
Well, which one do you prefer?

  • Star Wars

    Votes: 17 21.0%
  • Lord of the Rings

    Votes: 38 46.9%
  • The Matrix

    Votes: 9 11.1%
  • Terminator

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Dead Trilogy (Night, Dawn, Day)

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • John Carpenters Apocalypse Trilogy (The Thing, Prince of Darkness, In the Mouth of Madness)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Indiana Jones

    Votes: 7 8.6%
  • Jurrasic Park

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Back to the Future

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • Ring trilogy :E (Japanese version)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 2.5%

  • Total voters
Jurassic Park is the only one with Dinosaurs, so I voted for it.

Nothing has warped my childhood more then seeing the first one when I was seven.
Fenric said:
They'd have no problem doing it either way. They already did it with Bilbo for the segment at the start of Fellowship. So wouldn't struggle to do it again. Failing that, a completely computer generated Bilbo Baggins. People probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference in any way by the time the Hobbit is done.

Well, they didn't actually use WETA to make Ian Holm younger looking.

They just used clips to pull his facial skin back - pulling his cheeks towards his ears. Then the wig covered the clips.

Don't know if that'd work for a whole movie, though.
i grew up watching starwars, they were the only movies i liked for the first 7 years of my life, new ones are Ok at best, and thats because Ep2 didnt have jar jar as a main role. which is a good thing.

my vote: starwars the origional trillogy.

lotr was fantastic, but the nostalga factor got starwars the vote
I voted LotR.
But Badger, how can it be "the Star Wars of our generation" when it's ~40 years older.

I first read LotR when I was 12.
Greatest books ever.

(I hope I haven't started a movie vs. books flamewar now) :)
i voted LOTR but would have added the dead trilogy to the list if i could have voted twice
Vote: LotR

It was a close call between LotR/SW/The Matrix/Indianna Jones, but I seriously can't wait for the box set of LotR to come out. It will be horribly expensive no doubt, but I'll pay nevertheless :)
Just to point out, it's all Fenric's fault :eek:

I only had LotR, SW, Terminator and the Matrix :) annnnyway :E

People call me, badge, badger, cb, comrade... I don't care :)

Annnyway :) I counted complete trilogies.. the second Star Wars episodes aren't finished :)
You Forgot The Godfather Trilogy You Madmen!!!!!11
I think the first Jurassic Park was a great film, even if it just opened peoples eyes to how much special effects can add to a film if used properly. The second was decent, but knowledge of how good the book was kinda ruined some of it for me. The third is only slightly above a straight-to DVD release.
Which is why you dont go to the movies with book people...

BookPerson: "Psssst..."
Me: "What?"
BookPerson: "The Book was much better!"
*Crabbooom, BookPerson lying on the ground*

And i seriously didnt know there was 3 JP's, and SW cannot really be counted as a trillogy, unless you want to count The Classic 3, and the Modern 3 as 2 separate trilogys, and of course then youll have to count the last 3(if they come) as another trilogy, or just one big 9some...
MY GOD! He Forgot the Austin Powers Trilogy!

I must assume this was a simple misstake Comerade! :sniper:
LOTR for me too, but before it came out, def Star Wars.
I'm going to wait until HL3 to answer this one. :p
Start wars is not a trilogy, it's a sixtology or whatever the hell the word in english is. It is very good, but written in a very open ended way so people can make sagas endlessly.

LOTR (my favourite) has been a story with a beginning and an end for more than 40 years now. Both are fantasy stories in humongous worlds that have inspired a lot of people to make movies or games.

So to answer the question, the true trilogy is LOTR imho. This is the first movie actually worth watching after reading the book.
Ahem... you forgot the newest installment of another great film of our time... HARRY POTTER!!! ok.. just messin.

I voted LOTR, followed by the old Star Wars (4,5,6).

I don't see why JP is up there either. The first was cool. The second was pretty lame...and the third was good enough for me to watch the trailer and know it was bad.

Matrix could've been better...but I still thought it was good.

Indiana Jones was awesome. Great adventure/comedy movies. Spawned the phrase used in Dogma, "No ticket" :)

Back to the Future is always fun to watch. I liked all of them, but I think the third slipped a little from the other two.

The Terminator series is ok. I don't get exactly how it works...John Connor send his dad back in time to have sex with his mom (thus concieving him) and to protect her....wait..

The first was ok. The special effects are just funny to watch in that one. The second is my favorite by far. The only thing cool about the third were the special effects and a couple scenes. favorite thing about the third was how they wrapped it up. It explains how the machines took over and he ended up being leader. That's one thing I had been wondering the entire does this little shit get to be the leader in the resistance in the machine wars...?
Star Wars IS NOT a 6 movie trilogy!
There is two. A prequel trilogy and the original trilogy.

Origina SW trilogy>LOTR
Prequel trilogy<LOTR
I cant believe how much people are complaining about Star Wars not being a trilogy. Come on, isnt it obvious this thread is about classics ? of course the first 3 star wars is a trilogy of its own. And LOTR is not a trilogy. Its one story divided in three tomes. JRR Tolkien always said he did not want it to be called a trilogy.

But anyways, who cares? this poll is obviously about the best movie series. it should not be too hard to understand.

I had trouble deciding between Star Wars and LOTR, but ultimatly Star Wars won my vote.
John Carpenters Apocalypse Trilogy (The Thing, Prince of Darkness, In the Mouth of Madness)


Nah, I'll just go with The Lord of The Rings!!!!