw as the first; too much focus on the damned humans. The most fleshed out Transformers were the two retard brothers. Arcee doesn't even have a line of dialogue. And Bumblebee's voice is broken again for do reason :p.
Riom, Megatron transforms into his tank form twice, and his jet form once. Also, Arcee got two lines of dialogue before being blasted. And I understand why the Einstein scene was in there, it's just the way it was done was really hamfisted.

I'm glad Soundwave lived though; Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave will regroup and head back to the Nemesis, probably.

Halo 3 wasn't bad at all.
It really wasn't.

my god... two super nerds seriously debating about Transformers :P
I didn't really care for Transformers 2.

Something about the editing, drawn out in some places where it really didn't need too, short in other places, Shia being a total douch "ooo I just want to be normal kid! I have a hot god damn girlfriend and a ROBOT CAR! Seriously wtf is wrong with that guy." Annoying side characters, Megatron being the fallens bitch... And seriously, did Megatron shrink? He was huge in Transformers 1.
The twin robots. They where fucking stupid.

"Great for kids!" Yeah ok Bay, whatever you say. People in the theatre laughed just becouse they heard someone else laugh. Im guessing there where some pre recorded laugh just to set things off, becouse most of the jokes in TF2 sucked.
Something I noticed. Why did they kill one of them when there were a bunch of other dead decepticons lying about the ocean floor, and didn't they then come up with one more person than they went down with, when there should have been the same number?
Something I noticed. Why did they kill one of them when there were a bunch of other dead decepticons lying about the ocean floor, and didn't they then come up with one more person than they went down with, when there should have been the same number?
Well, some of the parts from Megatron might've come from some of the other Decepticons that died in the first movie. Presumably the Doctor needed MORE parts.

And yeah, "5 signals went down, now 6 are coming up" do you screw that up?

Wiki said:
Orci has mentioned he would like to introduce Unicron "for scale's sake".

The co-writer also said introducing Triple Changers would be interesting.

please...i beg you, stop debating/making sense of transformers. please ;(
"I blame you"

Wait, didn't HE just spend money seeing it???

He says he has an excuse cos he's a critic O_o

If that's the case then so am I, I'm still going to see it even with the anticipation of it sucking tremendously now.
Just got back from it and yeah it was pretty terrible :|

don't really know what was worse T4 or this
I now know that the vast majority of common people do not use Rotten Tomatoes, because virtually every one in my theater loved it. It was leagues better than the first, which is not to say it doesn't have the same problems so much as it just skips those more often and has 500% more transforming robots fighting. The ridiculous humorous moments are annoyingly frequent, often finding themselves inserted into my goddamn action sequences. The "twin" transformers should definitely burn in the hottest depths of hell. Transformers goes for cheap laughs every chance it gets, sure, but these guys are the most extreme example of just the most.... words fail me. I still find something oddly charming about the entire feel of this series though. It's just so horrendously cheap, mainstream, and stupid, it's hard not to love it like a retarded brother. But the action is wonderful and frequent and hopefully the next will be better. 8/10

Edit: Lambda, shame on you. Transformers has atleast some entertainment value, unlike that garbage fest T4.

RIP Jetfire
Michael Bay needs a ****ing geography lesson. Seriously.
The scene where they are in the "National Air and Space" museum was painful to someone, like me, who loves that place so much. I got chills when they said that's where they were going...that wasn't it. << if you can show me where the SR-71 is on that map I'll give you a cookie.
And why the **** was there a plane graveyard behind the smithsonian in the MIDDLE OF DC?

And Petra is nowhere near the pyramids, on opposite sides of the Red Sea in fact, and yet somehow they managed to jump back and forth between the pyramids and petra multiple times before settling on the pyramids as the final battle point.

Stupid stupid stupid movie, but I enjoyed it nonetheless...
I always did like Blitzwing.

Blitzwing was pretty good in Transformers Animated.
The next movie can be as shitty as it wants to be but if Blitzwing's in it I will automatically give it an awesome rating, even if he shows up, turns from jet into tank into robot, says nothing, and is killed instantly. It will automatically be worth the cost of a movie ticket just to see Blitzwing.

He is the best Transformer.

Also Riom, you forgot Octane. Octane can also GTFO. But you know, if they have a triple changer on the Decepticon side, then they'll probably have Springer on the Autobot side, which would be cool. I liked Springer.
Something occured to me. Where the hell did Megatron learn English? The Autobots learned it threw the internet, but did Megatron pop out to a community college in between breaking out of Sector 7 and then attacking the city in the first film?

me attempting to inform them unwashed asses. But look at that first post, see what I'm dealing with?
damn it, i had a glimmer of hope it would be good.

****ing hype
My friend went to go see it this afternoon (I didn't want to go.) I'll let you guys know how he thought of it.
I won't be surprised if it still manages to break some sort of box office record. BEHOLD THE POWER OF SEX AND EXPLOSIONS!
And the dumb people in this thread who hate Michael Bay, hated transformers 1 YET payed MONEY to see transformers 2 and then promptly went to abuse it on forums.

Where do these goddamn people come from? If you hate Bay and hated transformers 1 why the **** are you paying money to see a sequel?

/tearing hear out!
And the dumb people in this thread who hate Michael Bay, hated transformers 1 YET payed MONEY to see transformers 2 and then promptly went to abuse it on forums.

Where do these goddamn people come from? If you hate Bay and hated transformers 1 why the **** are you paying money to see a sequel?

/tearing hear out!

Because you're with friends who like Transformers?

I was with some mates and we went to the cinema to see what was on, it just so happened that it was the first day of Transformers 2 (I didn't know this) they all wanted to see it, so majority ruled.
So transformers 2 is the first movie I've ever walked out on. Seriously **** that shit.
just saw it.

where on my head do i smash it to forget the last few hours? Honestly, it was so over the top it was laughable. I don't even know where to start, so I won't.

Usually if a movie is pretty bad I can usually save it by just riffing on it with my friend but there was nothing we could possibly say to save that movie. Nothing. It was just....I dont even know. 9 ****ing dollars. **** you.
Because you're with friends who like Transformers?

I was with some mates and we went to the cinema to see what was on, it just so happened that it was the first day of Transformers 2 (I didn't know this) they all wanted to see it, so majority ruled.
Well, a third film is already lined up because scenarios like this one are pouring MILLIONS into the film and breaking records?!

And guess what! You will all be there again in 3 more years...lining up for a 3rd film you know you're going to hate. You'll be there because majority rules.

So transformers 2 is the first movie I've ever walked out on. Seriously **** that shit.
You will be there for the third film! Guarantee it.

where on my head do i smash it to forget the last few hours? Honestly, it was so over the top it was laughable. I don't even know where to start, so I won't.
So will you.

I guarantee!!

will you stop saying that!

Millions more in Bays pockets.
I guess my problem with this movie is the same problem I have with any movie that has incredibly powerful characters or weapons.

-In jumper, if Sam J. can travel through their portals but it takes like 10min to do, why doesn't he jump to a random place in the sky first, then to his next destination? Or hell, make 40 jumps all over the world, THEN to your destination. He'll never be able to track you fast enough.

-In X-men III, if magneto can move a bridge, why doesn't he just use the extra metal on the bridge to kill all the soldiers? Or just bring down alcatraz around them? Or any number of things....metal is ****ing everywhere.

-Space traveling, super-intelligent, robots that have found a way to create a portable teleportation device....can't create an algorithm to accurately aim a weapon at a target less than 100m away?
going to see the movie in about 20 mins. its at IMAX and 2 friends are coming with. should be fun because the tickets are always free!
I guess my problem with this movie is the same problem I have with any movie that has incredibly powerful characters or weapons.
There's this guy in Marvel comics named Thanos. He's got a gauntlet with mystical gems that can alter reality. When asked why he doesn't use it to solve his problems and kill all the heroes instantly, he replies, "It would be a gross display of my power."

Just think of it that way whenever you watch a movie/read a book/play a game where a character is stupid powerful but doesn't do the things they should be doing.