
Well, which one do you prefer?

  • Star Wars

    Votes: 17 21.0%
  • Lord of the Rings

    Votes: 38 46.9%
  • The Matrix

    Votes: 9 11.1%
  • Terminator

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Dead Trilogy (Night, Dawn, Day)

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • John Carpenters Apocalypse Trilogy (The Thing, Prince of Darkness, In the Mouth of Madness)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Indiana Jones

    Votes: 7 8.6%
  • Jurrasic Park

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Back to the Future

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • Ring trilogy :E (Japanese version)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 2.5%

  • Total voters
May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Which of these 4 well known trilogys is your personal favourite?

Mine is Lord of the Rings. It's the Star Wars of our generation.
Star Wars god damn you guys!
LOTR was good but now that it's over, what's left? I don't feel like watching them again... that was it, done, finished...bravo!
I don't really see Terminator as a trilogy since the last one sucked balls compared to the first ones!
The Matrix was okay, but they should have stopped after making the first one!
StarWars isn't really a trilogy, though, as there are 6 total movies and a crapload of books

Oh and, I voted LotR
Shuzer said:
StarWars isn't really a trilogy, though, as there are 6 total movies and a crapload of books

Ya, but I personally can't bring myself to count the latest installments. I loved the first three, but the last two to be made are just abysmal I think.
LotR's of course, and I'm one of the original Star Wars generation, but LotR's is just far better in every way, sorry George.

As for whats left. Well the Hobbit for one, and if Peter Jackson feels brave and/or suicidal there's the Silmarillion haha, probably take him the rest of his life to pull that one off. I suppose he could lend his talents to Dune, see if he can manage it where others have failed. Be interesting to see his vision of Dune tbh.
if LOTR had lightsabres i'd vote for it...but it doesn't, so i voted Star Wars (original trilogy). very close one though.

there are parts of SW i love, and parts of LOTR i just need to get lightsabres into the battle at Minas Tirith then we're in business.....
Added John Carpenters Apocalypse Trilogy

The Thing,
Prince of Darkness,
In the Mouth of Madness

While their different films, they are officially classed as a trilogy

Also added the Dead trilogy, how could you forget that one Badger! :(
Fenric said:
LotR's of course, and I'm one of the original Star Wars generation, but LotR's is just far better in every way, sorry George.

As for whats left. Well the Hobbit for one, and if Peter Jackson feels brave and/or suicidal there's the Silmarillion haha, probably take him the rest of his life to pull that one off. I suppose he could lend his talents to Dune, see if he can manage it where others have failed. Be interesting to see his vision of Dune tbh.

Is there actually any official plans to do the Hobit? I always thought that could be a very nice addition to the current trilogy. But I agree about the Simarillion, that would be near impossible.
Lord of the Rings is consistantly better than any other trilogy.
He also missed out on the Jurrasic Park and Indiana Jones trilogies...classics.
Neutrino said:
Is there actually any official plans to do the Hobit? I always thought that could be a very nice addition to the current trilogy. But I agree about the Simarillion, that would be near impossible.

Jackson is desperate to do it, New Line want to do it but only if Peter and Fran are involved. The only thing stopping it is Peter's working on King Kong right now. But after that, well they wont commit to a yes or no. But I think its safe to say they trust Peter Jackson completely and would if he asked let him try to do the Silmarillion aswell as the Hobbit.

So yeah, pretty much the Hobbit is going to be done. Both Ian Holm and Ian Mckellan have said they want to do it. And I reckon Andy Serkis would be up for it. And with the technology and talent at Weta, they would have no problems making those two younger looking to fit the story.

I'm looking forward to it. Lots of great scenes in the book that I'd love to see up there on screen properly.

Edit: Course, if King Kong bombs, then the chances of the Hobbit appearing are more than halved. So here's hoping King Kong becomes an instant hit that wipes the floor with the competition, simply for the sake of the Hobbit.. and perhaps one day the Silmarillion. Hard as hell but I'd not complain having 6 DVD SEE boxes of that next to the LotR's and Hobbit :D
I can't believe no one voted Terminator but me! *gasp*
User Name said:
He also missed out on the Jurrasic Park and Indiana Jones trilogies...classics.

Yeah, Indiana Jones. I have that as a ringtone...
Fenric said:
So yeah, pretty much the Hobbit is going to be done. Both Ian Holm and Ian Mckellan have said they want to do it. And I reckon Andy Serkis would be up for it. And with the technology and talent at Weta, they would have no problems making those two younger looking to fit the story.

You wouldn't have to make Gandalf younger looking! Remember, he's not even human.
DarkStar said:
You wouldn't have to make Gandalf younger looking! Remember, he's not even human.
They'd have no problem doing it either way. They already did it with Bilbo for the segment at the start of Fellowship. So wouldn't struggle to do it again. Failing that, a completely computer generated Bilbo Baggins. People probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference in any way by the time the Hobbit is done.
Damn, now I can't vote. So many of my favorite films...

The Matrix
Lord of the Rings
Indiana Jones
Back to the Future

I can only narrow it down to five!
Yo, 'Badger! Could you change my vote to the Dead trilogy? :)
I much prefer Dead over Matrix.
LOTR because its well directed/ acted / the books are class, then SW because its just so kewl :D
Well, actually depends...which star wars trilogy?
You can't count all 5(and soon six) movies as one trilogy. Those movies aren't star wars at all.
The Original 3 movies kicked ass.
LOTR...if only because Star Wars has had its time in the sun. It's still awesome. :D
Matrix would be my own runner up for the current generation.
Screw it. I'll just say that Star Wars, Indiana Jones, LOTR, and the Matrix all hold equal places in my eyes.
I voted Star Wars, but only the originals. My second pick is LotR but I was raised on jedi's and as close a second it is I just love Star Wars too much.
SW by far and away, imo.

LotR: second.. and it started as strong, but kinda dwindled towards the end.. a bit of the victim of it's own source material (tolkien can create a fine fantasy world, but he's not the greatest writer, tbh). the final installment was directed like a 3-hour climax, just not great film-making, imo.

Matrix: sunk by the torpid second movie.. full of laughable pseudophilosophy and unchecked wochowskiness. surprisingly, the third was better, but the trilogy is hindered by it's "star" for one, and too much black pleather.

Terminator: um, i mean the first two were cool, but the last was awful (kinda funny, but bad nonetheless). the original isn't even that good except as a setup for the second, imo.

Dead: haven't seen 'em all.

JC's apoc: haven't seen all.

Indy: very entertaining, but not of the same calibur as SW or LotR. sequels can't live up to the orginal (unlike SW).

JP: umm.. why is this even on here? i mean seriously..

BttF: like Indy, very entertaining, and i'd probably put this as third. for me, a comedy just can't compete with action/dramas though.

Ring: haven't seen them all.

.. where is aliens? if you disregard the 2 latest SW movies, then we can certainly disregard the jeunet & caro 4th aliens movie. the original trilogy (on the merits of the first two) is definitely as good as Terminator (at least). this or BttF would be my third.

*Gag* Why in the name of all loving god is Jurassic Park in there, MAN. No way dose that belong up there with LOTR and The Matrix, I think I dryheaved for 2 hours when I saw that, only to cough up jurassic parks only emmy, and the 1 person who voted for it.

Just me, but I think ya lost it Comrade, ill give you the assumption that that was a miss type...
Ohh and btw out of 289 veiws only 50 people could cast a vote... just GAH!
Scorp_Ice183 said:
Just me, but I think ya lost it Comrade, ill give you the assumption that that was a miss type...
we call him "badger".. but yeah, how the heck did JP get on there.. seriously.. it must be a jest..
I was a big fan of Matrix 1,2,3 but now I m just a fan. :|

My vote go for Lord Of The Rings